Connor pants as he held his knees and bend over slightly, after the spar. "Shit..." Connor muttered. Just then Connor saw a drink in front of him. Connor looks up to see Leo with two cups in hand. "You did well kid." Said Leo. Connor took the drink he offered and almost drank it all in one gulp. "So I wanted to do you know Dino? Did you work with him or..." Said Leo. Connor took a moment before sighing and turn to him. "I use to be one of his..."Toys"." Connor muttered. He said nothing just listened. "He got his clients to do what they want to me day I was able to get away from him and up till recently I haven't seen the old prick...due to reasons he was after me and it lead me in here." Said Connor. "And what's what if you don't mind me asking." Said Leo. Connor look at him before looking away. "I got my hands on a drug he wanted to use that makes people go insane and also kidnapped his granddaughter to wipe her memories and have her live a normal life without being a raping monster be was...and I know she was cause she and him imprisoned me when I confront him about the drug and lead me to be drugged and raped for a few days before I got out...he wants the drug and the girl and he can't get neither due to the girl not remembering anything and that the drug was used and there is no other copies of it." Said Connor.

Leo looks at Connor and nods before taking a drink of his drink. "Well if that's the case, prepare to go through hell when you get out." Said Leo. Connor nods as he put his cup down and got up. "I'm gonna go to my cell, let me know when you need me." Said Connor. He nods and Connor left the gym and went to his cell.

Connor yawns as he walked through the prison, looking for Leo due to him wanting Connor. Connor got to the cell Leo was sleeping in and peek inside as he gives the bars a gentle knock. "Morning Leo, how could I help ya today." Asked Connor. He smiles before getting off the bed and walked to Connor. "Come with me." Said Leo. Connor nods and walked with him to the gym, making Connor think they were practising or something when he saw a large, body builder like black man inside a crowed, ready to fight.

"That kid is what I need you for...we got a challenge from the spooks and I don't have anyone valuable for the fight and Pepe is gonna need to not be sore or anything for his fight with O'Neil." Said Leo. "So you came to me for the fight." Said Connor. Leo nods. "Ok, lets do this." Said Connor..Connor walked to them and he looked at Connor, smirking.."Well, well, well, we got ourselves a fat, white boy huh? Ok, time to show your fat ass your place!" Said the man. He lunges at Connor and throws a punch but Connor dodge and punch his chest, making him fall back while coughing and wheezing for air before Connor run to him and throw a punch, hitting his jaw and he fell unconscious.

"Looks like the tables have turned." Said Connor. Connor turns and walked out of the circle of people as they look at Connor in surprise. Connor got to Leo and he handed Connor something..It was was a Lolliepop but it was a type that people got from large bags of candy. "A little reward if your interested." Said Leo. Connor took it and took off the wraper. "Thanks Leo, let me know if there's another job." Said Connor. Leo nods and Connor left the gym.

After about two days, Connor got information that Dino was involved in many things that happened, one being that he hired the cops to arrest Connor, which is why the cops were there at the scene quicker then cops usually are. Due to this Connor knew Dino had a plan and Connor asked Leo to get someone he knows from outside the jail to keep an eye on his family until he got out, which he agreed. Just then Connor notice someone running to him. "Connor!" Yelled Johnny. "Johnny, what's wrong? What happened?" Asked Connor. "It's Sam!" Yelled Johnny.

Connor looks in shock and anger at the bruised, bloodstained and semen stined girl in the bed hooked to machines due to lots of injuries and having a hard time breathing. "Who did this..." Asked Connor, trying to stay calm. "O'Neil." A voice spoke. Connor turns to see Leo who was walking beside Pepe who was just as in bad shape as Sam was. "I saw him attacking her and tried to get him away as we promised but he was too strong for me...I'm very sorry." Said Pepe. Connor looks at him and calmed down. "It's kept your promise and tried your best...that's all I could ask for from you." Said Connor.

"Wait Connor, you work for them?" Asked Johnny. "After the fight when O'Neil, Leo thought I was strong and we made a deal...if I were to do a job or two or fight a fight he or his gang couldn't, he'd offer me and you two protection...thought I see O'Neil is stronger then be looks." Connor muttered. "Again I'm sorry..." Said Pepe. "You tried your best Pepe, no one is perfect...I'm just glad you two didn't get killed." Said Connor. "So what now?" Asked Johnny. "I'm gonna get payback to O'Neil for Sam and Pepe, that's what I'm gonna do." Said Connor. "You want help?" Asked Johnny.

"No, I beat him before and I'll do it again." Said Connor. "That's something I wanted to is it that you can beat him but Pepe couldn't?" Asked Leo. "Well, I didn't go all out when sparing with Pepe." Said Connor before he turns to Sam. "Connor...did you know Sam is...a girl?" Asked Johnny. Connor nods. "I wanted to tell you but she asked me to not tell since she wasn't ready." Said Connor. "Connor...make the motherfucker pay for what he did." Said Johnny. Connor nods and walked out the door, walking around to find O'Neil.

Connor finds O'Neil in the gym exercising. Connor look at him in anger before approaching him and before he saw Connor, Connor threw a punch and once it hit, he went flying across the room. He got up, rubbing his head before turning to Connor. "You son of a--" O'Neil was cut off by Connor running to him and throw another punch, hitting him and he went flying a wall and when Connor went to throw another one but he dodge this time, making Connor's hand hit the wall and make a large hole. "Jesus..." O'Neil muttered. Connor turns to him, growling. "You raped my friend and beat the other...your dead!" Yelled Connor. Connor runs to him and throw a punch but he dodge and it hits the floor, doing the saw thing it did to the wall. Connor turns to him as he pulled out a shive and went to stab Connor but he catch his wrists as Connor was shoved to the wall and he tried to stab Connor but he resist.

"Yeah I fucked the bitch! And you know what? After this I might visit her and have another around!" Yelled O'Neil. Connor opens his eyes wide, hearing that before he got angry and let go of O'Neil's wrist, pulling O'Neil to him as he snaps his neck, killing him.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now