SEVENTEEN: Wonwoo- Music in the Garden

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(Y/f/b/n)- your favorite band's name. (Or singer).
(Y/f/s)- your favorite song.
It's after school and you decide to take the short cut through the garden so you don't have to deal with the packed hallways. You stroll underneath the trees, your feet crunching on the leaves littering the sidewalk. You take a breath and exhale. It's the beginning of Autumn, one of your all time favorite seasons. You hesitate, just about the exit the garden when you spot an empty bench. You chew on your lip, wanting some peace and quiet, but on the other hand knowing you should go home.
A couple minutes couldn't hurt. You think before adjusting your backpack strap and walking over to the bench.
You plop down and sigh, finally able to take the hundred pound backpack off of your shoulders.
You dig through your backpack and at last, find your earbuds. You put them in and turn your music on, bobbing your head in time to the music with your eyes closed.
A few songs later you're interrupted by a light tap on your shoulder. You frown, not wanting to be disturbed.
"Can I sit here?" A boy's soft voice washes over you as he nervously bunches his excess sweater sleeves over his hands, making sweater paws.
You pause then nod.
He shyly smiles and sits down, setting his backpack by his feet.
You're about to put your earbuds back in when he asks. "What are you listening to?"
"(Y/f/b/n)... Do you want to listen?" You reply, offering the other earbud to him.
His eyes widen in surprise but he nods, a slight smile on his lips as he accepts the earbud.
You slide closer to him so you can both listen and show him your phone's screen. "This is (y/f/s), my favorite song by them."
He nods again and you press play, letting the music settle over you.
You watch his reaction as the song plays. His lips are curled into a smile and when he bounces his head in time to the music, his black hair flops into his eyes which are closed.
The song ends and he opens his eyes, meeting yours. You blush and look away. He just caught you staring at him... Awkward.
He clears his throat. "I should, um, probably go..."
"Oh yeah, totally." You nod your head way more times than needed.
He stands up and grabs his backpack and starts to walk away then stops. "What's your name?" He calls.
"(Y/n)!" You reply. "Yours?"
"Wonwoo." He flashes you a bright smile. He bites his lip nervously and wiggles his fingers in a goodbye. "I'll see you around (Y/n)."
I was also thinking of doing a series called SEVENTEEN Tapes. Which is basically when he has a YouTube channel and he video tapes what you guys do everyday.
Comment if you think it's a good idea. ^^

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