Demi Lovato Imagines Book Two...

By gayforddlovato

562K 13.6K 357

Demi Lovato x Female Reader Imagines Please don't take any of my chapters and put them in your books without... More

After a nightmare
Low self esteem
And suddenly, all those love songs I sang along to are about you
You need to pee
Paparazzi hurts you physically
She's your neighbor and she's being loud
You're starting to show (pregnancy series)
You have a panic attack
stretch marks
"Baby girl"
One of those days
She finds out you can sing
You quit your job
Cute moments (3)
She's scared of losing you
She takes care of you when you're drunk
You cry during a fight
"Please don't go"
You slip in the shower
You can always count on Demi to keep you warm -requested
Emetophobia; fear of vomiting
Valentine's Day with Demi would include
Spending your birthday with her would include
"Dance with me"
She can't sleep
She misses you
6 months sober (not an update)
Fighting before bed
But would you run away with me? ...Yes.
Cuddles fix everything
Lazy days with Demi would include
"You don't even realize how beautiful you are"
What's life without some spontaneity?
Rainy days
Food poisoning
She yells at you and scares you
She coaxes you through an anxiety attack
"There's nothing to be afraid of"
The night before she leaves for tour
Comfort after a long day
Snowball fights
Fever and chills
Make out sessions with Demi would include
Pass the salt (mature)
Her mom walks in on you two making out (kinda mature)
"I'll be there to catch you when you fall"
She proposes on christmas day
Kissing in the rain
Teasing her (🚨mature🚨)
She finds your birthmark
Surprise kisses
"I love you, always have and always will" - Requested
She snaps at you
Sneezing fits
Cute moments (4)
Late night phone calls while you're apart
You cry during a fight
She helps you fall asleep
You have a child from a previous relationship
She accidentally makes you cry
She smacks your butt
She gets you to open up a little for the first time
She wakes you up because she's sick
"Tell me you love me first"
"I could never forget you" (requested)
"We should get married"
Kissing in front of paparazzi
"I wanna take care of you"
She's crying (2)
"Will you just kiss me already?"
She takes you to the emergency room
Period mood swings
"YOU are the most important thing in my life"
A forever type of love
She comes home from tour sick
"Don't push me away"
Teasing her (2) || (🚨 mature 🚨)
You're insecure
"We'll get through this together" (requested)
You're an interviewer and you two get together - (requested)
You want her attention
She makes you blush 🥰
She's crying
You accidentally find the ring before she proposes
She's rude the first time you meet her
She comes home from tour early
Waking her up after a nightmare
She has a cold
Forgetting a date
"I don't want you to go"
"I'm always gonna need you"
"Kiss it better"
Road trips
"Just hold me"
You get a tattoo of her lyrics
Why the fans love you together
"Two months is too long"
Your mom finds a hickey on her
She finds a suicide note that you wrote before you began dating
Brain fog (pregnancy series)
Mood swings (pregnancy series)
Your mom passes away while she's on tour (requested)
You fall asleep on her
You see her naked for the first time
She takes care of you when you're hungover
You break a bone
You'll always find your way back to her (requested)
She's sleepy
You're a fan and you meet her and she likes you
"I can't sleep without you"
Nightmares and anxiety
"Please don't go"
You're friends with Dallas and you like her (requested)
You're sick and she comes over to take care of you
First morning after moving in with her
"I'll always find a way to get to you"
"Do you even love me anymore?"
She's insecure
"I love that color on you"
She passes out
Dating long distance with Demi would include
"Her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining"
Come in with the rain
"I'm not going without you"
Married life
date night
Broken (part two)
Anxiety and restless nights
She talks about you in an interview
She has acne and she's insecure
"I'd never doubt you"
She falls asleep on you
She has a nightmare
"Why are you staring at me?"
Going public
Restless nights
Trust issues
You lock yourself out of your apartment
Lights out
Showering together
She has a cold
Your child calls her mom for the first time
We get so disconnected
A family member passes away
Cold hands
She tucks a strand of hair behind your ear
"I'm sorry"
Looking for a house together
"That's my girl"
She sees you naked for the first time
First date gone wrong
Your child is sick
Wake up
Your child has a nightmare
Confrontations with your ex
Broken promises
she breaks down on stage
she's stressed and she snaps at you
You're jealous
"it looks better on you"
She gets sunburned
You get a splinter
Pet names she has for you
She wants your attention
She makes you breakfast in bed because you're sick
you get hurt and she takes care of you
you snap at her
She thinks you're sleeping
It's your childs first day of school and Demi calms her down
your child has an accident
your child is scared of the thunder and lightning
telling her parents (requested)
bonding with your child
Your child misses Demi while she's on tour
She yells at your child
She comes home from tour and your child is clingy
she surprises your child with a puppy
your child gets hurt
your child has a tantrum
Book Three!!

"I know you" (requested)

2.1K 65 0
By gayforddlovato

A/N: this was requested SO long ago so thank you to the person who requested it for being so patient with me. I'm sorry it took me so long! Pretty sure I'm gonna be returning to publishing new chapters everyday again so message me if there's something you would like to see specifically written!

The day had finally arrived. The day where you're finally marrying the love of your life. To say you're excited is an understatement. You didn't sleep last night because you couldn't stop imagining about what the future might hold for you and Demi.

You held onto the bouquet in your hands and you fiddled with the lace on your dress. It was beautiful, the dress of your wildest dreams and it made you feel like a princess wearing it. You heard the piano starting, the tune of 'here comes the bride' beginning to play. The doors opened and everyone gasped making you lower your head as blush coated your cheeks. You walked down the aisle, slowly yet elegantly, over to where Demi was waiting for you. She smiled at you and you grabbed her hands, both of you looking into each other's eyes lovingly.

Demi was looking slightly nervous as the minister began to speak, asking Demi the normal questions. Your heart dropped when Demi stood there speechless, nothing coming out of her mouth whatsoever. She let go of your hands making you feel sick to your stomach, as if she was letting go of you. "Demi?" She looked around at everyone in the room with a horrified expression on her face before looking back at you, the words that escaped from her lips tearing your heart into a million little pieces. "I can't do this. I'm sorry." She grabbed the bottom of her dress before running out of the room, leaving you in tears as everyone stared at you, gossiping amongst themselves.

It's been about four months since Demi's been back in la, going back to Texas to get away from everything and everyone for a while, including you. But now that she's back it's like everything has changed. Nothing looked the same or felt the same. The sun was shining down, as it did almost everyday in la, but it felt... wrong. She felt like she didn't deserve the sun on her skin, not after what she did to you.

Everyday since leaving you at the alter was a day filled with regret for Demi. She wanted to call you but she didn't because she could never find the words, or the strength to say the words that she had thought of. She sat in the car outside of her house that you two used to share together; a place where you laughed and loved together. A place filled with so much happiness and promises. Something she destroyed. Fuck. You deserve so much better than that, and yet she couldn't stop herself. She decided she was ready to talk, to speak from her heart. So she picked up her phone and took a deep breath before clicking on your contact. She waited and waited for you to answer, except, you never did. She listened to the familiar voicemail, her heart skipping a few beats at the sound of your voice alone. She realized that it had beeped several seconds ago and she was leaving a voice mail of pure silence. She hung up the phone before she held it close to her chest, closing her eyes as she replayed the sound of your voice over and over and over again. She had to fix this and she'd do whatever it took. That she swore to herself.

She drove over to Sirah's, a place where she thought you might be, and even if you weren't she was close with her and it would be nice to catch up with her again. Demi knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before Sirah opened it, a shocked expression on her face that quickly turned to anger. "What are you doing here?" Demi stood there in shock, about to answer when Sirah grabbed her arm and rugged her inside. "You have quite the nerve being here right now." Demi quirked her eyebrows up in confusion. Why was she so upset at her? Sure, she fucked up, but she hasn't even had the chance to explain herself yet. "Look I know I made a huge mistake but I promise I'll fix it! I'm just waiting for y/n to call me back! As soon as she does I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make this up to her!" Sirah looked at her again, this time a look of horror and despair on her face. "Y-You haven't heard?" Demi shook her head, more confused than ever before. "Demi, y/n's in treatment. She's been drinking heavily and she's become addicted to prescription medication."

Demi gasped before she tugged at her hair and began to pace around. She shook her head as a tear left her eye, refusing to believe that that had actually happened to you. "Why did no one tell me?" Sirah sighed heavily before ducking her head. "She didn't want anyone to contact you. You really really hurt her Demi. You hurt her real bad. She's still crushed by you just leaving on the day of her dreams. She loved you more than anything else. She's just devastated." It was a hard pill to swallow. She knew she'd hurt you but to think she could be the reason why you're in a treatment program for something so serious made her feel so broken. Demi's felt pain before; she'd felt loss and guilt, but never to an extent like this. She felt responsible for you and she'd let you down. "Fuck! This is all my fault!" She was starting to panic, tugging at her hair so hard that Sirah feared she might pull some out. "Demi-" "it's my fault. It's all my fault! I hate myself! Why did I do that to her? Shit shit shit!" Sirah ran over to her, putting all the anger that she felt towards Demi for hurting you so badly behind her, because Demi needed her. "Shhh", Sirah whispered out, both of them sinking to the floor as Sirah held Demi in her arms as she cried. She knew all Demi wanted to do was make this better and now she wasn't sure what to do.

It's been a week since Demi found out you were in treatment. She was gonna go buy you some flowers and beg Sirah to let her know where you were so she could beg you for forgiveness, until she got the phone call that made her feel like her heart had actually stopped beating altogether and might not beat ever again.

"Demi? It's y/n! She's in the hospital. They said something about alcohol poisoning. Demi it's serious." Demi's heart dropped. She grabbed her keys and ran out of her house before jumping in the car and rushing off to the hospital, to you. She begged for details from Sirah who eventually told her everything, knowing that she needed to know that you were okay and she truly loved and cared about you. Demi didn't really properly park in a parking spot, running inside the hospital and spooking the poor nurse who was on duty by the string of terrifying words that left her lips. "My girlfriend! S-She was rushed here f-for alcohol poisoning and I-I need to know i-if she's okay. Please! Please!" The nurse nodded, trying to keep Demi calm as she cried and panicked over you. "Name?" "y/n. Is she alright?" The nurse looked up at her and nodded, Demi letting out a sigh of relief before the nurse gave her your room number. Demi thanked him quickly before rushing up god knows how many flights of stairs, she didn't even care about that, she just needed to get to you.

Demi looked at every room number and carefully avoided bumping into all the crash carts and nurses on duty before she saw your room number and ran into the room. She closed the door behind her before looking at you. You were hooked up to a few different wires and machines; an iv, a heart monitor, an oxygen mask... all of them and more were hooked up to your body and you looked so small and fragile, it broke Demi's heart to see you like that. She walked over to you slowly before sitting down on the chair by your bed, grabbing your hand and bringing it towards her lips. She kissed it softly several times before she just breathed against it. The feeling of your hand in hers was one she's been hoping to have for so long and she wasn't about to let go of you or your hand anytime soon.

"Demi?" Your voice was hoarse and thick, but regardless of that, it made Demi's heart melt right in her chest. You were looking at her with your big yet soft eyes and it made her smile. "Princess!" She was about to stand up to hug you but you quickly pushed her away, the action making Demi's heart break all over again. "y/n-" "don't! How could you? How could you just leave me? I dreamed about that day my whole life and when I first met you, you were the only person I ever saw myself having that with! And you just left. Why? What did I do to deserve that?" Demi shook her head at you, both of you in tears and Demi holding your hand tightly in hers, refusing to let it go. "I'm sorry y/n. I know, I know I fucked up. I'm so stupid. But I was just so afraid. I know that you dreamed of that day, and baby, so did I. I just got scared because I just love you so much and I've never actually looked forward to the future and spending it with another person for eternity. I never thought I'd have that, y/n. I never thought someone would ever love me so much that they'd actually want to be with me forever and have a family with me, but you did- do. I know I screwed up but I just panicked baby, I'm so so sorry."

She took a chance and bit her lip hard before leaning over and pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. She was relieved when you didn't push her away again. She wiped away your tears before kissing your temple softly. "I'm sorry. So so fucking sorry." She whispered against your skin. You sighed before nodding your head and giving in, because even though she had hurt you, you still loved her so much. There's no way on earth that you could ever stop loving her. "It's okay." You whispered softly, looking deeply into Demi's eyes and smiling at her. "You're not mad?" Demi was in shock. Because honestly, how could you not be?

"No. I'm still a little hurt but you came back and that says something. I know you Demi, I know you better than you know yourself. Your heart is pure and three sizes too big for your body. I know you love me and I love you just as much. I'd never hate you and I can never stay mad at you for long, because you're my person." Demi felt a tear slide down her cheek, this time for a different reason. You smiled at her and wiped it away, ignoring the iv in your arm that tugged and sent a small wave of pain through your arm every time you bumped it. "I love you so goddamn much y/n." She kissed you softly, soaking in the feeling of your slightly chapped lips on hers again, a feeling she'd missed oh so much. "I love you too Demi. Always."

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