Connor and Elizabeth was currently walking to Elizabeth's grandparents house. "You ok Elizabeth?" Asked Connor. "Yes...just nervous." Said Elizabeth. "Why? Asked Connor. "My grandfather is overprotective of me and my family besides dad...I'm worried he won't like you." Said Elizabeth. "Hey, don't worry, I'll be ok." Said Connor. The two walked until getting to the house, Elizabeth knocking on the door and after a bit, the door opened to reveal a gentle looking old woman. "Elizabeth! You decided to come over!" Said the woman. "Yeah, how are you grandma?" Asked Elizabeth. "I'm well." Said the woman before noticing Connor. "Who's this?" Asked the woman. "This is Connor, my friend...he met everyone at home and I thought you and grandpa would like to meet him." Said Elizabeth. The woman looked at Connor, smiling. "Oh? Well hello there, I'm May, I'm Elizabeth's grandmother." Said May. "Nice to meet you." Said Connor. Connor then notice someone approaching them. "Who's this?" Asked the man. Connor saw a large man who looked as if he was able to fight spite his age. "This is Connor, Elizabeth's friend." Said May. The man turns to Connor and looked kind if suspicious of him, the hair and scars giving him a warning, but spite that, he offers Connor a handshake. "I'm Joe, Elizabeth's grandfather." Said Joe. Connor handshakes his hand and they let them in. As Connor sits with Elizabeth, Joe and May sit on two chairs nearby. "Well, I'm gonna get some drinks." Said May.

"Oh! I'll help!" Said Elizabeth. The two went to the kitchen to get some drinks and left Connor and Joe alone. As the two wait for their drinks, Connor notice Joe looking at Connor. "Yes?" Asked Connor. "Connor, judging by that hair, those nails and those scars...are you perhaps a delinquent?" Asked Joe. From what Connor was told by Elizabeth, Connor knew he'd have to try and not make him mad due to him being overprotective. "No, but I have fought for my hair and nails, I got them when I was...tortured." Said Connor. Joe looked at Connor, this blank, yet serious face. "Tortured?" Asked Joe. "Yeah...I was framed for a crime I didn't commit and I was kidnapped and tortured for three months...I escaped but got white hair from a syndrome that makes it white when I was stressed by the torture, black nails from dry blood under them and a prosthetic eye that is connected to my socket and the cord that my original was that makes me able to see." Said Connor. Joe looked at Connor, the same look before speaking. "Do you know a man named Yafya?" Asked Joe. Connor turns to Joe. "Yeah...he asked me to be the next protector." Said Connor. Joe jolts, hearing him. "But I declined...I just got out of being shot and I wanted to try and live a normal life." Said Connor. Joe looked at Connor before smiling. "If that's the case...then I accept you as Elizabeth's friend." Said Joe. Connor looked at Joe and smiles.

As Connor, John and Ghost drive in Ghost's car, they talk about different things. Ever since Connor met their family, everyone but Tom accepted him as if he was a member of the family. Anyway, Connor, John and Ghost were driving to pick up Elizabeth and Asia from the mall. When they got there, they saw the girls get grabbed by two men, being pulled into a black van and they drive off. "Fuck! We gotta go after them!" Yelled Connor. Ghost pressed down on the peddle, speeding after the van. They arrive at a old factory where the black van parked and the men entered. Connor, John and Ghost run into the factory and saw a sight that made the three angry. Elizabeth's and Asia was surrounded by men, in their underwear and tied up. Connor looked in anger as everyone turn to them. "Connor...please don't look." Elizabeth muttered. Connor heard his heartbeat as the rage increase inside him to the point Connor lunges at them, spite Elizabeth, Asia, Ghost or John saying not to or not to go alone. Within moments, Connor wipes them out, killing them with snaps of the neck. Within a minute, Connor killed them all, except one, aka the leader behind this. "What the..." John muttered. "Impossible..." Ghost muttered. Connor growls as he looked at the final man, who wasn't fazed. "Wow, your strong for your age kid, you seem to have training...where'd you learn it?" Asked the man. Connor didn't answer him, just turn to Elizabeth. "Elizabeth...this'll be bloody...close your eyes." Said Connor. Elizabeth was hesitant but closes her eyes. Connor turns to the man before lunging at him. The man smirked as he tried to cut Connor with his knife.

""Connor!"" Yelled John and Ghost. Spite getting a slight slash across his chest, Connor caught his hand and broke it, making him drop the knife before Connor swung several punches to his chest, breaking his ribs and he fell back, gasping for air. Connor lunges at him again but the man took out a gun and fires a shot but Connor moved quick enough to avoid the bullet enough for it to graze his shoulder before Connor kicks the gun out of his hand and then throws a final punch to his head, shattering his skull and kill him. Connor pants as he looked down at the man before turning and rushing to Elizabeth. Connor knees down to her and unties her. "Hey, its ok, you can open open your eyes now." Said Connor. Elizabeth opened her eyes and looked scared, also worried. "Connor! Are you ok?! I heard a gun shot!" Yelled Elizabeth. "I'm ok, I dodge just in time." Said Connor. Connor untied her and Elizabeth hugs him. Connor looks down at her before smiling, hugging back. "I'm so happy that your safe." Said Connor. "I'm happy your safe too..." Said Elizabeth. Connor then realised her bra as still exposed and gently push her off. "Connor?" Said Elizabeth, confused. "Here...sorry it's dirty but you'll catch a cold like that." Said Connor as he took off his shirt and hand it to her, which made the girls blush when seeing him shirtless but then they and they guys was speechless at Connor's body.

Connor's chest, back, shoulders and arms, plus a small amount of the back of his neck was covered in scars like slashes, burns and stabs and also a gunshot. "Connor..." Elizabeth muttered. "What? Put it on, I don't want you to catch a cold." Said Connor. She was hesitant but took it and puts it on. "Come on, we should get you two to the hospital." Said Connor. Connor helped Elizabeth up and the two exit, Elizabeth still looking at Connor, confused. "No way...his body." John muttered. "Now I know for sure...his done this kind of thing before." Said Ghost.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now