SEVENTEEN: Dino- Your Waltz

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This imagine's dedicated to Chan's birthday!!! (And Valentines Day).
You were at your school's annual Valentines Day dance. You didn't have a date, but you were with your friends.
You were on the dancefloor as a loud pop song blares out of the speakers that were placed on the edge of the dancefloor.
The pop song switches to a slow song and you walk to one of the tables surroundings the mass of dancing people.
You spot your best friend in a group of people and reach for her hand. You pull her with you so you can mock the couples while they dance.
You suddenly stop in the middle of the dance floor when she jerks her hand out of yours.
You turn around to ask her what's the matter, and find a boy who obviously isn't (Y/b/f). "Who are you?" You ask bluntly.
"My name's Chan." He blushes, clearly just as surprised as you were.
You start to reply then a couple bumps into you, pushing you directly into Chan.
His options are: catch you, or be knocked onto the ground with you on top of him. He opens his arms and slightly stumbles back when you make contact with his chest, cushioning you as best as he can.
Your face is smushed against his chest and you stay frozen in that position, completely mortified that you almost tackled a stranger.
He clears his throat and you abruptly straighten, taking a step back while feeling your face burning with embarrassment.
"Mian." You mumble.
Chan smirks, the complete opposite of the shy boy that you were just talking to a few moments earlier. "You can repay me with a dance."
A smile forms on your face as you take his waiting hand.
He expertly leads you, just as the song shifts to a waltz.
One by one, couples stop to stare at you and Chan gliding across the floor.
It's like a scene from a movie, glittering lights and soft music with Chan as the handsome prince who chose you to dance with.
"Chan," you murmur uncomfortably, "everybody's staring."
He chuckles before spinning you, he catches you and whispers, "let them."
The song ends way to soon to your displeasure and everyone bursts into applause.
"Yeah, (Y/n)!" (Y/b/f) yells before wolf-whistling at the two of you.
Your bury your face in Chan's chest at the overwhelming attention.
Chan's chest rumbles as he laughs, "thanks for the dance, (Y/n). See you around." He kisses your cheek then turns to walk away.
"I expect another dance!" You shout after him.
"If I'm the only guy you dance with." He looks over his shoulder to grin at you.
"I only want to dance with you."

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