BTS: Jin- Only Need You

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This imagine's dedicated to @Fallax853. Thank you for requesting! ^^
"I didn't want you to find out like this," Jin's angelic voice says, his voice filled with sorrow and regret.
You angrily blink the tears out of your eyes and his disheveled bed-head comes into focus; sadness etched into his handsome face. "You're right," you scoff as you look away, unable to stare at him any longer. "You didn't want me to find out at all."
Jin's apartment door opens and a girl with messy blonde hair walks out, wearing one of Jin's favorite shirts that falls just above her knee. "Won't you just go away?!" She demands impatiently. "He obviously doesn't want to be with you."
You direct your anger at her; about to give her a piece of your mind, then Jin cuts you off.
"Get your stuff and get out." He commands with quiet authority.
"But Jin-" she starts, her mouth open in shock.
"You heard me," he growls and she immediately darts back inside the apartment, slamming the door behind her.
"Wow," you mockingly laugh. "I didn't know that you could lose two girls in less than an hour. You're really talented."
Pain flashes across his face but he reaches out to grab you, regardless of what you just said. "April-"
"Don't touch me!" You exclaim bitterly, taking two steps back. "You don't know how much I trusted you," your voice wobbled yet you continue, trying to make your point so that maybe he won't do this to his future girlfriends. "I moved in with you because you wanted me to. And I was gone for two days, Jin. We've been together for a year and a half, and you've managed to ruin our relationship in half an hour."
He flinches at your statement, his gaze falling from yours to the cracked tile in the hallway. "Our relationship's not ruined."
"Have you even been here for the past hour?!" You shout, jabbing your finger at his chest. "You were sleeping with another girl! How could our relationship be salvageable? I can't trust you!"
He suddenly grabs your arm that's outstretched, yanking you into a strong hug; not allowing you to pull away from him. "April, mianhae. Please forgive me," he begs, his abrupt flood of tears soaking your shoulder.
For every second you're in his embrace, you feel a small part of your resolve chip away.
"Jebal." He squeezes you tightly.
You know that the next words you say will determine the future of you and Jin, if there's a future. You press your face into the fabric of his shirt; inhaling the scent of laundry detergent and the familiar, spicy cologne he always wears. "I'll give you one more chance," you state softly, physically feeling Jin relax and exhale in relief.
"Saranghae," he sniffles quietly. "I don't need anybody else, I only need you."

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