Up10tion: Sunyeol- Worst Vacation Ever

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(Y/f/c)- Your favorite color
You and Sunyeol finally managed to go on a trip to New York. You've been wanting to go for a long time, but Sunyeol had a hard time getting vacation time.
Eventually Sunyeol got some free time and surprised you with tickets to New York.
You were just getting off of the plane and went to get your luggage.
You watched the long line of luggage go around on the track, searching for (y/f/c) luggage.
"I don't see it." You say, nervousness creeping into your voice.
"There's a lot of people, we'll find ours eventually." Sunyeol reassures, patting your hand lovingly while flashing you a smile.
*20 Minutes Later*
After almost everybody left, you still couldn't find your luggage and Sunyeol went to talk to somebody.
A few minutes later Sunyeol comes back a worried expression on his face.
"What's the matter?" You ask, the uneasy feeling in your stomach returning.
"They-" he sighs, "they lost our luggage."
"Mwo?!" You gasp. "My laptop's in there along with all of my clothes!"
"I know." He exhales, running a hand through his hair.
"Sunyeol! What are we going to do!" You exclaim.
"(Y/n), it's okay. You wanted to go clothes shopping here, you're just going to have to get more clothes than planned." He states calmly.
"But my laptop." You frown.
"We'll replace it." He replies.
"Come on, let's go check into our hotel." He grabs your and hand pulls you through the crowd, heading for the front doors.
*45 Minutes Later*
"What do you mean you don't know what happened to our reservations?!" Sunyeol exclaims loudly, drawing attention of everyone in the lobby.
"I'm sorry sir, but-"
"I booked this room 3 months ago!"
"I know sir, but other people offered us more money." The man states calmly, his facial expression not showing that he's upset at getting yelled at.
"I called and made sure I had the room 2 days ago!" Sunyeol argues.
"Sir, this hotel is for paying residents only. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." He announces.
"I'm not leaving." Sunyeol states firmly. "I paid for the room, I'm getting it."
The man sighs before reaching over and picking up a phone. "I need security down in the lobby."
*10 Minutes Later*
"I can't believe you got us thrown out." You sigh, glancing over at him.
He shoves his hands in his pockets and stares at the cracked concrete as you walk. "He made me mad."
You walk in silence for a couple minutes, then someone shoves into Sunyeol.
"Watch it!" Sunyeol barks, already in a bad mood.
The man doesn't turn around to acknowledge him, instead he hurries away at a fast walk.
"I'm getting tired, can we get a cab?" You ask.
"Let me see how much money we have." Sunyeol replies, digging in his back pocket for his wallet. "Uh, we have a slight problem."
Your eyes widen. "Please tell me you still have your wallet."
His eyes lock with yours and he slowly shakes his head.
"Sunyeol!" You shout.
"I swear I had it with me! I had it at the hotel!.. Wait," he breaths. "That guy." He looks in the direction of the man that bumped into him went.
"Sunyeol!" You groan. "We've only been in New York an hour and a half and you've already been pickpocketed!"
"He's really good." He pouts.
"Well that's a relief, we wouldn't want him to get caught or anything." You retort, but your remark has no sting to it. You just wanted to have a fun vacation with your boyfriend but it's going horribly wrong within the first two hours of landing.
Sunyeol starts to retaliate with a remark of his own but stops when he sees you're upset. "Mianhae, (Y/n)." He exhales. "This is probably the worst trip ever."
You turn to him and notice that he's upset with himself. "It's okay." You attempt to smile. "Things could be worse."
He nods. "You're right."
Then you hear a loud clap of thunder and almost immediately it starts pouring rain.
He grabs your hand and pulls you underneath an awning of a nearby café. "Okay. This is officially the worse trip ever." He states as you two state at the heavy sheets of rain.
"Um, hello?" An older lady asks, standing in the café's doorway.
"H-hi," you shutter as the chill from the rain seeps into your bones.
She immediately notices you shivering and props the door open wider, the smell of coffee wafting out the door.
Your mouth immediately starts watering. "Sorry if we're blocking business, we're just trying to get out of the rain."
She chuckles. "Come in, I'll get you some coffee."
"Uh... We don't have any money." You confess.
"It's on me." She replies with a motherly smile. "Come in, you'll catch a cold."
You grab Sunyeol's hand and pull him into the warm café. The coffee smell is definitely stronger inside with a light scent of baked goods.
She leads you to a booth and you sit down. "I'm Mrs. Ables, but you can call me Harriet. I'll be right back." She smiles and bounces away, her short, gray hair bobbing in time to her steps.
*10 Minutes Later*
You're wearing new, warm clothes that are slightly too big, curtesy of Harriet. You're looking outside at the heavy rain with a hot mug of coffee warming your hands.
Sunyeol lightly taps his foot on your leg, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Things are looking up." He grins.
You nod, returning the smile. "They are."
"We just need to find a place to stay, and there's the money problem." Sunyeol sighs, bring you back the the real problem.
"You need money and a place to stay?" Harriet asks, appearing with a plate of warm muffins.
"Uh, yeah." You reply.
"Well I have just the place for you... And I also have a way to get you money." Harriet beams, setting the plate down.
That's how you ended up working around the café serving customers and making lattes in exchange for food, money and a place to stay for the remainder of the trip.
I'm really sorry, I had absolutely no clue how to end it.

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