KNK: Heejun- Cookies With Conversations

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This imagine's dedicated to Heejun's birthday!!! ^^
You were studying for a big test tomorrow and were frantically trying to cram all of the information into your brain at three in the morning.
You finally throw your pencil down and stretch, then stand up and head downstairs to the dorm's community kitchen. You pad softly down the hall so you don't disturb the other students that are sleeping, before pushing the kitchen door open. You reach up to flick the light on, only to find that the lights are already on and see that another person's bent over a pan of cookie dough.
The boy turns around once he hears you enter and smiles. "Want some?" He holds the pan out to you; a couple pieces of dough missing.
"I would, but don't you want some to bake for cookies?" You ask as you jump onto the marbled counter.
He smiles broadly. "I have another batch in the oven."
Almost on cue, the oven beeps and he quickly slides an oven mitt on. He reaches into the opening and pulls out a steaming pan of golden cookies.
Once he sets the pan on the counter to your left, you move to grab one.
"Hey!" He slaps your hand away with a stern glare. "Let them cool. You'll burn your fingers. Have some cookie dough while we wait."
"Yes, mom," you mutter under your breath.
He ignores your comment and walks to the fridge; opening the door and pulls out a carton of milk, along with two glasses from the cabinet above. "My name's Heejun."
You reply around a bite of the soft dough, "(Y/n)."
"What're you doing up?" He asks curiously while snatching a piece of dough off of the paper and dunking it into his glass of milk.
He scrunches his face up in sympathy. "Sorry I brought it up."
You giggle slightly then glance over at the seemingly cooled off cookies. "Do you think they're cool enough?"
He grabs one off of the pan and splits it in half; taking one side for himself as he hands you the other part. "You tell me."
You take a bite and the chocolate in the cookie instantly melts in your mouth. "This is amazing."
"Of course, I made it," he laughs as he hops onto the counter next to you.
"So," you bump your shoulder against his as you munch on your cookie. "Why are you up?"
"I was hungry." He takes- what has to be- his third cookie and holds it up as proof.
You two fall into a comfortable silence until you say, "Heejun? This could be our Sunday night ritual if we wanted."
Heejun glances over at you with a mock frown. "You're only using me for my cookies."
You grin. "And your company."
His eyes trail to the right side of your mouth and he lightly brushes his thumb across the skin next to your lips.
He suddenly pulls away with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I'm used to doing things like that with my friends."
"Who said we were friends?" You tease.
"You ate my cookies. That's the price," he replies matter-of-factly.
"That's a high price," you comment, causing Heejun to pout. "But not if it's for you."
He jumps off of the counter and offers a hand to you. "You need to study."
"Never mind, I don't like you anymore."
He chuckles, "go on, (Y/n)." He winks playfully at you then gently pushes you out of the kitchen.
*The Next Morning*
You awake to a soft tap on your door and stumble sleepily over to open it.
Instead of finding a person in front of the door, there's a plastic bag with cookies in it.
You crouch down and pick up the bag, smiling slightly as you read the yellow sticky note.
Since I oh-so-rudely shoved you out of the kitchen while you were eating, here are some cookies to make up for it.
Good luck on your test and I'll see you Sunday night/morning!
Heejun ❤️

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