ASTRO: Sanha- Bang Bang Bang

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This imagine's dedicated to Sanha's birthday!!! ^^
(s/o/w)- school or work
You plop down in your usual seat by the window. You prop your chin up on your hands and stare at the foggy window at the passing building on your way to (s/o/w).
Thunder rumbles within the clouds, just as tiny droplets of rain begin to fall out of the sky.
At the next bus stop, a boy dashes out from underneath the shelter and into the safety of the bus.
You turn back to the scenery blurring by, then a boy's soft voice asks, "may I sit here?"
You glance over your shoulder, your gaze locking with the stranger's. "Sure," you murmur, shifting in the seat to give him more room.
He sits down without a word, but stares at you curiously.
You study him back; out of the corner of your eye.
He brushes his red-ish, curly hair out of his eyes, allowing small beads of rain to fall onto his cheek. He suddenly grins; letting out a cute, but unmanly giggle, then faces forward and puts his earbuds in.
When he giggled, you had to look away before he saw the gigantic smile form on your face.
A couple seconds later, the strange boys starts to sing an acoustic, yet recognizable version of Bang Bang Bang by Big Bang.
You glance at him; fully turning your body towards him when you noticed that his eyes are closed while he slowly bobs his head in time to the music.
You don't think he realizes exactly how loud he's singing, other passengers glare at him then shoot you a look as if to say, "control your boyfriend."
"Yah." You nudge his arm.
His eyes fly open as he nearly jumps out of his seat. He relaxes once he realized that it was you. "Ne?" He questions, grabbing his earbuds out of his ears and placing them on his lap.
"Mian, but some people were getting annoyed by your singing."
His eyes widened then he frowns, he drops his gaze to his clasped hands.
"It wasn't me!" You exclaim, afraid that you've hurt his feelings. "I think your voice is beautiful."
"Jinja?" His head jerks up, showing a bright grin on his face.
You tilt your head in a "yes," motion.
"What's your name?" He asks, just before the bus pulls up at your stop.
"(Y/n)," you respond as you grab what you need.
"I'm Sanha," he says, moving his long legs so you can pass. "Will I see you tomorrow?!" He shouts as you walk down the aisle of the bus.
"Hopefully!" You call back, flashing a quick smile and a wave before you step off the bus steps, sprinting towards the building in the hopes of not getting completely drenched.

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