As Connor and Sofia left, Connor saw everyone outside looking worried. "Sofia..." Connor muttered. Sofia looked up at Connor. "The bag to my right...can you unhook it and put it down inside? I'll take care of the rest in a moment." Said Connor. She nods and took it off before putting it inside as Connor walk to everyone and hand Jason to the guys. "Hold him...I gotta do something." Said Connor. They nod and Connor walked to the entrance as Sofia came out. "Good please stand with everyone but tell them to back up a bit." Said Connor. She nods and walked to them before Connor enter, walking to the bag and took out one of the gernades and pull the pin, putting it back inside and throw the bag a good distance and walked out. As Connor walked down the steps and towards the others, the gernade explodes, exploding all the rest inside the bag, making everyone jolt as Connor just walk, feeling the heat on his back. "Connor..." Yukihime muttered. Connor tried and smile weakly, but then pass out, making Zero and others catch Connor's unconscious body.

Connor awoke on a bed, all patched up. Connor sighs while sitting up, stretching. Connor then turn to see a small figure beside him. Connor smiles, thinking it was Yuzu or Yue due to their small size and hug them, cuddling up to her when Connor notice the sheets move more, revealing someone else with blond hair...wait a minute. "Sofia?" Connor muttered. She opens her eyes, revealing her blue eyes before she got up and yawn as she stretched and turn to Connor with a smile. "Morning Connor." Said Sofia. Connor smiles. "Morning Sofia...what happened?" Asked Connor. "You passed out and we brought you home...when getting to bed, I was too worried after what happened, so I went to sleep with you." Said Sofia. Connor smiles, patting her head, smiling as she giggles cutely. "Sorry to worry you...come on, lets go get breakfast and see everyone." Said Connor. She nods and they got up and walked to the living room, seeing everyone and they run to them, hugging Connor while the king and Queen smile at them.

"it is good to see you are alright." Said the king. Connor smiles, turning to him. "Hehe, are you both?" Asked Connor. "We're alright...thank you for saving our daughter...and I'm very sorry about your friend." Said the king. Connor looked down. "He'd be happy were alive so lets focus on that." Said Connor. They nod and went to get breakfast. Within a few minutes of eating, they were almost done when Connor notice Sofia was looking down. " something the matter?" Asked Connor. She turn to Connor as the others turn to her, wondering what Connor meant. "I...I need to tell you something Connor." Said Sofia. "What happened? Did that scumbag do something while I was in the dungeon?" Asked Connor. "N-No! That isn't it...I...actually, mum, dad, please listen to this too..." Said Sofia. She took a moment before getting up and walk to Connor before placing a hand on Connor's arm, pressing her body to him. "Connor...will you be my future husband?" Asked Sofia. There was a moment if silence in the room, before it was broken. "What?!?!" Yelled everyone.

Walking echoed as Connor, his friends and lovers walked through the hallway. "Man, feels good to be back..." Connor muttered. "So husband, where do we go to first?" Asked Sofia. "Class...we got no choice." Said Connor. Ever since Sofia said she wanted to marry Connor, she has been with Connor and her parents allowed it as long as Connor kept her safe and happy. "So...when is it?" Asked Connor. They look at Connor in worry since they know Connor meant Jason's funeral. "Tomorrow...his friends and family will be there thought they might not be happy for you being there." Said Zero. "Jason was my boyfriend...I go no matter what, even of I have to force my way in." Said Connor. They said nothing more. "Come on." Said Connor. Connor enter the classroom, Sofia still attached to his arm and everyone stayed outside for a moment. Mm"Zero, how you going?" Asked Yukihime.

Zero said nothing. "Zero..." Emily muttered. She walked to him and touched his cheek. "Its not your fault..." Said Emily. "But, if I did a better job on making him stop, Connor wouldn't've had to do that..." Said Zero. "'s those bastards fault for starting this in the first place...they are at fault here not you...please don't blame yourself for not being in control." Said Charlotte. Zero nods and they walked onto the room.

As Connor and his friends/lovers walk through the hallway to get lunch, Connor notice everyone looking at him. "What?" Asked Connor. They said nothing and Connor and his friends and lovers sit down, about to eat lunch. Just then, someone approached them. Connor turns to see it was Goodwitch. "Connor, Ozuki wants to see you." Said Goodwitch. Connor nods and out off the chair. "I'll see you guys later." Said Connor. As Connor and Goodwitch walked to Ozuki and Ozpin's office, Connor noticed she was taking glances at him. "Can I help you Mrs Goodwitch?" Asked Connor. She looked at Connor before looking away. "Its nothing..." Said Goodwitch. Connor looks at her and away, giving up on trying to know what's wrong since it's clear she doesn't wanna talk about it. Once in the office, Goodwitch left and Connor looks inside to see Ozuki alone, looking at a few papers. "Oh, Connor...come, take a seat." Said Ozuki. Connor walks to her and sit down. "So, how can I help you Mrs Ozuki?" Asked Connor. She looked at Connor and then down for a moment, before speaking.

"I was asked by police to ask you what has happened during the trip...where you were and how were you involved in Jason's murder..." Said Ozuki. Connor looks at her and sigh before explaining what happened, from when he met Sofia to after killing Marcus and blow up the mansion, knowing she or the police will find out that part sooner or later. Finishing the explanation, Ozuki stared in shock, before getting off her chair and run to Connor, hugging him, which surprised him at first but Connor sank into it, hugging back from sadness due to Connor remembering what he did. "I'm so, so sorry that happened to you..." Said Ozuki. Connor began to cry into her shoulder as she held Connor tightly as he cried. "Shh, let it out..." Ozuki whispered. Connor did, crying for what seemed to be hours, letting out the sadness and the tears he should've the day of Jason's death, that he held back.

After a while Connor felt better. "Thank you Ozuki, I needed that." Said Connor. "No, you should rest." Said Ozuki. "I'll rest when--" Connor was cut off by Ozuki leaning back onto the couches arm and held Connor's head to her chest as he lays down on his back, making his head rest between her chest and her lap. "It's ok...lay down and sleep." Said Ozuki. She wraps a arm around Connor. Connor began closing his eyes. Ozuki smiles while Connor began to fall asleep. "Thank you for everything." Said Connor. Connor fall asleep in her arms. 

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now