Monsta X: Kihyun- Team Kihyun

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This imagine is dedicated to @nam_seul_yeon. Thank you for requesting! ^^
It's been about three months since you started dating Kihyun, and your relationship has been pretty smooth up until Kihyun introduced you to the rest of Monsta X.
You immediately hit it off with Hyunwoo, who you quickly adopted as your best friend and as a brother-figure.
Because of your swiftly formed friendship, you tended to spend most of your time with Hyunwoo whenever you and Kihyun went to their dorm.
Kihyun didn't seem to mind your friendship with Hyunwoo, in fact he even told you he was happy you were getting along with the other members.
But his attitude towards Hyunwoo changed once you lost your necklace your Umma gave to you when you were younger, and Hyunwoo found it.
"We'll find it soon, I promise." Kihyun whispers in your ear as you curl into his chest, sobbing.
"I c-can't believe I l-lost it!" You cry, clinging onto Kihyun's shirt.
"I know." Kihyun sighs, rubbing your back in an effort to comfort you.
"Seul Yeon!" Hyunwoo bursts through the dorm door, clutching a shining object. "I found it!" He gasps as he holds it up like a prized trophy.
You launch yourself off of the couch and sprint over to where Hyunwoo is.
"You found it." You breathe, grabbing the necklace and inspecting it for any damages. 
"Yeah, I-" Hyunwoo starts to reply but is cut off by you throwing yourself into his arms.
"Kamsahamnida." You mumble, hugging him as tight as you possible can.
After a couple long seconds later, you pull back and lightly kiss his cheek.
Hyunwoo inhales sharply at the unexpected action then immediately turns a light pink.
"Yah!" Kihyun growls from behind you.
You smile at Hyunwoo before you turn around to face Kihyun. "I can't believe he found it." You exclaim happily, before you see Kihyun's broken expression.
"K-Kihyun?" You hesitantly call his name.
Your voice seems to snap him out of his temporary daze and tears start to well up in his eyes. He fiercely blinks them back as he chokes out. "I need some air." He darts out of the room, either in an effort to get away from Hyunwoo, or from you.
"Kihyun!" You shout, sprinting after him.
He heads into his room and collapses onto his bed, his face buried in his pillow.
"This doesn't look like you're getting fresh air." You comment as you walk into the room and shut the door.
Without looking up, he points to the window that's slightly propped open.
"Jinjja?" You sigh as you sit by Kihyun's feet on the bed.
"Seul Yeon? Can I ask you a question? Please answer honestly." He asks, rolling on his side so he's facing the wall. Instead of waiting for you to agree, he continues, "do you like Hyunwoo?"
"M-mwo?" You sputter. "As in 'I want him to be my boyfriend'?! Ani!" You exclaim so loudly, you expect one of the boy's to peek in and ask why you're yelling.
"Why don't you like him?" He inquires.
"What do you mean?! You're my boyfriend! I'm in love with you! Not him!"
He stays silent.
You blink back tears after a minute of silence. "D-do you like someone else?" You whisper, not wanting to voice this thought.
"Ani!" He sits up abruptly and shoots you a glare with a tightly clenched jaw. "I would never- I love you."
"Th-then, are you jealous?" You ask.
He opens his mouth to reply then suddenly closes it. He thinks for a second then replies carefully, "maybe."
You pick up a nearby pillow and chuck it at him. "You made me think you were cheating on me, when all you were was jealous?!" You screech.
"Yah! Yah!" He tries to block your attacks, and is successful when he manages to grab your arms and pin you to the bed.
"Seul Yeon," He exhales. "Mian, it's just I'm not exactly happy that you kissed Hyunwoo."
You roll your eyes. "Him and me? Seriously? He's like a brother to me, you know that."
"Mian." He replies softly. "Well, at least now I don't have to beat the crap out of him." He jokes, trying to lighten the mood.
You burst out laughing. "Yeah! Because he'd win!"
"Yah!" He whines. " I'm your boyfriend! You should be on my side."
"But I know how to pick my battles. He'd win." You retort, sticking your tongue out in defiance.
"Don't make me tickle you." He warns.
"Ani!" You shriek, immediately curling into a ball underneath him.
He chuckles softly. "I was kidding." He lightly kisses your cheek. "Unless you're still rooting for Hyunwoo."
"I'm Team Kihyun!" You shout, giggling.
He rolls his eyes. "You're so weird, but that's one of the reasons why I love you."

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