SEVENTEEN: Vernon- Who's Your Bias?

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You pull your coat tighter around your body as the rain steadily falls around you.
Why didn't I bring a umbrella?! You think, but you're not that upset. You love the rain and nothing could ruin your mood, because you just got one of the first CD's with Seventeen's debut album, 17 CARAT.
You smile, thinking of getting home and curling up on the couch with a steaming mug of hot chocolate and listening to the tracks.
As your lost in your thoughts, someone runs into you, knocking you off balance and making you fall into the mud. You land on your back, making sure not to crush the CD. You definitely have your priorities straightened out.
"Are you okay?" The man gasps, helping you to your feet and dragging you underneath the safely of his umbrella.
Unfortunately, if two people have to fit under one umbrella, it's going to be a tight fit if someone doesn't want to be soaked.
You're pressed against the stranger's chest, feeling the warmth radiating off of him, while drenching him in the process.
"N-ne." You stutter. "I'm fine." You try to back up, but his arm is wrapped around you, preventing you from leaving. You have no choice but to put your arms around his waist.
"You're freezing." He murmurs, almost to himself. "My name's Hansol, would you like to come back to my dorm with me? I can give you some dry clothes to borrow." The man named Hansol asks.
"Oh, aniyo. It's fine. I'll be okay." You stammer.
He can see that you're nervous and adds. "There are 12 other people there, I'm not going to try anything. Don't worry, I'm not that type of person."
You blush and subconsciously bury your face into his shirt, trying to escape his intense gaze.
He chuckles. "Since you're not replying, I'll take that as a yes." He gently pries your arms off of him and grasps your hand, leading you in the direction of his dorm.
*In The Dorm*
You take off your soaked shoes and push your wet hair out of your eyes... And come face to face with your bias, Vernon of Seventeen. You gasp. "You!"
He starts laughing. "Me?"
"You-you're Vernon!"
"Ne, I am." He grins.
You feel your cheeks start to heat up and you press the CD case closer to your chest.
"You like Seventeen?" He asks, his eyes on the case as he gestures to the CD.
"N-ne." You can tell your entire face is bright red by now.
"Who's your bias?" He asks the question you really didn't want to be asked.
"Uh-uh. Hoshi!" You blurt out, then feel your eyes widen.
His cheerful face droops a little, then immediately goes back into place. "Well he's here, if you'd like to meet him. But now I bet you want to get out of those clothes." He turns around and leads you up a staircase and into his room while you mentally slap yourself.
*After You Change*
You walk out in a pair of Hansol's sweatpants- which were way too big- and one of his hoodies.
I bet I look like I'm fat. You groan internally. And of course my bias is here.
You walk downstairs and go into the living room where Hansol is lying on the couch, flipping through the tv channels. "You look amazing!" Hansol exclaims jokingly.
"Yep, I'm red-carpet material." You pose like a model, making Hansol burst out laughing.
"Who's she?" The rest of Seventeen ask in unison, crowding in the doorway to get a look at you.
You immediately drop your arms and cover your hands with the oversized sleeves, for some reason doing that comforts you.
"She's pretty!" Dino exclaims, grinning. "Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Aniyo." You mutter, shifting uncomfortably.
"Are you a fan?" S.Coups asks.
"Who's your bias?" DK asks.
All their eyes turn to yours expectantly.
"Um, it's... Vernon." You say then turn to Hansol to explain.
"I thought you said your bias was Hoshi?" Hansol asks, clearly confused.
"Jinjja?!" You hear Hoshi yell.
"Aniyo." You shake your head. "I-I panicked."
A wide grin spreads on Hansol's face and he crosses the room in a couple of steps. He gathers you in a bear hug, making you giggle.
"You have no idea how happy that makes me." He murmurs against your temple.
"There are children here!" Dino shrieks, interrupting your moment. He slaps his hands over his eyes and tries to run out the door... Only to run into the wall right next to the door.
Woozi bursts out laughing and Dino bursts into tears. "Noona!" He cries.
You and Hansol share a look before you walk over to tend to the crying Dino.

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