BTS: V- KY (Part One)

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This imagine's dedicated to @lisahanis_kookie1997. Thank you for requesting! ^^
You were cleaning up your shared bedroom, when you find a small black dress, crammed in behind a couple of Taehyung's shoes and shirts.
You pull it out and examine it curiously, it sort of looked like your dress you lost about a year ago...
You check inside, and printed on the tag in neat handwriting is intials, KY.
Your brain immediately connects the pieces and you step back with a gasp, dropping the dress like it was a extremely hot mug.
You bring your trembling hands up to your mouth and cover it, too shocked to even cry.
You stay frozen until a door slams shut and Taehyung's deep voice booms, "I'm home!"
You take a couple of shaky breaths before walking into the hallway to greet Taehyung like you usually do.
"What's wrong?" He asks as soon as he sees your pale face.
You know you should keep quiet about what you just found, but questions and accusations bubble to the surface until you can't take it anymore and burst out, "Who is she?"
"Mwo?" He asks as he tries to hide his shock, you can tell he knows exactly what you're talking about.
"Who. Is. She?" You repeat tightly, before taking a step back into the bedroom and walking out with the dress.
His eyes widen and his mouth drops open slightly.
"Who is she?" You ask, your voice broken and full of hurt. "And don't you dare lie to me."
He studies you for a moment, trying to gauge your feelings before replying, "my-my girlfriend, my other girlfriend."
Your grip tightens on the dress as you start shouting, "you were the one who asked me to move in with you! Why would you do that if you were dating someone else?! Who is she?! And how long have you been seeing her?!"
"Her name is Yuki, and I began seeing her about four months ago." He responds calmly, clasping his hands together to show that he's not threatened by your screaming.
"What are you feelings for her?!" You half sob, half scream.
"I love her."
"A-and me?" Your voice drops to a whisper.
"I tolerate you, mostly because of your cooking." He replies curtly, all of the emotion completely cut out of his voice, like he's talking to a completely stranger that he could care less about.
Your knuckles are gripping the dress so tightly, you can feel the sequined bead digging into your palm. "Screw you." You whisper, putting as much venom as possible behind those two words.
He smirks, "I'm just glad I don't have to deal with you any-"
You slap him, making him rock back onto his heels in order for him to stay on his feet. You throw the dress at him as hard as you can, the sequined part of the dress slapping him in the face, he winces as one of the beads cuts him.
"I hate you." You spit out, "and don't expect me to come crawling back. I deserve more than you, unfortunately for me, it just took me a while to realize it." You push past him and slam the front door.
You're almost to the sidewalk when the door opens again and Taehyung peeks out. You turn around when he calls your name, his expression telling how conflicted he is.
"M-mian." He announces softly before ducking back inside and closing the door behind him.
You wait a few seconds to see if he is going to come out, but he doesn't.
You sit down on the curb and dial (Y/b/f) name.
You sniffle when she answers, "(Y/b/f)? Can-can you pick me up?"

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