Vixx: Hyuk- Hyde

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*His Pov.*
New Generation's back
Yeah we killin' this track right now We started from the bottom
We just do it now, ah, just follow
"(Y/n)?" I ask, seeing a dark shadow on my couch. A sob answers my question.
There's no way I said those words
There's not way I said I would leave you
Girl, please believe the me of right now
(There's a crazy person inside of me)
(Y/n), wait! Jebal, let me explain!" I plead as I grab her wrist, preventing her from walking out the door.
Oh how do I explain this?
You probably think it's all an excuse
Girl, I'm not the same me as yesterday
(There is a crazy person inside of me)
She pauses halfway out the door. Sniffing, she states. "I'll give you two minutes."
I take a deep breath. "I-I have a split personality, one side is me, like now. The other side is mean and horrible, I can't control it. It just takes over me and I can't regain control... It's like Jeckyll and Hyde."
Don't leave (leave me)
I love you (no I hate you)
I am both Jekyll and Hyde, don't run away from me
As soon as I finish my sentence, I feel Him raise my hand and slap her as hard as I can.
Her head jerks back and she stares at me in horror. "H-Hyuk." She whimpers, pressing a hand to her cheek.
I gasp. "(Y/n), run!" I choke out before He regains control.
I'm not a bad person, I love you
Don't give me those scared eyes
There is a different person that is not me inside of me
There is a different me that's not me inside of me
She stands like a deer in the headlights, unsure if I'm me, or Him.
I smirk. "You really should start listening to me."
Confusion flashes across her face before I lunge at her.
Just can't control
Just can't control
Just can't control
Just can't control
She screams before darting out of my reach. She hops over the couch and runs out the back door with me on her heels. She sprints across the yard and into the forest behind our house.
There's no way I said those harsh words
There's no way I hurt you
Girl please believe me, who's in front of your eyes
(There's a crazy person inside of me.)
Finally I manage to cage Him and collapse against a tree, completely exhausted. I lie there for a while with my eyes closed until I hear approaching footsteps.
"H-Hyuk?" Her voice trembles but she continues to walk towards me.
My eyes fly open and I jump to my feet, trying to put as much space between us as possible.
"D-don't (Y/n), jebal." My voice cracks on her name. "Stay away from m-me, I'll hurt you."
She takes a step foward and I take one back. We continue this weird dance until my back hits another tree. She closes the distance between us and looks intently at my eyes. She sighs with relief.
"Mwo?" I ask.
"Your eyes are lighter when you're yourself." She explains. A couple of tears leak out of her eyes before she throws her arms around me.
I stiffen as she buries her face into my neck. "H-Hyuk, I-I was s-so scared." She sobs.
I hesitantly reach up and stroke her soft hair.
She gently nuzzles closer at the contact.
I only know you alone (that's all a lie)
You know me (no you don't know)
I am both Jekyll and Hyde, don't run away from me
I feel Him start to take control and I shove her away. "Run!" My shout coming out as a strangled cry.
She doesn't hesitate this time, she bolts deeper into the forest. He forces me to run after her and I sprint around trees. I manage to corner her in a clearing and back her into a tree while smirking.
I'm not a bad person, I love you
Don't give me those scared eyes There is a different person that is not me inside of me
There is a different me that's not me inside of me
I gently brush her cheek with my thumb. "Don't be afraid (Y/n). I won't hurt you." I coo as I trail my hand down her face to her neck.
Her breaths come in fast gasps and she stares at me with wide eyes. "H-Hyuk." She whimpers.
"It's okay." I whisper, making my voice soft and sweet. I tighten my hand around her neck then bring my other hand up. I tighten my grip as she tries to claw my hands away from her throat.
The devil you saw last night was not me
Actually, I really don't remember myself, I think I'm crazy
I try to block myself but as I saw myself jumping around, I knew I was sick
I need a remedy called you, come inside of my body
Her eyes roll to the back of her head and I yank my hands from her throat, backing away from her in horror.
"(Y/n)?" I croak, hoping I didn't kill her.
She's on her knees, gasping for air.
I take a small step toward her and she flinches, crawling away from me.
A different person that's not me has been caught inside of me
I walk until I'm standing in front of her. I hesitantly reach down and touch her hair. She jerks away. "Don't touch me." She whispers, her voice wavering.
"(Y-y/n)?" I whimper.
"Don't touch me!" She shrieks, swatting my hand away.
Only you know me, you are my last
I'm scared of myself if you leave me
There is a different me that's not me inside of me
"Run!" I yell before I wrap my hands around her throat, pinning her to the ground.
I'm not a bad person, I love you
Don't give me those scared eyes There is a different person that is not me inside of me
There is a different me that's not me inside of me
I tighten my hands and she struggles before falling still.
He releases me and I realize what I've done and fall to my knees. "(Y/n)!" My scream is full of pain and anguish. I bury my face in her shirt, trying to find a trace of her sweet scent. "Come back, jebal, come back to me." I beg, tears streaming down my cheeks.
Just can't control
Just can't control
Just can't control
Just can't control
Just can't control
Just can't control
Just can't control
Just can't control.

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