Madtown: Jota/ Beast: Doojoon- True Love Wins (Part Two)

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This imagine's dedicated to PinkPrincessJin01. Thank you for requesting! ^^
As the months pass, you've grown to be more comfortable around your fiancé. Yet even as that happens, you're starting to feel more detached from Doojoon's life.
You're out on a date with Jonghwa- who refers to the date as hanging out, for your sake.
Jonghwa opens the doors leading into a secluded café you usually go with Doojoon, but you don't want to ruin Jonghwa's good mood by mentioning this.
Jonghwa's been extremely supported of your relationship with Doojoon... Well as much as he can be when his fiancée's dating somebody else.
You sit down in a booth near the door, so Jonghwa's facing the rest of the tables in the café.
After you order your food, Jonghwa happens to look past you at a booth over on the opposite side of the café.
A look of anger and horror flashes across his face before he can hide it behind a neutral expression.
You immediately notice something's not right. "Jonghwa? What's wrong?" You see his tight grip on his cup of coffee is turning his knuckles white.
"Nothing, nothing's wrong." He forces a smile, which looks more like a grimace.
You frown and go to look what Jonghwa was focusing on earlier.
Just as you get a small glimpse at the back wall, Jonghwa slides into your side of the booth; pushing you back while blocking your view.
He grasps your hands in his, his pleading eyes staring into your concerned ones as he begs, "please, Jena. If you feel anything for me, you won't look."
"What's going on, Jonghwa?" You move to look over his shoulder but he pulls you into a hug.
"I'm so sorry," he sighs softly in your ear.
You push him away in annoyance because of his behavior, then look over the seat of the booth. Your eyes scan the people sitting by the far wall, until your gaze settles on Doojoon; who has his arm wrapped around a girl with blond hair.
You feel Jonghwa tug on your arm, yet your eyes are frozen on Doojoon.
"Come on, let's go."
It's almost like Doojoon can feel you watching him, his eyes move up from the other girl, to you.
Jonghwa winds an arm around your waist and pulls you to your feet.
Doojoon abruptly stands, shoving the girl away before speed walking towards you. "Jena, I can exp-"
Jonghwa moves in between you and Doojoon, keeping him away from you.
You direct your gaze to the back of Jonghwa's head, you know if you look at Doojoon; you'll start crying.
"Nobody wants your explanation. You're cheating on Jena. You don't deserve her." The warm tone Jonghwa's always had with you has changed into a harsh and cold one.
"Who are you?!" Doojoon growls.
Your attention falls to Doojoon's clenched fist, and you peek at his face; noting his eyes that have darkened with anger.
"Her fiancé," Jonghwa snaps.
A look of smugness appears on Doojoon's face. "Oh yeah, her second choice."
Jonghwa mirrors Doojoon's angry stance and you grab Jonghwa's sleeve, stepping in front of him because you know he'll hit Doojoon if you don't do something.
You take a small step forward and jab your finger at Doojoon's chest. "He might have been my second choice before, but at least he's faithful. And he's not my second choice anymore, because we're finished."
You glimpse Doojoon's shocked expression as you whirl around and pull Jonghwa out of the café door, too furious to cry over Doojoon's actions.
You stop walking when you round the corner a block down from the café. You immediately throw yourself at Jonghwa; wrapping your arms around him while bursting into tears.
After a moment, Jonghwa returns the embrace. He lightly kisses your forehead while slowly rocking you from side-to-side.
A couple minutes pass and you pull away from him, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.
"Jonghwa, I'm so sorry about how I treated you. If I knew what he was really like, I would of chosen you in a heartbeat."
Jonghwa's worried expression softens in a gentle smile. He tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear, then grabs your waist and tugs you closer to him. His mouth pauses centimeters from yours and he whispers, "Well, we have the rest of our lives to make up what we lost."
His lips touch yours, suddenly the heartache you had over Doojoon lessens considerably.
You eagerly return the kiss, knowing your future will be full of happiness now that Jonghwa's by your side.

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