DAY6: Junhyuk- Jerk Dates and Awesome Waiters

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(E/r)- Not as in emergency room, as in expensive restaurant.
(Y/f/c)- Your favorite color
(Y/f/f)- Your favorite food
You were on a date with a guy named Austin, who was a incredible jerk who bugged you constantly. You only agreed to one date, on one condition that he would leave you alone afterwards.
You're headed to (E/r), dressed in (Y/f/c) dress and flats with your hair curled in soft waves.
You go inside and are shown a table. Once you reach it he immediately sits down and when you stay standing, he looks up and says. "Mwo?"
You sort of scoff and shake your head. "Nothing." You sit down and look for something to order.
A guy comes and fills your water's up. "May I get you anything?" He asks politely, meeting your eyes.
"Uh, Junhyuk?" You ask, staring at the guy who sits next to you in Math.
He smiles slightly. "Yeah, what would you like?" He asks, pulling out a pen.
"Um, (Y/f/f), please." You close the menu and hand it to him.
"The same." Junhyuk says distractedly, looking over your shoulder.
Once Junhyuk leaves to put the orders in, you shift your head so you meet Austin's gaze.
"Move." He snaps, glaring at you.
"I don't know if you know this, but when you're on a date you're suppose to talk to the other person."  You comment.
"Move." He snarls. "I obviously don't want to talk."
Junhyuk comes back with your orders and starts to lay out the food.
"You're the one who wanted me to go on a date with you." You point out, starting to get angry.
He shoots daggers at you. "Aniyo, I didn't. I was using you." He nods at you, in the direction of the other table by the door.
You look over and see his ex-girlfriend staring at the two of you. You look away, staring at the white table cloth while as your eyes start to fill with tears. You didn't want to go on a date with him, but it still hurt that he was just using you to make his ex jealous.
"You're an asshole." You whisper, trying to hold back tears.
He smirks. "I don't care."
"You're food, sir." Junhyuk says, dumping his plate of (Y/f/f) on his shirt.
Austin gasps. "Do you know what you're just done?! That was brand new!"
Junhyuk gives him a twisted smile. "I know." He grabs you hand and pulls you out of your seat. He starts to pull you in the direction of the kitchen, but  pauses. "Oh wait, I almost forgot..." He strolls back over to the table, where a shocked Austin is sitting. "Silly me, I almost forgot, you'll need some water to wash that down." He grabs both of the glasses and dumps them on Austin's head.
Austin gasps like a fish on dry land. "I'll get you fired!" He sputters.
"Go ahead." Junhyuk smiles thinly before grabbing your hand and pulling you through the kitchen and into the alley behind it.
"He's right." You state glumly. "You'll be fired."
He chuckles. "I didn't like that job anyway."
"(Y/n), seriously, it's fine. He deserved it."
"Well that I can agree with." You reply, smiling slightly.
"Well... Since your date was ruined, would you like to go on a make-up date with me?" He asks.
"Sure." You grin.

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