BTS: Suga/ Jin- The Friend

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This imagine's dedicated to @Fallax853. Thank you for requesting! ^^
(Y/b/f)- Your best friend
"Who are you texting?!" You exclaim, sneaking up on a boy with greyish– blue hair, the remains of his once bright green hair.
Yoongi whips around; looking surprised to see you then hides his phone, smiling sheepishly.
"(Y/b/f)." He flushes, trying –and failing– not to grin.
Your breath hitches as you try and fight back the sudden pain. You smile and tease, "just ask her out, we're all waiting."
"Who's we?" He retorts. "You and your boyfriend?"
You roll your eyes. "Jin's just a friend," you state even as your tone softens when his sweet, smiling face pops into your mind.
"Gossiping about me?" Jin's light voice chuckles from behind you. He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you into a side hug- something he does often.
You notice a flicker of anger appear on Yoongi's face, quickly disappearing almost as soon as it appears. He starts to comment something then the school's first bell rings, cutting him off.
"Let's go, Lexi." Jin says, promptly grabbing your arm and pulling you towards the front doors.
"Lexi!" Yoongi shouts, yelling to be heard above the mass of students' chattering. "I need to talk to you!"
You grasp Jin's hand, gently coaxing him to release your arm. "I'll see you later." You turn away, pushing your way back through the crowd of people towards Yoongi, but not before getting a glimpse of Jin's annoyed and disappointed expression.
You elbow your way through the clusters of students, ignoring that glares you earn from passing pupils. "What is it?" You ask curiously once you were standing in front of him.
Yoongi stares at you with a guarded look then blurts out, "skip school with me."
"Jebal?" He pleads, his dark eyes searching yours hopefully for a positive answer.
"You won't get to see (Y/b/f)," you remind, another pang going through your chest as a glimmer of regret flashes on his face.
"skip school with me, he repeats firmly, his voice loud against the now-empty courtyard. He stretches his hand out, his palm upwards like he's asking you to dance.
You hesitantly place your hand and his and the small feeling of doubt that you had, fizzles out entirely as his warm, comforting hand envelops yours.
*20 Minutes Later*
"We skip school to go to an arcade?" You raise your eyebrows at him and he shrugs in return.
His eyes light up once he spots the basketball arcade game. He turns to you, eyes widen and a huge smile on his face. "One game?"
*4 Hours and Many Games Later*
"Let's take some pictures," you suggest, motioning to the brightly-lit photo booth in the corner of the crowded arcade.
"Okay." He clambers into the booth and you squeeze in on the small bench, basically pressed up against Yoongi. "Hurry," he mumbles, his face smashed against the wall of the photo booth.
Once you're in the somewhat-comfortable position, you press a button and a timer appears on the screen; counting down from three in bright yellow lettering.
After a couple of silly photos, the words "last picture" pop onto the screen.
Yoongi wraps an arm around your shoulder, gently urging you to scoot closer to him.
Your heartbeat was pounding a mile a minute at the close range and your eyes dart from the screen over to him and back again.
"Lexi," he murmurs and you pivot your head towards him.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the countdown hit zero; the same time his lips touch yours. The bright flash follows the picture, yet Yoongi doesn't move until your lips finally return the pressure.
He pulls back from the kiss; blinking rapidly like he's walked out into the sun after being in complete darkness, a tentative smile forming on his face as his cheeks flush a deep red.
A cheerful friend's face appears in your mind. "(Y/b/f)," you state dryly, feeling as though a wad of cotton was stuck in your throat. "We-we need to get back to school," you whisper, climbing out of the booth and briskly walking out of the arcade without looking back at Yoongi.
*At School*
"Where were you?!" Jin demands angrily with a slight hint of worry in his voice, managing to corner you in the garden at lunchtime. "You missed your morning classes. Are you okay? Are you feeling sick?" He frets, placing a cool hand on your forehead.
"I'm fine," you lie, removing his hand.
"You're lying," he notes instantly, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.
At his tone, you pinch you eyes shut; choking back tears as the memory of kissing Yoongi pops into your mind.
"Lexi," he pleads, threading his fingers through yours and coaxing you to lay your head on his chest, drawing you into a hug. "Tell me what's wrong. I can't be happy if you're not."
You sniffle, leaning into his comforting embrace.
"Did somebody hurt you?" He question softly; his hot breath warming your ear as he partially buries his head in the crook of your neck.
A tear leaks out of your closed eyes and you angrily wipe it away than whisper, "Yoongi."
At the mention of his name, Jin's body immediately stiffens; his arms practically crushing you as he pulls you as close as physically possible. "I'll kill him," he growls, a borderline murderous tone in his voice as he tries to hide it, not wanting to scare you. He suddenly pushes you back in crouches down to your eye level. "Lexi," he begins in a gentler voice, his eyes softening as your sad gaze locks with his.
"Yoongi doesn't deserve you. I don't know what he did but I know that I'll never disappoint you like he did," he states confidently, his eyes never leaving you was like he's trying to reassure you of his promise.
"Lexi?" A voice- that nearly shatters your already fragile heart- asks.
You stifle a sob and Jin spits out, "Yoongi. Go away, you've already hurt her enough."
"Jebal, it's about (Y/b/f)-"
"I get it! Okay?!" You whirl around with a piercing gaze, attempting as much as you can to meet his beaten-down expression with an unflinching, harsh glare. "You're in love (Y/b/f)! And that kiss was a mistake!"
Jin gasps at the word "kiss", but you continue without pausing to look at him.
"I have to sit silently on the sidelines so I don't hurt (Y/b/f)! I have to quietly watch you kiss and hold hands with her- everything I wish I could do with you! But what do I know?" You remark bitterly. "I'm just a girl who's hopelessly in love with one of her closest friends. And we all know what happens to the friend in the movies. They get rejected and end up alone."
"Lexi! Ani! It's not like that! Saranghae! Not (Y/b/f)! It's always been you. Always."
Yoongi starts to pace the small, cracked sidewalk, running his hand through his hair in distress.
"You can't say that. You have no right." Jin snaps in a low voice, his eyes locked on Yoongi while his body is completely rigid-like if you weren't there, he would've already hit Yoongi the second he showed up.
Yoongi jerks to a holt and jabs his finger at Jin. "I have every right!" He snarls. "You wouldn't have even met Lexi if it wasn't for me!"
Jin lunges for Yoongi, only to stop when you wrap your arms around Jin's waist.
"Stop, jebal," You beg with watering eyes.
"He-" Jin starts then sighs heavily. "You're my ultimate weakness, Lexi. I–I can't go against your wishes."
You hesitantly let go of Jin, ready to jump in front of Yoongi if Jin decides to break his promise.
"Listen, both of you," you begin, folding your hands in front of your body. "Both of you know that saranghae." You nod towards Yoongi, who begins to reply, but finish. "Jin, I know how you feel about me but I can't date you, mianhae."
Jin closes his eyes, a heartbreaking smile turning his handsome features ugly. He lets out a dark, broken laugh. "It still hurts, hearing you say that as nicely as possible." He shakes his head and turns on his heel in the direction of the school. "I actually thought I had a chance when Yoongi hurt you like that. But what do I know? I'm just the friend." After his statement, he strides away; the weight of his words hanging in the air long after he has disappeared from view.
"Mianhae, I really am. I wanted to tell you how I felt, but you were so forward about me liking (Y/b/f) and how you though we should be together. This morning, I wasn't texting (Y/b/f), I was texting Namjoon. I was asking when I should confess but I was such a coward." Yoongi frowns, obviously angry at himself. "Saranghae. You said that you love me too, but I need to hear it again. It would be too cruel for this just to be a dream." He stares at you, hope lighting his face up; making him look younger than he actually is.
Your mouth quirks into a smile. "You're going to have to earn my love again."
"Will this suffice?" He inquires, pulling you towards him so he can kiss you.
This kiss was different than the one in the photo booth,– that one was driven by impulse, and you both were in shock– it was full of love and reassurance.
You giggle, leaning back. "Nope." You lovingly brush the hair off of his forehead. "I think I might need another kiss, that one wasn't convincing enough."

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