Connor grab him by the shirt and went to bite the unprotected part of the neck when he throwed Connor back and he ended up tearing half of his shirt off or make a tear big enough to reveal most of his armoured chest. Connor look up at him and roared before crawling to him on all fours and throw a punch, hitting his chest and he fell back as his metal plate on the chest dented and broke, also damaging his chest. "GAH!!!" Yelled the green legion leader. "Oh shit...he sent him flying." Muttered one of the men. "And cracked his unbreakable shield." Muttered the other. Just then, Connor's body became what it was last time as Connor walk towards the other two. "Leave. Or. Die." Said Connor. They didn't move. Connor run towards them as he grab them by the head and ripped their heads off. Right when they were decapitated, Connor turn to the green leader to see him running to him and went to hit him. Right when he hits Connor, he didn't move and instead, threw a punch, making his chest armour break onto pieces. He fell back in shock as he look at Connor, as if he was seeing something that wasn't possible. He land on his feet while holding his badly bruised and probably broken ribbed chest. Connor roared as the girl and the green king look at Connor in shock and fear as if he was a monster.

Connor swung his fist again and the green leader lift an arm, making him try to use the metal on his arm to protect him but Connor broke it in one punch, also broke the arm, making him yell in pain as he stepped back. Connor run to him and slashed his neck, killing him. Due to the hunger, Connor bites down and eat a piece and went to eat more but gained control again and the hunger eased before Connor went to walk to the girl when suddenly, he got dizzy and everything went black. Connor jolt awake on a bench in the courtyard of the school. He sit up and check him himself to see, he had no more blood on him. "I know its not a dream...I can still taste the blood." Connor muttered. Connor got up on his feet and look around. Connor then notice not too far from here was a police siren. He run to the area to find almost every student, teacher and my friends looking at the corpses of the three people Connor killed. "So it wasn't..." Connor muttered. Connor look at his hand, seeing flashes of blood from just moments or hours ago. "So...someone cleaned me?" Connor asked himself. Connor shook his head and walk away, trying to get his mind off this and walk towards his class.

Connor walk down the hallway to his class when suddenly, someone appeared in front of him and place their hands on Connor's chest while gently pushing him back, as if they wanted him to stop.."Oh, sorry...are you alright?" Asked Connor. The person looked up at Connor, revealing a familiar cute girl with greyish hair, as if she dyed it that colour. "U-Um...I...wanted to thank you..." Said Rin. Connor look at her for a moment. "What for?" Asked Connor. She look down for a moment before looking up again. "You saved me...from the green leader." Said Rin. Connor stared at Rin. "Oh, yeah your the girl, I'm glad your alright." Said Connor. She smiles with a red face "Y-You too..." Said Rin. Connor smiles at her. "Oh, I see you met Rin." A voice spoke. Connor turns to see Fuko, who recently moved to this school to be with Connor and the others. "Oh know her?" Asked Connor. Fuko smiles. "Yes...Fuko and I have meet a year ago...she was in a helper in the green legion who I met during a run in with them." Said Fuko.

"That so...wait you were in a legion before?" Asked Connor. "No, no...I was walking home one day when I saw the members leaving a scene of a fight and from there, I saw Rin and approached her the next time I saw her." Said Fuko. " the way, why are you in a legion? You don't deem to like fighting." Said Connor. "I-I don't." Said Rin. "She's there cause of her brother...besides you don't need to be a fighter to join the gang, you can help in many ways in the legions." Said Fuko. "I know that, why do you think we let Utai join? I just don't take Rin to like fighting." Said Connor. "Well anyway, Rin really wanted to meet you for a long time." Said Fuko. "F-Fuko! Stop, your embarrassing me!" Said Rin..Fuko lightly giggles and Connor makes a small chuckle too, making Rin make a cute pout. "S-Stop being mean you two..." Said Rin. Fuko then hug Rin. "Oh don't be upset Rin, we were only teasing~." Said Fuko. She kept that face though. "Fine...I'll forgive you." Said Rin. Fuko giggles before letting go and turn to Connor. "So Connor, we should get class." Said Fuko. "Yeah." Said Connor. Fuko then grabbed Connor's hand and pulled his arm to her breasts, making Connor blush. "Hehe~ Cute~." Said Fuko. Connor sighs in defeat as they walk but then, Connor felt something grab his other arm and press it against something soft. Connor turns his head to see Rin with a red face. "R-Rin?!" Yelled Connor. She said nothing, just kept her eyes closed shut with a red face. Connor sigh and let it happen. When it was the second break for the day, Connor eats lunch as he feels the eyes of the girls, minus Fuko and Zero looking at him in jealousy. "O-Open up..." Said Rin. Connor nervously open his mouth and Rin place the food into his mouth. Everyone minus Fuko was either shocked or jealous.

"Connor...mind explaining this?" Asked Yukihime. Connor gulp as he took a breath. "Ok, ok...this is Rin...I met her when I fought the green leader." Said Connor. "Wait...the green leader?" Asked Yukihime. "Y-Yes...I-I wanted to thank him...he saved me from the green leader and two o-of his m-men." Said Rin. Just then, everyone went quiet. ""WHAT?!?!?!"" Yelled everyone but Connor and Rin. Rin, being a scared little bean, pressed against Connor while making a scared whimper. "Quiet idiots, your scaring her." Said Connor. Everyone froze before Yukihime spoke up. "Wait...when people found the green legion leader and two members dead...that was Connor?" Asked Yukihime. The two nods. Everyone was shocked again. "Huh...this is honestly the most quiet everyone has ever been." Said Connor. After school, Connor lays on his bed while thinking of what's going to happen now. Suddenly, low, light knocking echo his ears. Connor turn to the door. "Come in." Said Connor. The door opened and reveal his mother. "Connor, you got a visitor." Said Rachael. She moves aside and Rin walked inside. "H-Hey...I wanted to talk to you." Said Rin. "Oh, ok...wait how did you know where I live?" Asked Connor. "F-Fuko told me." Said Rin. "Ah ok, come sit." Said Connor. She nods with a small blush before approaching the bed, sitting on it. before walking to him and sits next to him. "So Rin, tell me about yourself." Said Connor. She turn to Connor. "T-There isn't much to talk about..." Said Rin.

"Ok how are you? Do you like it here?" Asked Connor. "Y-Yes." Said Rin. "Well I'm happy to have met you and I hope we could become good friends." Said Connor. She nodded as she suddenly leaned into Connor and lightly pressed her breasts against him while lightly gripping his sleeve and a bit of his shirt near his stomach and lean even closer. "Connor...I...I wanted to tell you something." Said Rin. Connor gulp. "W-What is it?" Asked Connor. She took a moment before looking at him. "I love you." Said Rin.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now