DAY6: Young K - Adam Clayton

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A/n: I will not be making a part three for V's imagine, KY. Since it's in your pov, you have to decide if you want to forgive him.
This imagine is dedicated to rayrizzle96. Thank you for requesting! ^^
You were sitting in the recording studio, watching Younghyun practice DAY6 songs on his bass.
"Do you want me to teach you?" He asks, chuckling slightly at your focused expression as you watch him play.
You giggle shyly once he notices you watching him, "would you?"
"Of course!" He exclaims, standing up and and walking behind your chair. He sets the bass on your lap and moves your arms so they're positioned correctly. He places your hands on the strings and shows you how to hold the pick with your right hand.
"Strum like this." He mumbles in your ear, trying to fluidly move your pick down across the strings.
The bass makes a horrible, off-tune noise, making you both wince.
Younghyun bursts out laughing and kisses your cheek. "That was amazing," he jokes.
You decided to play along. "It was, I think I should join a band." You look over your shoulder at him, grinning.
He rolls his eyes and ruffles your hair, making you frown and try to flatten it back down. "Okay, sweetheart. But you should probably practice some more. I'm not sure that they'll cast you if you can only play one chord." He moves your fingers on your left hand to different strings, putting more pressure on them then he helps you strum again.
A nice, clean sound reverberates from the bass and you beam widely while looking up at Younghyun, expecting him to praise you.
He lightly pecks your lips. "Good job. You'll be picking it up in no time."
"She's smart." Jaehyung comments from the doorway.
You look over at him and he winks.
"If she turns out to be a better bassist  than you, you're getting replaced." Jaehyung states matter-of-factly as he grins at you.
"Yah!" Younghyun shouts, throwing the pick at him. "Go away!"
Jaehyung smirks before closing the door behind him as he leaves.
Younghyun huffs and you turn to look at him. "Are you mad?" You ask as you reach up and bring his face down so you can kiss him.
He pulls back and smiles, "ani, keep practicing next Adam Clayton."
"Excuse you," you huff angrily. "I'm a girl."
"You know what I meant." He retorts as he positions your fingers on the next chord. "And besides," he whispers in your ear. "You're much prettier than he is."
You laugh, "can you stop comparing me to a guy?"
"I'm done." He states, motioning for you to strum.
A nice, non-horrible sound comes from the bass and Younghyun comments, " you're good, keep working on it and you might just end up at one of our practices." He turns your head slightly so he can kiss the tip of your nose.

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