Super Junior: Kyunhyun- Only One Game

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"Jagiyaaaaa." You hear your boyfriend, Kyuhyun whine.
"Mwo?!" You reply, trying to watch the Doctor Who marathon that was on.
"I'm boreddddd." He complains, tugging on your blanket like a little kid.
"Kyuhyun, why don't you go play some video games?" You suggest.
He grins and runs out of the room.
Finally, some peace.
You're just getting settled, when Kyuhyun runs back into the room wearing a blanket as a cape.
You pause the screen and turn back to him. "Kyuhyun, what do you want?! I'm trying to watch something!" You grumble.
He says, while pouting, "I wanted you to come play with me!" He pauses, then begs, "Jebal?! Just one game!"
You look longingly at the 10th Doctor, then sigh. "Fine! But just one game."
"Yay!" He yells, running around the room, with the blanket trailing behind him.
*After He Gets The Game Set Up*
"What are we playing?" You ask curiously.
He doesn't reply, he just shoves a steering wheel type thing into your hands.
You soon find out what you're playing, when he opens the game and the title, Mario Cart Wii, flashes on the screen.
"Mario Cart?" You ask, looking at him.
He grins, "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you."
You scoff, Yeah, right.
Unfortunately for him, Kyuhyun doesn't know how competitive you are.
He starts the race, and it's Rainbow Road. You manage to pull ahead and stay in first place until the middle of the second race. Kyuhyun hits you with a green shell and cackles evilly as he pulls into first.
"Winner!" The tv announces, after Kyuhyuns character crosses the finish line.
He turns towards you and grins, "Okay, you don't have to play anymore."
You clutch the steering wheel even tighter and say through gritted teeth. "Start the next race."
"Okay, whatever you say." He replies, starting the race.
You two play Mario Cart for the rest of the day, him beating you every time.
After the 50th time you lost, you threw the steering wheel, nearly missing Donghae, who was walking in the doorway. "Agh! Why do I keep losing?!" You yell.
"Because Kyuhyun spends all of his free time playing video games," Donghae says. "I would give up, nobody can beat the Master."
Finally after being beaten about 96 times, you reach over and pull the power cord.
"Ya! What did you do that for?!" Kyuhyun yells, turning to face you. "That would've been my 96th win!"
"You were keeping track?!" You scream back.
He doesn't reply.
You stalk out of the room, and plop down on the couch and start your marathon again. He leaves you alone for about an hour, then comes in to see the blanket wrapped around you with a bowl of popcorn on your lap.
"Jagiyaaaaa." He whines, tugging on the blanket.
"Aniyo. Leave me alone, I'm still mad at you." You reply, not taking your eyes off the screen.
He pouts, then grabs the edge of the blanket and crawls under. He's sitting with you in his lap, and the blanket is wrapped around both of you. "Kyuhyun! I'm trying to watch this!" You whine, squirming in his lap.
He puts his arms around you and puts his mouth next to your ear. "Are you still mad at me?" He asks.
"Ne! Now let me go!" You say, trying to pry his arms off of you.
"Aniyo," He replies, crushing you even tighter against his chest. "Not until you forgive me."
"Okay, fine! I forgive you! Now let me go!" You yell, turning to glare at him.
"Aniyo." He replies, grinning.
"I give up!" You say, as you slump against his chest.
You feel him smile, since his mouth is resting on your head. He kisses your temple, "Saranghae."
You ignore him and turn back to the 10th Doctor.
"I said, saranghae!" He says, louder this time.
You continue to ignore him.
"SARANGHAE!" He screams in your ear.
"Ahh! My ears!" You shriek, as you cup your now deaf, left ear.
"Mianhae," He mumbles. "But I really do."
You sigh as you look at his guilty face. "Saranghae."
He smiles, "how about another game of Mario Cart?"

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