Chapter 226 - 227

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Chapter 226 Finale (1) Drunk Lu Qingyou looks cute in contrast

Lu Qingyou had a very difficult time when she first started her business. She would go out early and come back late every day. When the rooster crows, she would go out at dawn and come back very late at night. When she came back, her children and Fuxishui had already fallen asleep. Before they could get up, they got up again in the morning.

In the beginning, they were not able to see each other a few times a month, but they were under the same roof and slept together every day. But it was so miserable that they didn't even see each other's faces.

When Lu Qingyou first started his business, he had big goals. He planned to build a factory and run a whole assembly line, but he didn't plan to rely on his family, so he also planned to get a loan from a bank. To get a loan from a bank, you must first provide the bank with a reasonable business blueprint to know the future. Therefore, when he first started his business, he first compared various sources of goods and compared prices, and then sent them to the countryside. He also asked the postal service for instructions. The price is similar, or it can be transported manually from Beihua to various places in the countryside.

Not only in the countryside where they live, but also in other remote villages where people who have never seen these things in big cities all open a store to sell them. It is a big project, and they have to find a store, and the rent is expensive. , purchasing goods also requires money. If you just start investing in the early stage, you won't be able to get back the money so quickly, and you still have to publicize it, so you need to borrow a lot of money from the bank.

His previous one sold Cordyceps sinensis abroad and made a lot of money, but that money was used to buy a house at the advice of his wife to save for his future children. So starting a business now basically starts from scratch.

But fortunately, after the bank heard about her plan, it agreed very much and thought it would be feasible to sell these electrical appliances from big cities to the countryside. If she contacted the factory directly, she could find a private price.

It’s not that there are no people who have this idea, it’s just that no one dares to do it. They are afraid of losing money and not making money, so there is only one person who dares to do it. So the bank agrees to give him a loan. After he gets the loan, he takes With this large amount of money, he started to take action.

At the beginning, we should first find cooperation with those big factories that buy and sell electrical appliances, and get the quantity of goods from them at the lowest price.

There are many managers in these large factories, so they often ask him to go to social events and so on, and ask him to treat them to dinner or drinks to see his sincerity.

So when they first started, in order to get those orders, they went to restaurants to drink with the managers.

At the beginning, she would go home drunk every night. Fuxishui waited for him to come back for dinner every night, but she couldn't wait for him. She only waited for his call back, saying that he went to the restaurant for dinner with the manager. ,

he even ate until midnight and went back after 12 o'clock.

Fu Xishui was in a daze when she saw him come back. She was afraid that he would disturb her parents' sleep and the children, so she quickly went downstairs to support him and took him back to the room, fearing that he would be too noisy.

After sending him to the room, let him lie on the bed and make no noise so as not to wake the baby.

After smelling the alcohol on his body, Fu Xishui felt so distressed that she didn't know what to say.

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