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All week it was supposed to be in the 80s-90s. You decided to take advantage of the weather since it's going to be freezing soon.
You change into a pair of jean shorts and a tank top and walk out to your hammock in your backyard. It was a big hammock, big enough to fit 4-5 people on it and was placed right next to the fence bordering your neighbor's house. The fence itself was white and tall enough that you couldn't see over, and vice versa.
You lay down on the hammock and close your eyes, sighing in contentment. 
A few minutes later a light wind was blowing through your backyard, and since it was fall- the allergy season- you immediately start sneezing because of the pollen being blown into your face.
"Bless you." A guy's voice says, startling you.
You let out some sort of a pterodactyl screech and move to your right, tipping the hammock and causing you to fall off.
You land with a thud and the voice asks, sounding concerned. "Are you okay?"
You stand up, rubbing your arm which you landed on. "Who the hell is speaking to me?!" You scowl, turning in a circle as you try to figure out which direction the voice is coming from.
A laugh comes from over the fence. "On the other side of the fence. I'm Seokmin." 
"Uh, (Y/n). Were you spying on me?"
"Me? Of course not! I guess we both thought it was a nice day and decided to go outside."
"Yeah... Okay."
"You don't believe me do you?" He infers.
"Not a bit." You reply. "I mean, I don't even know you. You could be like 50."
You hear him sigh. "Fine, I guess I have to convince you."
"And how are you going to do this?" You ask, crossing your arms and raising one eyebrow at the fence.
"Like this." You hear him start to climb the fence and start to protest but he lands in front of you before you could say anything.
"Wow." You exhale.
In front of you is a extremely handsome guy around your age with dark hair.
He smiles, and you swear you hear angels start to sing.
"Do you believe that I'm not a pervert now?" He chuckles slightly.
"Uh-uh, yeah." Your cheeks start heating up and you duck your head so you don't have to meet his eyes.
"(Y/n)? Are you blushing?" You can hear him trying to hold back laughter as he asks.
"Aniyo." You reply immediately.
"Liar." He laughs.
"Shut up." You mumble.
"Aww, you're so cute." He lightly pinches your cheek.
"Hajima." Your cheeks heat up even more as you swat his hand away. "I don't even know you."
"Well." He says, suddenly serious. "I would like to know you."
Your eyes widen and you look up at him in shock. "Uh, I think I'm going to go inside now..." You slowly take a few steps and he stands there, staring at you.
You continue to backup until you reach your house and open the sliding glass door, your eyes still on Seokmin.
He cutely pouts and starts to fake cry once he realizes that you're aren't going to come out again.
You sit down in your hallway, your back against the wall as you watch him.
A couple minutes later he walks over to the sliding glass door and stares at you for a few seconds then sits down, mirroring your position.
Suddenly he starts whimpering and starts scratching at the glass like he's a puppy.
You giggle a little bit, which urges him on.
He lets out a cute howl and then goes back to whimpering, making puppy dog eyes.
"Fine!" You exclaim, standing up to unlock the door.
He grins and walks inside after taking off his shoes.
"You're the weirdest guy I have ever met." You mutter.
He laughs. "Gomwao. I take pride in my weirdness."
"I can see that." You remark.
*An Hour Later*
Your mom came home an hour later which prompted Seokmin to leave.
You walk with him the the fence and stand in comfortable silence.
"I thought I was going to have a boring Saturday, but thanks to you I didn't." He states, smiling softly.
"I had fun too." You grin.
He starts to climb the fence but stops just when he reaches the top. "Do you, maybe, want to come over to my house tomorrow?" He asks eagerly.
"Sure." You giggle at his expression.
He beams at you before hopping over to his side of the fence.
"Good night, (Y/n)!" You hear him call as you head inside.
"Good night, Seokmin!" You yell back.
You close the sliding glass door with a smile on your face, then walk to your room so you can lay out an outfit for tomorrow.

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