DAY6:Sungjin- One Thing You Love the Most

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This imagine's dedicated to Sungjin's birthday!!! ^^
(I'll post Seungkwan's birthday imagine tomorrow)
"(Y/n)? Can you come over here?" Dowoon asks sweetly from outside the practice room, grinning like he's hiding something.
"Wae?" You asks cautiously, closing your book and walking out into the hallway.
"Mian." He replies simply as somebody covers your eyes with a blindfold that completely blocks your eyesight.
You exclaim, "Dowoon!" As the person picks you up and carries you back into the practice room, but with your arms pinned to your body so you can't fight whoever it was.
"Let go!" You shout, thrashing while Wonpil instructs Dowoon, "hold her legs down, I'll get the wrapping paper."
"Wrapping paper?!" You holler, thrashing even more once he states that.
Soon you find yourself uncomfortably wrapped in stiff paper, lying awkwardly on the ground like a fish out of the water.
"It's missing something." Dowoon comments.
You shift your position once again, feeling even more tense because you can feel their judging gazes on you.
"A bow!" Wonpil exclaims suddenly, racing out of the room to get what he just shouted.
Less that'd five minutes pass and you're "ready," according to Dowoon.
"I hate you two." You grumble as they make you stand up.
"I would be nicer to us, or else I won't take the blindfold off." Wonpil answers with a smug look.
"Wonpil." You growl warningly.
"Okay!" He grumbles, reaching behind your head and undoing the knot that's holding the blindfold in front your eyes.
"He's here!" Dowoon yells, sprinting into the room at full speed. He manages to stop just before plowing right into you. "He's. Here." He pants while bending over and taking deep breaths.
"Why did you bring me here?" Sungjin, your boyfriend, asks as he walks into the practice room. He stops as soon as he sees you, "(Y/n)? Mwo-?"
"This is your birthday present, the one thing you love the most." Wonpil beams, pushing you roughly so you stumble into Sungjin's arms.
He rocks back as he tightens his arms around you. "You agreed to this?" He murmurs softly in your ear.
"Ani, and I'm going to kill them as soon as I'm free." You announce, loud enough for Dowoon and Wonpil to hear.
"Well I love my present, even if she's in a bad mood." Sungjin jokes before leaning down and kissing your forehead.
"Will you get the wrapping paper off of me so we can go have dinner?" You huff, trying reach up and rip the bow off of your head.
"Sure." He chuckles, doing that task for you since your arms are pinned to your sides because of the wrapping paper.

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