Vixx: Leo- Unnoticed

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You're sitting in last period, History. You're bent over a book, not even listening to the teacher. The bell rings, but you don't notice until the people around you stand up. You grab your backpack and book before walking out of the classroom. The classroom slowly empties as kids leave. You patently wait your turn. Once there's an opening you walk though, only to get stuck. You look up at the other person wedged in the doorway with you. He's a tall guy with light brown hair and mesmerizing eyes which are behind thick, black-rimmed glasses. He blushes and backs up, not meeting your eyes. You turn bright red and hurry out of the classroom.
Is he new? You ask yourself, once you're in the hallway. The left side of your body that was pressed up against him was tingling.
You grab your phone from your pocket and text (Y/b/f/n).
Hey, so do you know a guy in my last period History class? He has light brown hair and big black glasses. He seems like a big nerd. Either he's new or I just forgot his name.
Not even a minute later, your phone chimes.
Light brown hair and glasses, and seems like a nerd? Isn't that Leo? You know, the guy we've been in school with since middle school?
Gomawo, (Y/b/f/n). Ttyl.
You put your phone away and head out of the school.
How could I forget Leo? You ask yourself. He was the nerdy kid that always got picked on in middle school. You remember standing up for him after he was being beat up.
You reach your house and unlock your door, wondering why you were thinking about him so much.
*The Next Day/ His Pov*
I reach the school gates and notice (Y/n) talking to Chanyeol. I clench my jaw. He's the complete opposite of me. He's happy, and outgoing, unlike me. Who likes to keep to myself and just wants to read.
He laughs and grins, making her blush.
I clench my fist, trying to resist the temptation to go over there and break his nose.
He reaches over and gently brushes away a stray hair that fell in front of her face.
I feel imaginary steam come out of my ears. I stalk over to where they are and grab (Y/n)'s hand, dragging her behind me towards the garden. She stumbles along until we reach the fountain and she rips her hand from mine.
*Your Pov*
You were talking to Chanyeol then Leo walks over and drags you towards the garden. You manage to pry your hand from his when you reach the fountain.
"I was trying to have a conversation!" You yell angrily as you glare at him.
He starts to retort something, then falters.
"It better be important, Leo!" You state.
His mouth drops open and he whispers. "You remember me?"
"Of course I do!" You reply exasperated.
He pauses, looking unsure about what he's going to say next. "I-I don't think you belong with Chanyeol." He states flatly.
"Mwo?!" You jerk back, like you've been slapped. "I barely know you! You can't tell me who I should and shouldn't date!" You shout.
Before he could reply, you turn on your heel and stalk towards the exit.
"(Y/n), wait! I didn't mean it like that!" He yells. He sprints after you and grabs your wrist. You try to wrench your arm away, only to find that he has a grip of steel.
"Let go of me, Leo!" You hiss.
"Aniyo. You're too good for him. He doesn't deserve you." He says, desperation written all over his face.
"I'll decide that!" You snarl. "Besides, why do you care?!"
He freezes, looking like a deer trapped in the headlights.
"I-I-" He stutters, then abruptly lets go of you.
His face gives away no emotion.
Rubbing your wrist, you turn away, huffing.
What the hell is the matter with him?!
*His Pov*
"Besides, why do you care?!" She snarls.
I freeze, my mouth's frozen shut. I feel my heart beating wildly.
This is your chance! An inner voice screams at me.
"I-I-" I stutter, then feel all of my confidence drain out of me. I let go of her wrist and she gives me a glare, before turning and walking out of the garden.
Tears cloud my vision and I collapse on a nearby bench.
You're so stupid! The inner voice shouts at me angrily.
Shut up. I reply.
*The Next Day*
I walk through the front doors of the school and see Chanyeol pinning (Y/n) to the lockers. He smiles down and her and she grins, her eyes sparkling. He leans down and gently kisses her.
I choke, feeling bile rise in my throat. I sprint out of the doors and into the garden. I plop down on the bench I sat on yesterday and bury my face in my hands. All of my limbs feel like lead weights. I sob harshly, unlike I ever have before.
I take a deep breath before screaming out of anger to the empty garden. "WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE HIM?!"
*Your Pov*
Chanyeol pins you to the locker and you giggle softly. His face turns serious as he leans down to kiss you. Your lips touch. You hear someone sob and open your eyes to see Leo standing in the middle of the hallway with a horrified expression on his face. He turns and sprints out of the school, heading in the direction of the garden.
Suddenly, kissing Chanyeol felt wrong, extremely wrong. You push him away and shake your head.
"Chanyeol, mianhae. But this isn't right." You apologize.
Before he could reply, you're shoving past him and sprinting after Leo. You reach the garden to see Leo fall onto the bench and bury his face in his hands.
You take a couple hesitant steps forward, then he lifts his head up and screams. "WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE HIM?!"
You jump behind a hedge, surprised by his outburst. After recovering from your mini heart attack, you slowly creep towards Leo.
"Leo?" You ask, softly.
His head whips up and he sniffles.
"Oh, (Y/n)." He states flatly, wiping the tears from his cheeks.
"Ar-are you ok?" You ask, cautiously taking a seat next to him.
He nods frantically, before scooting as far away from you as possible without falling off of the bench.
"Leo," you pause. "I saw you in the hallway earlier."
His face shows complete panic. "M-mianhae! I didn't mean to interrupt!"
"Leo! Leo! Calm down, you helped me realize something." You say.
He stops hyperventilating and stares at you with a mixture of sadness and curiosity.
"I like you, a lot." You blurt out before you can stop yourself.
His eyes widen and his mouth drops open in shock.
"Y-you like me?!" His voice cracks on the last word.
You blush and shyly nod.
He pauses, then his eyes narrow. "Hajima, it's not funny."
"What's not funny?" You ask, confused.
"You liking me, it's a prank. I know it." He frowns, looking hurt.
"Mwo?! Aniyo! Leo, I really like you!" You protest.
"Give it up, (Y/n)." He says.
You sigh loudly, before leaning over and grabbing the front of his shirt. You close the gap between you two, gently pressing your lips to his. After tensing up, you feel him relax and pull you closer. You break the kiss and smile. "Did that convince you?"
He breathlessly nods before smiling and kissing you again.

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