SEVENTEEN: Hoshi- Tubing

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This imagine is dedicated to @unicornsfanatic. Thank you for requesting! ^^
"Nik, jebal!" Soonyoung begs, tugging on your arm like a five-year-old. "I want to go tubing! It will be so much fun! Jebal?!"
"Fine." You huff. "But it's so cold." You whine, glancing out the window at the huge piles of snow on the street.
"That's what a jacket's for." He replies, shoving your arms into your jacket.
Somehow he's already ready, dressed in a thick coat, snow pants, snow boots, a hat, and a pair of gloves.
"How..?" You question.
"Just go with it." He replies, shoving a pair of snow pants at you.
You pull them on and stand up just as he jams a hat onto your head.
"Put these on." He commands, handing you a pair of mittens as he slides your feet into a pair of snow boots and laces them up.
You comply with a sigh.
He steps back and gives you a once-over before nodding, approving your outfit.
"Gaja!" He shouts happily, dragging you towards the car.
*At An Adventure Park*
"How did you find this place?" You ask, walking behind Soonyoung as he heads to the front desk.
"Two day passes, please." He slides some money onto the counter before grabbing the passes and hooking one of them to your coat.
He does the same with the other pass.
"Come on!" He grins. "Let's get the tubes."
You walk over to the other desk with has a big sign labeled, "Tube Rentals."
He grabs two tubes and carries them over to where you are. "Here." He sets one of them in your arms. "The tubing section is over there." He nods at a huge section of snow groomed as people zoom down the hill, only stopped by a huge snowpile at the bottom of the hill.
"That looks like fun." You admit as he leads you over to where the tube pull is.
"Sit down in the tube and the guy over there will hook the tube to the rope so it pulls you up the hill." He instructs while sitting in his tube, resting comfortably in the spot behind you.
"Okay." You mumble, following his instructions.
Once it's your turn, you get hooked on and are pulled up the hill until you reach the top.
"Let's race." Soonyoung states as he grins, sitting next to you in his tube.
"Okay." You smile.
"Loser pays for lunch." He decides, scooting his tube until he's teetering over the edge.
You do the same and he smile broadly before yelling. "Go!"
You push off and immediately go flying down the hill at top speed. The wind whips your hair but you don't let go of the tube for fear it would continue on without you.
You reach the bottom ahead of Soonyoung and he yells. "Nik! Put your feet down! You need to slow down!"
His warning came to late. You plow right into the huge snowdrift.
"Are you okay?" He asks once he's stopped and is now staring at you, half buried in the snow.
You spit out a mouthful of snow. "Telling me how to stop would probably be more helpful before I'm more than halfway down the hill." You huff.
"But you had fun, right?" He asks, studying you closely.
You nod and can't suppress a smile. "That was a lot of fun."
"Let's go again!" He shouts, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the snow drift.
You wrap your arms around his neck as he lifts you up.
After he sets you down, he kisses both of your cheeks. "You're cold." He murmurs, placing his warm hand on your ice cold cheeks.
"Yeah." You shiver, curling closer to him.
"Let's get hot chocolate after this run, okay?"
You smile up at him. "Okay. But first..." You grab a handful of snow from the pile behind you and shove it down his coat.
You laugh loudly and dart out of his reach as he gasps. "That's what you get for not telling me how to stop!" You shout, running towards the tube pull with your tube dragging behind you.

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