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A serious and new rough patch for me when I wrote this, although it wasn't just me at the time, one of my oldest friends told me something that I just couldn't get my head around which I guess came out here.

I feel guilty,

When someone says something,

I take it the wrong way in my head,

Someone says "you look like you're starving",

I automatically they are talking to me,

When someone stares into space or something towards me,

I panic and think they see,

Think they know,

Think they're too afraid to ask me,

I know no one knows,

But I go into panic override,

I feel like I want to disappear,

Shrink down in size,

And be invisible,

But I know soon someone will see,

Someone will know,

Someone will realize,

And will confront me...

I dread that day,

But by then I might have disappeared.

Welcome to my life and my thoughts. Poems.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt