27: Purge the She-Devil!

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Soleil shielded her face from the sun as she watched paper shreds sprinkle from the floating pagoda above Liyue Harbor.

Ningguang had a habit of tearing up investigations after making big decisions. The paper snow became a rather symbolic occurrence within the harbor.

While it looked rather dramatic to the public, Ningguang knew better than letting confidential files stacked around for possible rivals and thieves to snatch away. It was best to destroy them instead, her memory being the only thing that stores crucial information about anything and everything.

That was probably why merchants would spend mora trying to interpret a single shred of paper. Soleil found it amusing as she would see the actual papers up in the Jade Chamber before, pinned unto the legendary wall of paper spoken of by story tellers all around the harbor. She didn't even think much of it.

That goes to say how much value differs from one person to another. Without a standard system, how does a progressive world measure the value of all things around them?

That was the initial use of mora before it became the object of greed for the misguided. Value must be measured through a criteria. That is what commerce is all about.

"Those paper shreds..." Xingqiu spoke as he looked up at where Soleil was looking. "Ningguang's already come to a conclusion," Soleil stated.

"Mm, so I've heard. News spread about a new set of rules Lady Ningguang made to replace the stasis. My father was able to attend the meeting about it the other day. He said he saw you. According to him, you looked absolutely intimidating," Xingqiu snickered.

"Why, I need to be professional. That room was full of merchants that looked down on me for simply being a scholar," Soleil crossed her arms, "I was close to smacking my resumé unto their faces."

"If the said resumé could actually be carried. You have too many achievements to be put on paper," Xingqiu shrugged.

"You flatter me, Xingqiu. But don't get too sly with me!" Soleil smiled, "You knew about me being in the meeting and invited me over to ask me about the agenda, didn't you?"

"Hehehe. Can't I simply invite you now that you have free time? We rarely get to hang out. That's all," Xingqiu smiled. But the mischievous glint in his eyes never escaped Soleil.

"Nice try," Soleil giggled and took a bite of her food, "But it couldn't hurt to indulge you a bit."

"Xingqiu always plays his cards to get what he wants, huh?" Xiangling said as she placed down a tray of food on their table and sat down with them.

"Not always," Xingqiu protested. "You could be a good merchant with that affinity for mischief," Soleil said.

"As you do, my lady," Xingqiu mocked a bow, making the two girls giggle lightly.

"Okay, enough playing around. What is it you want to know?" Soleil asked as Xingqiu returned to his seat. The bookworm hummed.

"Is it true the stasis will be lifted?" he asked. "That goes without saying. If Ningguang finalizes the new set of laws, the market should return back to normal," Soleil replied.

"This happened because of the heist of the Golden House, didn't it?" Xiangling asked. "Not exactly, but it did play a role," Soleil smiled, "It's all settled so don't worry."

"Oh. That's good to hear!" Xiangling said as she clasped her hands together. "So... The Fatui has nothing to do with it?" Xingqiu asked.

"No," Soleil shook her head, "But the Fatui will play a part in the plans for replacing the stasis. Surely, you've heard from your father about the Bill of Stakeholding?"

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