Not That Type Of Girl

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First of all, I'm sorry for not uploading in what seems months, and oh Happy New Year! Things recently with people around me have got quite difficult and hard to deal with. It's caused a lot of stress, so sorry...

This is another one about being 'perfect'.

No one's perfect,

What is the definiton of perfect anyway?

There shouldn't be one,

Everyone's perfect in their own way,

But to someone else, 

You'll never be perfect,

I don't help enough,

I help too much,

I put too much effort in,

I don't put enough in,

This is how I am,

I give up trying,

Or even attempting to get up to your standards,

I'll never get there,

I don't seem enough for you,

I need to be more,


I don't care anymore,

This is who I am,

You're just going to have to accept it,

And realise this,

No matter how blunt I am in telling you this,

You never seem to understand,


And still want me to be that 'perfect' person,

So I give up,

One day you'll see this,

And wish you'd just accepted me for 'me'.

Welcome to my life and my thoughts. Poems.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz