SEVENTEEN: The8- Gate 37

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This imagine's dedicated to @jacceysss. Thank you for requesting! ^^
*His Pov*
"I have to go back home. I'm sorry, Minghao."
My back is turned away from her when I hear the news. Even though it's childish- I refuse to face her. "How long?" My tone is harsh and I know I'm hurting her, but I don't apologize or turn around.
"I don't know, a long time," (Y/n) exhales.
When it's clear that I'm not going to say anything else, she slowly turns around and begins to walk away.
"Oh." She stops suddenly when she realizes something, just as I'm about to glance over my shoulder. "I leave tomorrow at 6. I thought you should know."
I hear quick, light footsteps as she retreats from my room. I watch her disappear around the corner, feeling upset and angry because she's leaving me only after a few months since she came to Seoul.
*5 o' Clock The Next Day/ Your Pov*
"Is he not going to come?" You mutter while you pace between the rows of plastic airport chairs.
Jeonghan steps in your path, laying a hand on your shoulder as he smiles comfortingly. "He'll come around, you know he can be stubborn sometimes."
You nod, afraid that you might start crying if you try to talk about him anymore.
It's going to be the last time we see each other in person for a while, is he really going to skip sending me off because he's mad?
*His Pov*
"C'mon, Minghao," Seungcheol sighs.
He was the only member that wanted to stay behind with me, to try and convince me to change my mind.
You know that she wants you to be there. I mean, all of your friends are there to say goodbye, except the person who matters the most to her. You're her boyfriend, you should be first in line. Now, are you going to sit on the couch and mope like a bratty child? Or are you going to send (Y/n) off?"
My anger quickly fades once I realize the big mistake I made. "I'm a complete idiot," I mumble. "What time is it?" My head instinctively turns towards the clock placed above the doorway leading to the kitchen.
I have 30 minutes.
Seungcheol pushes me out the door and pokes his head out as I sprint down the sidewalk. "You can make it! Her flight's at Gate 37!"
*Your Pov*
He's not coming." You slump in the uncomfortable plastic chair next to Jisoo and rest your head on his shoulder.
He gently knocks your head with his; causing you to look up at him.
"We still have ten minutes, he'll be here."
Right after Jisoo's confident statement, a woman announces into a microphone, "passengers of Gate 37, please prepare to board the plane."
You reluctantly stand up and grab your carry-on bag, staring at the zipper because you don't want Jisoo to see the tears pooling in the corners of your eyes.
"I'm truly sorry, (Y/n)." Jisoo grabs your limp hand and brings it up to his mouth; softly kissing the back of it. "Have a safe flight and make sure to call often."
After saying your goodbyes to the members of SEVENTEEN that actually showed up, you head towards the woman scanning the tickets, hopefully glancing around for Minghao.
"Enjoy your flight!" The woman exclaims cheerfully once the machine beeps as it recognizes you as a passenger.
You nod slightly in response, unable to muster up a heartfelt smile. You briefly turn around to wave at most of SEVENTEEN, then follow a line of people to board the plane.
*His Pov*
"Where is she?" I pant, frantically trying to spot her in the crowd of people gathered in front of gate 37.
Junhui suddenly appears in front of me with a frown. "Minghao, she's-"
"Right here," (Y/n) finishes happily, dropping her carry-on on a nearby chair.
Without hesitating, I launch myself at (Y/n), wrapping her in my arms and bury my face in the crook of her neck.
"You came."
I chuckle-mostly out of relief that she's still with me. "Of course... But, why aren't you on the plane?"
She pulls away to kiss my cheek. "I can always wait until you get a break, then we can go together."

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