ASTRO: Eunwoo- Tainted!

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This imagine's dedicated to LuchiaHikaro. Thank you for requesting! ^^
(Y/s/n)- your sister's name
"Hurry up!" Your nine-year-old sister whines as she tugs you up the creaky steps of a little, white house. "I want to see Soobin!"
"I'm coming!" You reply with an annoyed huff.
Your mom was working, so she made you take your sister for a playdate with another girl from (Y/s/n)'s third grade class.
Once you're standing on the porch, (Y/s/n) practically pounds on the front door.
You grab her hand before she could hit the door again, glaring at her disapprovingly.
The door opens and a boy with straight brown hair peeks out, studying you warily, then his gaze falls on (Y/s/n).
"(Y/s/n)!" He exclaims with the charming smile as he opens the door further so you two can squeeze past.
Ever since he opened the door, your eyes have never left him; you're unable to process how handsome he is.
"Dongmin!" (Y/s/n) chirps back, wrapping her arms around the boy named Dongmin.
He ruffles her hair affectionately, still wrapped in the hug. "Who's this?" He asks, motioning to you.
"That's Inni, she's my older sister. You should date and get married so me and Soobin can be sisters!" She squeals excitedly before sprinting up a nearby staircase, presumably going to Soobin's room.
Your face flushes at (Y/s/n)'s innocent statement.
"Pretty name," Dongmin compliments with a lopsided grin, seemingly unaffected by (Y/s/n)'s remark. "I'm Dongmin."
"Dongmin?! Could you make us some snacks?!" An unfamiliar little girl's voice calls down the staircase.
Dongmin sighs heavily, giving you a look that says, "she's always like this." He turns towards the stairs. "Sure!" He shouts before glancing at you. "Do you want to help me make some food? We could snag something for ourselves?"
Your face lights up with a smile. "Sure! I'm hungry."
He walks in the direction of the kitchen, but you see a slight smile form on his face at your announcement.
Once you're in the kitchen, Dongmin gathers four mugs and places them in a line on the counter. "Do you like hot chocolate?" He questions, grabbing the container of the mix and starts doling out helpings of the chocolatey-powder into the empty mugs.
You nod, then Dongmin points behind you. "Can you grab the chips?"
*After You Get The Food*
You carry the bowls and mugs upstairs to your younger siblings.
"Do you want to watch a movie in my room?" Dongmin asks in the hallway, earning a chorus of "oohs" from the girls.
You roll your eyes at their behavior. "Sure, what movie do you want to watch?" You question, balancing the food in your arms while following Dongmin down the hallway.
"Minions," he replies without missing a beat.
*Halfway Through The Movie*
"Inni," Dongmin whispers from the other chair.
"Hm?" You reply, glancing over at him but are only able to see his outline because of the darken room.
"Can I have some of your chips? I ran out," he mumbles as he shifts his chair so his leg's touching yours.
"Ani," you reply curtly then return your focus to the movie.
"Jebal? I'll miss the movie if I leave to get some more!" He whines. "Besides, they're my chips, so you have to share."
You glance at him. "You gave them to me, they're mine now."
"Share!" He shouts, lunging towards you with his right hand outstretched for the bowl.
Your chair topples backwards, the chips flying out of the bowl as Dongmin lands on top of you; knocking all of the air out of your lungs.
The light from the TV is bright enough for you to see him staring at your mouth. You subconsciously lick your lips, just as his head starts to slowly lean down.
Suddenly, Dongmin's bedroom door bursts open; casting light into the room and (Y/s/n) shrieks. "Soobin! I told you!" She darts away from the doorway and you hear her sprint down the hallway to the safety of Soobin's room.
Dongmin doesn't get off of you, instead he continues to stare at you; a smirk on his face. "I'm still going to kiss you."
He follows through with his statement, only stopping a few minutes later when two piercing screams ring out from the hallway.
"My innocent eyes! I'm tainted! Tainted!" (Y/s/n) wails dramatically.
Both you and Dongmin burst out laughing, then mockingly yell in unison, "tainted!"
A/n: As for the Minions reference. I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. XD

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