Infinite: L- Would You Rather and the Final Duet

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This imagine's dedicated to exozhangyixing8. Thank you for requesting! ^^
"Class, since we're nearing the end of the year, I feel as though all of you think choir class is going to be an easy A." Your teacher smiles slightly, a smile that looks like she's hiding something. "That's how I decided what your project for finals will be. Being the nice person that I am, I'm letting you work with a partner. "
Immediately, your classmates burst into whispers, glancing at their friends.
"Everyone, look to your left."
You turn you head and make eye-contact with the person sitting next to you. It's Myungsoo.
His eyes widen by a fraction and he quickly looks down at his folded hands that are in his lap.
You turn your attention back to your teacher when she starts talking again.
"I hope you can work well with that person, you'll be performing a duet with them in front of me."
The bell rings after she finishes and Myungsoo abruptly stands, grabbing his backpack while speed-walking out of the classroom.
"Hey! Hey, Myungsoo! Wait up!" You swing your backpack over your shoulder and jog after him.
Myungsoo stops suddenly when you yell his name.
You step in front of him. "I want to talk about the project."
He shakes his head slightly out of embarrassment, causing his dark brown hair to fall over his right eye while ducking his head. "What about it?"
"I was wondering if you know of a song you want to perform?" You adjust the strap of your backpack and shift your weight to your other foot.
"No, I don't have any ideas," he mumbles. "Do you?"
You smile softly. "A few. Why don't we meet in practice room number four after school?
He glances up and finally looks you in the eye. Instantly, a blush covers his cheeks. "Okay, see you then."
*At Lunch/ His Pov*
I throw my backpack down at my usual table, plopping down and bury my face in my arms as a dorky grin forms on my lips.
"Why are you so happy?" Woohyun asks around a mouthful of mysterious cafeteria food.
All movement around my table stops as shocked expressions appear my friends' faces.
Sungjong breaks the silence. "Either you've finally realized your feelings for her. Or, you've finally realized your feelings for her." He smirks and lightly kicks my leg under the table.
"Ow!" I scowl at him, then sigh softly. "Before you start asking questions. Yes, my feelings for (Y/n) are stronger. We're assigned with a duet. I'm meeting her after school so we can pick a song."
Instead of a flood of questions and teasing like I was expecting, the table's silent once again.
"Good luck, then." Sunyeol comments.
*After School/ Your Pov*
You gather the papers into a bundle, humming the melody of the song you picked; softly to yourself.
You hear a soft tap on the doorframe and glance up.
"Hey." The edges of Myungsoo's lips quirk into a gentle smile.
You begin talking as Myungsoo sits in the chair next to you. "I was thinking of doing this." You hand him the stacked papers you were organizing.
He thumbs through them, a thoughtful look on his face. "I like it. I think it'll be perfect."
*45 Minutes Later*
After you've sight read through the piece and practiced it a couple of times, you both decide to take a break.
"Do you want to play Would You Rather?" You asks as you prop your feet up on a chair that's in the middle of you and Myungsoo.
"Sure." He grins while copying your position, your feet lightly resting against his on the chair.
At the small gesture, your face flushes. "Um," you mumble. "I'll start. Would you rather have a rewind button in your life, or a pause button?"
"Hm... A rewind button," he replies.
He shifts in his chair. "Well if I mess something up, I can redo it."
You nod in agreement, then motion to him.
He chews his lip as he thinks. "Would you rather have free wifi for ten years, or have free music from iTunes for the rest of your life?"
"That ones hard... Probably free wifi. My reason... I'm not really sure."
He laughs loudly, then covers his mouth in embarrassment. "That reason was so profound."
You knock his feet off the chair, earning another chuckle from Myungsoo.
"It's going to be a lot of fun, working with you." He comments, suddenly shy.
*The Day Of the Choir Final*
"(Y/n) and Myungsoo!" Your teacher calls from inside the choir room.
You move to open the door, but Myungsoo snags your sleeve. "What is it?" You ask softly as Myungsoo shifts restlessly.
"After the duet, I want to talk to you about something."
That's all you have time to say before your teacher yells," (Y/n), Myungsoo! You're up!"
He reaches past you to open the door, his face inches from yours, yet he doesn't see you admiring him.
You watch his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallows, and he looks down at you; smiling softly. "Let's go."
As you walk into the room, Myungsoo grabs your hand. He doesn't look at you until he stops in front of your teacher.
"What song will you two be singing?" She smiles kindly.
"Cherish by Yuju and Sunyoul," you murmur after a nervous pause.
"Go ahead."
*Halfway Through the Song*
Myungsoo turns to you and sings the ending directly at you.
He doesn't let your hand go as your teacher praises how well you both did. He pulls you out the other door and into an empty hallway.
The door clicks shut and Myungsoo starts talking immediately, "I've been wanting to confess for the longest time, but I wasn't sure about my feelings for you, then we were paired together. I fell for you, and even though that song tells some of my feelings, it doesn't explain them completely. I loved you before we even talked, and I fell in love with your personality. Do-do you like me too?"
You've overcome the shock, and are filled with happiness. You release his hand and hug him tightly. "Yes, I love you too."
He pulls back and kisses your cheek. "I'll cherish you always," he murmurs, leaning in for a kiss that was long overdue.

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