Got7: JB- Tutor

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"(Y/n)! Come down here! Your lesson starts in half an hour!" Your mom calls from the bottom of the stairs.
You sigh as you shoulder your bag and start down the stairs.
"(Y/n)." You mom says as she sees your expression. "I know you don't want a tutor, but you need one. Jebal, just give him a chance, he's your age. Now get going, you don't want to be late to your first session."
You walk out the door and start to head in the direction of your tutor's house.
*A While Later*
You walk up to the front door and check the address to make sure you have the right house. You readjust your bag on your shoulder as you knock on the door.
I hope this is the right house.
"Just a minute!" You hear someone yell, followed by heavy footsteps. The door opens and a boy around your age is standing there, grinning. "You must be (Y/n)."
"Y-yeah." You reply.
This guy's hot. You think as you follow him into the house.
As you're walking he introduces himself. "I'm JB, I'll be your tutor."
You reach his living room and you get your homework out. As you two work, you catch him staring at you when he thinks your not looking. You stare at him too, but you make sure he's not looking. He has light brown hair and His eyes are stormy grey with black and brown flecks in them.
*After Your Done*
"You did well today, (Y/n)." He says while smiling warmly.
You nod and hesitantly smile back.
He laughs and shakes his head. "You're so shy."
You blush and walk out of his house.
"Wait! (Y/n)! You forgot your-"
You turn around when he calls your name. You see him trip and start to fall. He tackles you to the ground, you landing on your back, him on top of you. Your lips touch and after a couple of seconds, he pulls back.
"Well, that's one way to bring you out of your shell." He pants while smirking.
You blush and try to push him off of you.
"Mwo?" He asks, confused. His expression changes to horror. "Oh God, do you have a boyfriend?!"
In one motion, he's off of you and is pulling you to your feet.
"Mianhae." He frantically repeats over and over.
"JB... JB! It's ok!" You say, trying to calm him down. Finally, you've had enough and grab the front of his shirt. You bring him closer and kiss him softly. "I don't have a boyfriend."
He relaxes and smiles while saying. "Would you like one?"

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