ASTRO: JinJin- New Years Eve

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Happy New Year, everybody!!!!! ^^
You showed up at a New Years Eve party your friend was throwing and after wandering around for a half and hour looking for your friend, you give up. 
You collapse on a nearby couch and close your eyes, trying to block out the loud noise and laughter from the people around you.
You glance at a nearby clock and groan, it's only 11.
You didn't want to leave before midnight because that was the whole point of the party but as a result of how loud everybody is, you're starting to get a headache.
You can't take the noise anymore and clamber off of the couch, pushing through the crowd of people until you find one of the empty bedrooms.
You topple onto the bed, sighing with relief now that the sounds of the party are muffled.
You close your eyes and get comfortable, you have an hour until you can leave and it's not like you're going to kiss anybody at midnight, you don't even know anybody there except for the friend that invited you.
You manage to rest for a little while then freeze when you feel the other end of the bed dip as somebody crawls into it.
He sighs deeply as he rolls over so his face is buried in the pillow next to your.
"Um, anyoung?" You squeak quietly, not daring to move a muscle but keeping your eyes open so you can study the stranger.
"Huh?" The man replies. "Who's there?"
"I'm (Y/n), and I was here first. So, get out." You state flatly as your headache start to form again.
"Can't we share?" He whines. "All of the other rooms are full."
"Fine." You mutter, "but stay on your side of the bed."
"Okay... I'm Jinwoo by the way." He yawns, the bed creaking as he stretches out.
"I would say nice to meet you, but you interrupted my nap." You reply curtly, curling on your side as you close your eyes again.
You manage to fall asleep again, your nap not interrupted by Jinwoo's presence.
You abruptly awakened by rowdy horns and people shouting as the clock counts down for the new year.
"Jinwoo!" You hiss, "wake up! It's almost midnight!"
"Huh?" He mumbles then suddenly sits up as he registers your words.
Everybody screams as the countdown starts at ten. "Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five!"
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Jinwoo asks, shifting in the bed so you're sitting right next to each other.
"Ani." You murmur, staring at his shadowed figure, the only distinguishable thing about him is his blond hair.
"Good." You can hear the smile in his voice as he leans towards you just as the countdown hits zero.
"Happy New Year!" Everybody shouts.
"Happy New Year." Jinwoo whispers before he closes the distance between the two of you.
You kiss each other until the already muffled sounds of the party fade away completely.
He pulls backs reluctantly while reaching past you to turn the bedroom light back on.
You both grin broadly when you can finally see each other clearly, instead of your outlines.
His long blond hair flops into his eyes as he shyly smiles while looking down at the comforter.
The first thought that pops into your head is that he reminds you of a puppy, a very cute puppy.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks abruptly, glancing up at you with a nervous and hopeful smile.
You laugh slightly. "I'd love to. I mean, we've already slept with each other." You joke.
His eyes widen but he laughs. "You're funny."
"I know." You reply with a teasing smile. "Happy New Year."
He leans in but pauses right before your lips touch. "That happened a couple minutes ago."
"Just kiss me!" You exclaim, grabbing his chin and pulling him closer so you can kiss him.

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