Life gave me life

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My mind was completely clouded this day, I was so confused as to what everything meant, so this one may not make sense to everyone. But if you've felt like this then you'll understand it... Also, if this has some mistakes please let me know, because was still slightly clouded over when I wrote this...

Life gave me life,

Gave me heartbreak,

And pain,

Gave me loved ones that care about me,

And who I care for too,

Gave me happiness and smiles,

Laughter of the best kind,

Gave me love and harted,

Jealousy and friendships,

Gave me that one special person,

Who I don't ever want to lose,

Gave me relationships,

Gave me reasons to believe,

And faith,

Life made me who I am,

Who I will be,

And who I could be,

Or might never be,

Life gave me hope,

Gave me feelings,

And emotions,

Made me happy,

Made me sad,

Made me cry tears of joy,

Gave me more than I would have ever known,

Gave me hurt and showed me how to fix myself,

Showed me how to stand up for myself,

Gave me more than less fortunate people,

Gave me everything I have,

And everything I know,

Made me everything I am,

I'll always be me,

Do things my way,

Get things right,

Get things wrong,

But I won't ever forget,

The importance of life,

And that we've been given it for reasons,

That we may never know.

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