What you can be

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I can't thank you enough, today I went on my profile to add this poem and couldn't believe that I've now got 28 votes (25 more), than a couple of days ago. I honestly didn't believe it, so had to refresh the page. All of you keep me going, and not just in writing, I love thinking I'm finally being heard and listened to. So yet again another thank you!

Sometimes you've just got to go with what you've got, but that can be hard. So can accepting yourself.

Somewhere in the world someone's crying,

Somewhere in the world someone's laughing,

Somewhere in the world someone's hurt,

Somewhere in the world someone's just had the best moment of their life,

Somewhere in the world someone's lost,

Somewhere in the world someone's found,

Somewhere in the world someone's just lost everything,,

Somewhere in the world someone's got it all,

Somewhere in the world someone's got it easy,

Somewhere in the world someone's struggling with day to day life,

Somewhere in the world someone's just been saved,

Somewhere in the world someone's dying.

Wherever you are,

Just remember,

Someone's always going to have something you want,

Someone's always going to have something you don't,

Someone's always going to not have what you have,

Someone's always going to be jealous of what you've got,

Everyone will always want what they can't ahve,

Somewhere in the world someone's going to wish they were you,

Or wish that you saw who you really are,

What you can be,

That they will never have that chance to be or have what you have,

So remember you have more than you think

It'll always be that way,

Appreciate what you have,

And don't just think about what you can't have,

Or what you want.

Welcome to my life and my thoughts. Poems.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon