GOT7: Jr- Look At Me!

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This imagine is dedicated to @dewi_dyo_12. Thank you for requesting! ^^
"Will you find time to go to our anniversary dinner? Or will you be working?" You ask softly to Jinyoung, who's lying on the couch as he pretends to watch TV.
"I don't know. Will you find time to go to dinner with me? Or will you be buried underneath your homework, ignoring me?" He retorts, nonchalantly changing the channel.
You clench your fist and tightly respond, "you know if I don't do my homework, I'll fail."
"And if I don't go to work, you won't have an apartment to live in." He replies calmly.
Tears start to well up in your eyes and you fiercely blink them back.
Your relationship wasn't always like this, but ever since Jinyoung debuted with GOT7, he's been buried underneath his work and rarely had time to see you. That's why you suggested moving in together, you two had already been dating for about 6 months back then and he immediately agreed. After getting permission for Jinyoung to live with you from management, you both thought it would be amazing since you barely saw each other. Until it actually happened.
Soon after the move, the arguments and tears started. He would always instigate the fights, him suddenly lashing out at you and you retorting with something that caused his rage to grow even stronger.
Now you're constantly walking on eggshells around him, not wanting to do anything to make him mad.
Even the simple question like, "or are you working?" Would piss him off and he would always reply with something less than nice.
"We both pay the rent." You state, your voice sounding slightly strangled because of the tears you're holding back.
"I pay for everything else though. The food, your books, your classes." He lists off, finally giving you his full attention. He stands up and walks into the kitchen, where you're standing.
"Only until I can pay you back!" You protest, staring up into his harsh, unforgiving eyes.
"Sure." He scoffs.
Your gaze is locked with his and his eyes just show how much he has changed since you first met him.
His eyes used be a warm chocolate brown and you could easily read his emotions. Now he's constantly guarding himself, like he's afraid of letting you in.
"Don't look at me." You spit out angrily, suddenly feeling sick.
"Mwo?" He takes a step back in confusion. "Wae?"
You drop your gaze down to the floor, studying the plain white tile. "I-I should go." You quietly state, quickly pushing past him to your bedroom.
"Wae?" He repeats more forcefully after he follows you, standing in the doorway as you throw clothes into a suitcase.
"I can't stay here." Your voice cracks, and you clutch the shirt you were about to shove into your suitcase, to your chest. You take a couple deep breaths the resume packing.
"Wae?!" He shouts, but you ignore him.
"Jung Taeyeon! Look at me!" He exclaims, harshly grabbing your arm and spinning you around so your eyes are locked with his glaring ones.
"Ani!" You sob, wrenching your arm away from him as you turn towards your suitcase. "I can't!"
"Wae? Why not?" He whispers.
You glance over and see how heartbroken he is. His eyes are vulnerable, just like when you two meet.
You feel a familiar ache in your chest. "Stop."
"Jung Taeyeon. Tell me what's wrong." He commands, seeming to gain some control over himself because his eyes suddenly turn steely again.
"It's always work." You sigh, suddenly not mad anymore, just tired and sad.
"What is?" He questions.
"It all started because of work. You would always get so irritable, when I made you dinner, every time I tried to kiss you." You mutter.
"That's-that's what this is about? Work?" He exhales, back hugging you.
"Well it's basically your second girlfriend." You point out, "you spend as much time, maybe even more with 'her'."
He chuckles in your ear and you feel comforted in his strong embrace.
"I only love you, trust me. I love doing my work, but you're worth so much more than a job to me."
You turn around and press yourself into his arms, tightly wrapping your arms around him. "I'll try to not ignore you when I'm doing homework." You mumble into his shirt.
"Okay. I guess we have an arrangement... Now if only we can work that out for the bed situation."
"The left side is mine!" You exclaim, pushing away to give a warning glare at him. "We've already established this!"
"It's not an arrangement if only one person agrees with it!" He accuses.
Jinyoung, if you try to take my side of the bed. You're making your own dinner from now on!" You threaten.
"Fine!" He mutters as he trudges to the kitchen. "But I'd put the fire department on standby."
"You've lost your stove privileges! You can only use the microwave!" You remind him, running around him so you can block the path to the stove.
"Lame." He sticks his tongue out and crossed his arms.
"Childish." You retort, mimicking his stance.
"Love you!" He exclaims, lightly kissing your lips as he tries to move you.
"Nice try." You smirk, planting your feet. "You're not going anywhere."
"How rude!" He huffs. "You didn't even say it back!"
"Love you too." You laugh softly, reaching up on your tiptoes to kiss him.

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