Happy Beginning Captain Swan

By isaballerina89

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After Emma Swan finished the final battle with the adult Gideon, Storybrooke changes for the better. Emma and... More

Happy Beginning
Finding Out
Mixed Feelings
Signs of Pregnancy
Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy
With A Helping Hooks
Bonding & Surprise
Back To Work
The Book
Mood Swings
Operation Lavender
Baby Names
Moodier and Surprises
Special Sonograms
With Love and Care
Baby Moon
Returning Home
Finally Back Home
Baby Shower
Girls Day
Little Moments That Count
Last Few Days Family of Three
Hope Swan-Jones
Hope Is Home
After First Night With A Newborn
First Doctor Appointment / When Help Is Needed
Sailing Adventure Family of Four
Art Show
One Year Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Making Plans
Before the Trip
Travel Day
Boston Day 1
Boston Day 2
Returning to Storybrooke
Girls Day 2
Doctors & Home
Sibling Time
Mommy and Hope Time
New Family Member
Stronger Bonds
Unexpected Night
Relationship Growth
The beginning of Family Vacation
First Experiences & Moments
Parenting As A Team
Family Bonding When Needed
Family Time
Last Day in Florida
Extra Family Time
Home and Family
Growth Spurt
Henry's Special Day
New York Comic Con 2018
Emma's Birthday
In Danger Again
Teething & More
Recovery Road
Unexpected Day
Home Sweet Home
Family Support Each Other
Captain-Swan Christmas
Winter Break
Life Unexpected
More Recovery
Finally Disciplined
Smooth Recovery
Bad Dream
Continued Cycle
Team Swan-Jones
On Your Side
New York Part 1
New York Part 2
Extra Stop Before Home
Healing Time
New Normal
Mommy then Sheriff
Hope's First Birthday
Darkness Revealed
Second Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
Swan-Jones Family on the Case
Not Again
Henry's Big Night
Killian's Special Day
Special Playdate
The Big Rescue
4th of July
One on One Time
The Accident
The Aftermath
Emma's Road to Recovery
Emma's Saves
Henry's Birthday
The Ugly Duckling
Good Defeats Evil
New York Comic Con 2019
Autumn Traditions
Operation Swan
Captain Swan Halloween
Lost and Found
Captain Swan
Date Night
Preparing For Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Weekend Getaway
Killian's Birthday
Valentines Day
Lost Boy
Work and Parenting
Captain Swan to the Rescue
Hope's 2nd Birthday
Rough Day
Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
The Potion
Post Potion
Another Case Opens
Rough Chapter
Emma Is Home
Henry's Special Day
Parenting & Heroes
Fall Traditions
Birthday Swan
Comic-Con 2020
Family Sailing Day
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Eve
Captain Swan Christmas
Second Chance Part 2
Killian's Birthday Wish
8-Week Appointment
Val-tines Day
Melody's Birthday
Rainbow Baby Gender
2nd Trimester
Growing Up
Pirate Birthday Party
4th Wedding Anniversary
Mother's Day
22 Weeks
Baby Moon Vacation
Baby Sprinkle
8 Months Along
18th Birthday
School Shopping
Moving In
Leia Swan-Jones
New Normal
Weekend Home
Little Hero
Family Weekend
Emma's Birthday


300 4 0
By isaballerina89

Henry was nervous for the rest of the week about the results of the math exam. When he was over at Swan- Jones household he was mostly was spending time with Hope. Emma checks on Henry in his room with Hope. He was lying on his stomach facing Hope was who lay on her back. "Henry, what are you two up to?"
"Hope was listening to me talk to her."
"She is a good listener is she?"
"Yes, she is." He kisses Hope on the head.
She sits on his bed as Henry got Hope and sat next to their Mom."You can talk to me, kid."
"I just can't stop thinking about that math exam."
"Henry, you are going to pass. No matter how did you do on that test it is not the end of the world. We support you no matter what."
"Thank you for being you, Mom."
"It is my job." She hugs both of her kids and kisses them on their heads. "I love you both so much."
"Mom, in the summer is there any way that we can have one on one time? Just you and me?"
Emma smiled. "I am happy that you asked that Henry."
"I am going back to work part-time in the summer for 2 days a week. You can be my partner and we can do stakeouts."
"Mom, really?"
"Yes. I miss work."
"Mom, what about Hope?"
"I been thinking your Dad and I can do shifts and we can take turns on watching Hope. If we are both needed, we were thinking you can watch Hope at the station in the summer. Your grandma is going to watch her while I am working during the fall."
"Mom, I would love to watch Hope. Any chance to spend time with Hope. I will be happy." He kisses Hope on the head.
"I also been thinking, I can bring Hope with me to work and if there is a serious case you can watch her."
"I can do that."
"Since the town is pretty quiet, I am pretty sure that I will be doing paperwork or patrol during the summer. You can watch Hope as I can do patrol. If I need to do a stakeout your dad ca watch Hope. You and I can do stakeouts."
"Yes! Like old times!"
"Yes, Henry like old times with no curses."
"That is for sure." Emma chuckled. Hope began to cry. "Hope, you want Mommy?" Henry's hands Hope to their Mom. "Hope, what is the matter, baby? Did you have fun with Henry?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you did!" She sniffs Hope. "You need a change sweetie." She takes Hope to her room to be changed. Henry followed them and lets Hope hold his finger as she was being changed.
"Hope, I love you so much, little sis." He kisses her little hand. Hope smiles.
"Hope loves you kid. When we were about to leave your school on Monday we saw your grandma. Hope let your grandma hold her and she mentioned you twice, Hope looked around for you and she got upset."
"She really was crying?"
"Yes, she was. After we took her to the park on Monday. I tried the swings with her."
"Mom, you told me no swings."
"Yes, I did. I tried the swings with her, I barely moved because I was holding her very tightly and I was afraid she would fall." She talks to Hope. "You had fun with Mommy on the swings baby girl?" Hope coos. Emma smiles and kisses her daughter on her belly.
"Mom, can we go get ice cream?"
"Sure." Hope begins to cry,
"Hope, you want to come, little sis? Mommy and Henry are not leaving you behind, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope we are not leaving you behind sweetie."
"Can we walk there since it is nice out?"
"Sure, we can. Let me get Hope dressed and her carrier ready."
"I will make sure her diaper bag is packed."
"Thank you, Henry." Emma dressed Hope in a pink onesie with her cute little jeans and her little red jacket. "Hope you are dressed look like Mommy!" She takes Hope's pictures in her cute little Emma Swan outfit.
"Mom, she is definitely is your mini-me with the red jacket and the jeans."
"Yes, she is Henry." Hope began to fuss. "Hope, I will take the jacket off now sweetie. I know it is too hot for the jacket." She takes off the jacket. "You are comfy now since the jacket is off sweetie?" Hope cooed.
"Mom, it will fit her when she is bigger."
"Yes, she can wear it in the fall. Once I saw this jacket, I could not help myself getting it for her."
"Hope you like the jacket that Mommy got you, little sis?" He kisses Hope. Emma changes Hope into little shorts to go with her onesie.
"You are clean and changed baby girl." Henry hands over the carrier to his Mom and she put in on her and got Hope and strapped her in. "Hope are you comfy in there baby girl?" Hope smiled at her Mommy. Emma smiles back at Hope. Emma gets her purse and was ready to go. "Are you looking forward to getting ice cream with Henry?" Hope coos. "I know me too, baby. We both love Henry so much." Henry waited for them by the door.
"Where is Dad?"
"He is working on the Jolly Roger."
Henry carried the diaper bag and Emma carried Hope and her purse as they walked into town. "Mom, I am so happy my last final is tomorrow morning, then I am done."
"Henry, you are going to do your best you can."
"I know, you support me no matter what."
"Yes, we do kid." Hope was smiling at her Mommy. "Hope, are you listening to Mommy and Henry talk? Are you enjoying the nice day out?" Hope coos.
"Mom she loves looking around."
"Yes, she does Henry. She loves looking around at everything." As they walked into town Hope fell asleep. They walked into the ice cream shop, Dopey was working there. "Hi, Dopey. Can I have two scoops of chocolate ice cream on a cone? What do you want Henry?"
"I will have two scoops of a rocky road on a cone." Emma paid after Dopey gave them ice cream. They sit outside and ate their ice cream. "How is your ice cream?"
"It is good. Yours?"
"Yes, it is. Do you think Hope will like it?"
"When she is older yes. For now, she eats the milk version of it."
"Do you think Hope will like vanilla, chocolate or rocky road?"
"I do not know. Maybe chocolate or rocky road? She will decide when she is older." Emma and Henry look down at Hope who was sleeping very comfy on top of her Mommy's chest sound asleep.
"She sure loves to sleep on you."
"Yes, she does. I am loving her sleeping on me, my Hope snuggles." Henry smiles.
"I never have seen you this happy Mom."
"Henry, I..."
"Mom I know you could not do this with me. You are taking advantage of your second change of having a baby from the beginning and Hope loves you so much, she is so happy with you Mom. If you had kept me I know that I would have brought you the same happiness that she is giving you now."
"Henry," She hugs him. "I love you so much. I..."
"Mom, I know I remind you of my Dad. From what he did to you. I am the reminder."
"Henry, your Dad took advantage of me, knowing how vulnerable I was for love and attention that I needed. He took advantage of me. Then he framed me and abandoned me. He never apologized."
"He never apologized?"
"Yes, he did not. I could not ever forgive him. From our relationship, I had you, which is the best part of it all. Now you are in my life which is all that matters to me."
"Mom, I love you so much. I love our relationship and how close we are now. I love you, Dad, not my biological one, and Hope. I am so happy you are here now with us."
"Henry, you found me and brought me here to my family and I would not have ever met your Dad and have Hope."
"Mom, I love you so much. I am sorry I remind you of him."
"Henry you are my son and no matter what how you were created, which does not change anything. I love you so so much."
"I love you too, Mom. I am always and will be very grateful for having me."
"I love you, Henry. I love you so much. You are my one and only son." She hugs him as best as she could with Hope sleeping on her chest.
"You are the best Mom, who always taking care if me and Hope and being there for us."
"I try to be my best."
"Mom, you are in my life which is the best thing."
"Thanks, kid." He hugs his Mom. They finished their ice cream. "What do you want to do now?"
"Can we go to the library? I want to read the Hope when she wakes up."
"Sure, we can." They walked to the library.
"Mom, I was thinking since it is my last exam tomorrow. On Friday can we spend time together just you and me?"
"Sure, we can. I know your Dad would love to watch Hope for a few hours."
"There is an art studio in town can we paint together on Friday?"
"Do you want to get messy while painting?"
"Yes. That will be fun."
"Instead of using the art studio. How about you and I can get a huge canvas and throw paint in our backyard instead?"
"Mom, I LOVE that idea." He hugs her and she laughs.
"We can buy the paint and other materials after your exam tomorrow, I can pick you up."
"We are definitely doing art on Friday."
"Yes, we are having dinner at my other mom's house right?"
"Yes, we are. If Hope gets upset we will leave."
"I know. You will do anything for Hope and me." They walk into the library and see Belle. "Hi, Grandma."
"Hi, Henry. Hi Emma and Hope."
"Mom, I will get some books for Hope. Can you bring her to me when she wakes up?'
"Sure, kid." Henry goes to the children's section.
"How is Hope?"
"She been sleeping for the last two hours but she is happy."
"How has Henry been?"
"He is a little anxious for his math exam results but other than that he is been good. He spending time with Hope more after his exams. He talks to Hope a lot."
"He loves his baby sister."
"He sure does. Henry and I are going to spend time together doing splatter painting in our backyard."
"That was his idea?"
"No, mine." They both laughed. "I always wanted to do splatter painting. I never got a chance to do it until now. Killian loves his special time with Hope. We both spend quality time with each child."
"That is fair." Hope wakes up.
"Hi, baby. Did you have a nice nap?" Hope coos. "Henry is waiting to read to you, sweetie." She takes Hope out of the carrier.
"I can hold her while you get the carrier off." Emma hands over Hope to Belle.
"Thank you." She takes off the carrier. She sees Hope in Belle's arms. "I think Hope likes you."
"She knows that I am a good person. She is so sweet." She hands over Hope to Emma.
"Hope, let's go find your big brother." She finds Henry in the children's section. "Henry, your little sister is awake." Hope begins to cry. "Hope are you hungry?" She talks to Henry. "Let me feed her first before you read to her." Emma sits down on the rug and feeds Hope.
"Mom, how long do you think you will breastfeed her?"
"I am not sure Henry. Whenever Hope is ready for a bottle I will be ready. If not she will go straight to trying baby food. Breastfeeding Hope is not too painful but I love my time with her." She kisses Hope on the head. Once Hope was full Emma burped her and handed Hope to Henry.
"Hope, it is storytime little sis." He kisses her on the head and read a book to her. After the story, Hope fell asleep.
"Kid, we can borrow the other books. You can read it to her later."
"That is a good idea." Emma straps the carrier on her and Henry hands over sleeping Hope to their Mom. Henry checked out the books and he carried them home with his Mom's diaper bag. They walked home. When they arrived home, Killian made dinner.
"Dad, we are home."
"Hi, Henry. Where did you go?"
"Mom and I had ice cream and we went to the library."
"That sounds like fun." He goes to Emma and Hope. "How are my two loves?" They kiss.
"Hope napped most of the time we were out but we had fun. Henry and I talked so much. He read Hope one book at the library."
"Aye, it sounds like you had fun with both of them. Dinner is ready."
"It smells good by the way. I am going to put Hope in her crib." Emma goes upstairs to Hope's room. "Hope, I hope you had a fun time with Mommy and Henry." Hope smiled in her sleep. She placed Hope in her crib and got the baby monitor. Henry comes up to drop off the diaper bag.
"Mom she is still sleeping?"
"Yes. Dinner is ready."
They went downstairs to the kitchen. Killian made beef stew and they all ate at the dinner table. Henry finished his meal first. He puts his plate in the sinks and goes back to hug his Mom. "Mom, I had so much fun today with you and Hope."
"Henry, I had so much fun with you too. Call me tomorrow to let me know when I can pick you for so we can go shopping for art supplies."
"Sure, I will call you. I am looking forward to the summer so I can be your partner at work."
"Lad, I am her deputy."
"Yes. Mom said I can help her with the stakeouts."
"Aye. You two used to do stakeouts?'
"Yes, during the curses."
"Mom, I will call you tomorrow. I cannot wait for our art project."
"Same here, Henry. Bring a bathing suit. I have a feeling we are going to need it for our art project."
"I will bring a bathing suit." He hugs her.
"I will see you after your last exam." Henry leaves to Regina's house.
"Love, what art projects involve swimwear?"
"You will see on Friday."
"You are doing art here?"
"Yes, in our backyard?"
"I am assuming it will be messy?'
"Yes, very messy."
"Is this your mother and son bonding?"
"Yes. You and Hope can have your Daddy and daughter time or you can watch us have fun."
"Love, I can do both."
"You might want to watch a little bit of it."
Emma smiles. "You will see."
"Swan, you are up to something."
"I am not spoiling on what Henry and I got planned."
"You are my mischievous and fun surprising wife."
"Yes, I am captain." They kiss.
"Aye, I am looking forward to seeing what you are up to on Friday."
"Yes. By the way, we need to give Hope a bath."
"Aye, I will run the water." Emma checks on Hope who was awake.
"Hope, you are awake." She picks Hope up from her crib. "Did you have a good sleep baby girl?" She kisses Hope on the nose and gave her butterfly kisses. "Hope, it is time for your bath, sweetie." She takes Hope's clothes off and left the diaper on until Killian got the water ready for Hope with bubbles. Emma took Hope's diaper off and Killian put Hope in her baby holder in the tub. "I will be right back." Killian began washing Hope.
"Hope, you like the water little love?" Hope looked at the water dripping from the sponge as her Daddy was cleaning her. "You love the water little Hope."
Emma sets up Hope's pajamas, baby lotion and towel on her bed after Hope was done with her bubble bath. Emma returns to the bathroom watching Killian playing with Hope during her bath time. Emma took pictures of Killian playing with Hope. "Killian, are you washing her as well besides playing with her?"
"Aye, yes I am love." He moves aside to give room for Emma. "Emma washed Hope's hair and little body. After she was done, Killian played with Hope with water toys. Hope was smiling having fun with her Daddy.
"Hope, are you having fun in your bubble bath with Daddy?" Hope and Killian played for a little longer, Killian using bath toys and squirting Hope until she began to fuss.
"Hope, bath time is over for you sweetie." Emma got a towel and dried up Hope. Emma takes Hope to her room to dry up and lotion Hope. "Hope you had fun with Daddy?" She kisses Hope playing their special game. Hope smiled as she was playing the game with her Mommy. She sits on her bed and holds Hope who was wearing a diaper. She put her knees up and held Hope in her hands and legs. "Hope, I love you so much baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "I love our special time sweetie." She puts her nose against hers. Hope grabs her Mommy's face with both of her hands. Emma giggles. "You love me baby girl." Killian watches Emma having a moment with their daughter and took pictures. Emma kisses little Hope as she was holding onto Emma. Killian got good photos of Emma smiling while Hope holding her face and kissing Hope. After Hope let go,"Hope, you are so cute and makes me so happy baby girl." Hope coos. "If you happy and you know it claps your hands, (she moved Hope's hands together as she sang). "If you happy and you know it claps your hands and you really want to show it. If you happy and you know it claps your hands." She clapped Hope's hands. She kisses Hope's little hands at the end of the song. Hope smiles. "You like when Mommy sings to you baby?" She gives Hope multiple kisses. Emma turns to the door and Killian was watching their fun. "Hi."
"Hi, love. You look like you are having fun with Hope.'
"Yes, I am. We have the happiest baby ever." She playing tickles Hope. Killian sits next to his wife and daughter on their bed. "Aye, we do love." He gives Hope kisses on her cheek. Hope smiles.
"Hope, you love Daddy and Mommy so much." Hope coos. They both smile at her as she moved her arms and legs around. Hope began to fuss. "Hope, are you hungry baby?" She scoops up Hope. "Mommy will feed you now baby." Killian got Emma a burp towel from Hope's room as Emma breastfed her. He sits next to his wife and daughter and wrapped his arm around his wife. They both enjoyed the quiet time with their daughter. "Killian."
"Yes, Emma."
"Hope is eating and pooping at the same time."
"Is that normal?"
"Maybe for her, she is still getting to know how her body works."
"Aye. She is still new to this world and learning things every day. I will go get her a fresh diaper."
"Hope, you are hungry and pooping? If it makes you feel better that is fine by me." She kisses Hope on the head. After Hope was fed and pooped, Emma burped her. She brought Hope to her room to be changed on her changing table. Hope was changed into her new pajamas. Emma rocked Hope to sleep. "Good night baby girl. Mommy and Daddy love you so much, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head and placed her in the crib. She went to her room, Killian was in bed. "Emma, you look so tired."
"I am not that tired. I love spending time with our little girl."
"I know, love. Time to spend time with me." She sits next to him.
"Next week is my 6 weeks check up."
"Check up on what swan?"
"So, we have sex again. This appointment is to get the all clear to have sex again."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, captain." She smiles and kisses him. They make out on their bed and they end up cuddling, Emma fell asleep in Killian's arms. He kisses Emma on the head.
"Sleep well, my love. You are amazing Mommy to both of our children."
The next morning, Hope was awake in her crib. Emma goes to Hope and picks her up. "Did you have a good night rest? After I fed you 4 hours ago. Come, you and I can play in the living room. I know you kept Daddy up." She brings Hope to the living room and put her on the playmat. "Hope you are getting stronger baby girl. You are doing so good baby!" Hope began to fuss after a while of tummy time. She picks up Hope from her playmat and kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you want to read a book that Henry got you at the library?" Emma sits down on the couch holding Hope and a book from the library. Emma read the book, "Green Eggs and Ham." After she read to Hope she put Hope back on the playmat and watched Hope playing with the toys. "That is it, you got it, baby." Killian comes downstairs to see Emma with Hope.
"Good morning, my two loves."
"Good morning, Killian. Hope Daddy is awake."
"Good morning, Hope. Are you having fun with Mommy?" Hope cooed happily. "I will take that as a yes." He goes to the kitchen to cook breakfast. Emma takes Hope with her.
"Hope, when you are older you are going to help Daddy cook, sweetie."She kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma and Hope, are you here to watch me cook?"
"Yes, we are." Hope makes poop. "Hope you have your poop face. I will change you." Emma brings Hope upstairs to change. Emma changed her and as she was changing her Hope made more poop. "Hope!" She begins to cry. "Hope, Mommy is not mad baby. She is just surprised."She holds Hope who was still pooping. "Mommy is not mad baby she is just smelly that is all." Killian rushes upstairs. "Love, what is wrong?"
"I was changing Hope's diaper and she pooped more on the changing table. Now I made her cry. So I held her to calm her down and covered in poop." Hope made more poop on Emma's nightshirt and placed Hope back on the changing table.
They waited until she was finished. Killian picked up crying, Hope."Little love, Mommy did not mean to scream she was surprised that is all. No need to be upset Hope." Killian held and comforted and kissed her while Hope who was a mess, while Emma cleaned the changing table with Clorox wipes. "Love, I will do the laundry after this."
"That will be great. We are all covered with poop." Hope continues to cry. Killian laid Hope down so Emma and clean and change her. "Hope, you are all clean baby." She takes off her pajama shirt. She picks up her daughter. "Hope, Mommy is not mad sweetie. Do not cry." She gives Hope kisses and bounced her.
"Love, I will do our laundry now."
"Yes, and we both need showers later."
"Aye." he kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, Daddy, and Mommy are not mad at you little lass. You made us stinky because that is your pirate side. You are Daddy's little pirate Hope." He kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Hope, you and I can have snuggles now? Would you like that?" Hope still crying. She takes Hope to her room and did skin to skin, she slowly calmed down. "Hope you do not have to be embarrassed sweetie. You could not control your poop. I should have waited longer until you stopped, now I know for next time." She kisses Hope on her head. "We learn from our mistakes. When you are a big girl you are going to make a lot of mistakes but you learn from them. I sure made a lot of not smart decisions and ended up in bad situations. You live and you learn. Mommy is not mad you sweetie. Daddy is cleaning our clothes so they will be smelly free. They will be all clean like you are now baby." She kisses Hope on the head. "I love you baby girl." Hope puts her hand on her Mommy's chest where her heart is. "Hope loves Mommy." She hugs Hope and rubs her back. "Mommy loves you, Hope. When there is a problem you can come to me and talk about it and I will always help you. No matter what it is, I will help you okay? When you make a mistake you can come to me and tell me what it is and I can help you fix your mistakes. When you make a mistake you can fix them." Hope gurgled and grabs her Mommy's finger. Emma did more than an hour of skin to skin with Hope. Killian went to check up on his two loves.
"Emma, how is Hope?"
"I calmed her down, skin to skin does wonders to Hope. I spoke to her about mistakes and not to be embarrassed. I think when I screamed she got afraid. I told her I will love her always. You took a shower already?"
"Aye, I did after I did our laundry."
"I need a shower. I have to wait for Henry's call to get him and go to the art store with him."
"Love, your breakfast is downstairs and it is ready."
"Love, I can watch our little Hope for a while." He sits down next to Emma.
"I made a mistake, I should have waited until she was done. I thought she was..."
"Emma, we all make mistakes and we are learning as we go for first-time parents."
"Besides this messy mistake, we are sure doing pretty good as first-time parents."
"Aye, we are Emma." They kiss. Killian takes off his shirt.
"You like skin to skin with Hope?"
"Aye, yes I do. You are the right swan." Emma smiles and gently hands over their daughter to Killian. Hope cries. "Hope, Daddy got you, little love." Her cries get louder.
"Hope, you want Mommy? My baby girl." Killian gives Hope a kiss and gives Hope back to Emma. She stops crying once she was once she was in her Mommy's arms. "Hope, you are not embarrassed anymore. You just want Mommy."
"Love, Hope proves that we are being good parents, Hope loves you and attached to you the most."
"Yes, I have a feeling Hope will be attached to me or you or Henry tonight at the dinner."
"Aye, I have a feeling she will be attached to one of us."
"Yes, she will. I want her to be happy.'
"Emma, she will be. She might have a rough morning but who knows tonight she can be in a better mood."
"Maybe she will, now she wants me"
"Aye, I love the sound of that."
"Hopefully, I can go pick up Henry."
"Love, I will watch Hope. Do not worry."
"I know, she loves her Daddy."
"Aye, Hope loves us all." Killian cuddles with his wife and daughter. "Love, I will be right back." He brings up a tray of cut up pancakes and green tea.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome. You have had a busy morning with our little lass, you need to eat."
"Yes, I have had a busy morning with Hope, we played and read, had a messy diaper duty and skin to skin, which i love." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma ate her breakfast single-handed, Killian wrapped his hook hand arm around his wife while Hope grabbed his finger on his good hand. "Daddy loves you little Hope." He kisses her small hand. Emma falls asleep with Hope on top of her and in her husband's arms. Killian watched his two loves sleep. He sees Emma's iPhone ringing. He reaches for the iPhone and answers. He whispered"Henry."
"Yes, it is me."
"Why are you answering Mom's phone?"
"She is sleeping Hope had a rough morning and tired your mom out."
"What happened?"
"Poop explosion that ended up on your mom and I son."
"Wow, that bad?'
"Aye very messy. Your Mom has been doing skin to skin with your sister for the past three hours, Hope was ashamed and now does not want to held by anyone but your Mom."
"Dad, I can go to the art store myself. I know what Mom wants."
"Are you sure lad?"
"Yes, it is no problem. Mom needs to rest. I need to buy more supplies anyways. I will be home soon."
Killian looks down at his sleeping wife and daughter. Hope wakes up. "Little lass, you are awake. Do you want Daddy?" He takes Hope out of Emma's arms. "We need to let Mommy sleep." He takes Hope to her room. "Little love, I know you were upset that you made a mistake. Daddy and Mommy know you did not do it on purpose. We love you, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. He gives her a pacifier. "Hope, you want to know how real pirates are? Well, when I was in Neverland. There are no showers, living on a boat with my crew, it was very very smelly. We had no wipes or showers. Do you want to know what shower was? Jumping into the ocean with a bar of soap." Emma woke up hearing Killian through the baby monitor talking to Hope. She took a very needed shower. When she was done she heard the door opening and closing. She goes down and sees Henry with the art supplies. "Henry, I am so sorry."
"Mom. I spoke to Dad you had a very rough morning with Hope. it is okay Mom. I got the supplies we need for tomorrow."
Emma looked sad. "I will be right back." She runs upstairs to the bathroom and cries on the floor she was feeling guilty for not being there for Henry.
"Mom...Mom.. please open up." Killian comes by with Hope.
"Lad, what is wrong?"
"Mom saw me with the art supplies and she just went up to the bathroom."
Killian sighs, "It has been a rough morning here."
"I know. I can the Clorox from here."
"Aye, your mom cleaned your sister's changing table really good she pooped everywhere, it was all over your mom and me, mostly your Mom." He puts Hope in her crib
"Mom, please let me in."
Killian returns. "Love. please let me in."
Emma opens the door, she was still crying. "Mom." Henry hugs her.
"I am sorry Henry. I..."
"Mom, you had a very rough morning with Hope. Hope knowing her would not let you go. I know you needed to rest and she needed you, Mom."
"I feel like I let you down. I...I feel like I cannot give you and Hope equal attention." She cries harder.
"Mom. Please do not cry. I am not jealous. You were where you needed to be at. Hope needed you, Mom."
"I still feel I failed."
"Emma." He hugs her. "Love, you are doing an amazing job with both of them. There needs are different. You handling both of them the best you can."
"Henry, getting the art supplies were part of our special time together."
"Mom, I am not mad. Please stop crying. You did not fail me. You needed to sleep and a shower after Hope had a rough morning."
"It was my fault, I should have waited a little longer and your and I would not be in that smelly situation."
"Mom, we all make mistakes."
"Henry, I feel like I did not spend enough time with you lately."
"Mom, you are a mom to a newborn. I love my baby sister. I love sharing her with you. Our Mom who is the best." He hugs her for a long time. "Mom, I love you so much. You won't ever fail me. I got the supplies myself because I wanted to help you."
"I do have the best son."
"Mom, can we have a relaxing afternoon here? Before we go to my other's Mom's house for dinner."
"That sounds like a great plan. After this morning, it sounds amazing."
"Pizza and Netflix?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, kid. We can."
"Yes, I will choose the movie." he goes downstairs.
Killian hugs Emma. "I still feel bit guilty."
"Emma, they both love you for who you are and you are not failing them. You are not perfect neither am I. No one is perfect, they love you for you." Emma hugs him and felt safe in his arms. "I love you."
"I love you too, Emma. Please do not be too hard on yourself. We are both still learning on being parents to two children."
"Yes, managing our time equally with them."
"If you want, I can stay up here with Hope so you can have alone time with Henry."
"No, you are joining us. We all had a rough morning and we need to relax together."
"Aye, I will order us the pizza." They kiss. Hope begins to cry.
"I got Hope. I am pretty sure she is hungry." She walks into Hope's room and sees Hope in her crying. "Hope, Mommy is here baby." Hope had poop covering most of her crib. "Killian!"
Henry and Killian both rush upstairs. "Killian, can you call the pediatrician office to ask Dr.Cameron to make a house call?"
She takes Hope from her crib and let her snuggle on her chest as Hope was crying. "I am on it, love."
"Hope, are you sick baby? Whatever it is Mommy will help you, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. She comforts Hope.
"Mom, I can do her bedsheets."
"Thanks, kid."
"Is she sick?"
"I do not know. That is why I want her doctor to come over." She changed Hope's diaper put the dirty one in a plastic bag to show Dr.Cameron. Hope stops crying once she was clean. Killian returns upstairs to Hope and Emma. "Dr.Cameron is coming. Maybe you did not make a mistake. Maybe she is sick?"
"Maybe. I want Hope to be happy, not sick."
"Love, we will help her get better."
"I know, we can." They kiss. Killian changed Hope's crib sheet while Emma held Hope. The doorbell rings.
Henry answers the door. "Hi.Henry."
"Hi, Dr.Cameron."
"Where is your sister?"
"She is in her room with our mom. She had a rough morning. I will bring you upstairs."
"Thank you, Henry." Henry leads Dr.Cameron to Hope's room. "Mom, Dr. Cameron is here."
"Hi, Emma. I heard you had a rough day here."
"Thank you for coming Dr.Cameron." Dr.Cameron looked around the room.
"Wow, this is Hope's room?"
"Yes." "Whoever the painter is let me know. I need to design a room or two at my house."
"Henry created all of these murals for Hope."
"Henry, you did these?'
"Yes, I did."
"Are you interested in making some extra money over the summer? I am new in town with my family. We just moved here. I wanted to personalize my children's rooms. I have two kids a boy and a girl."
"What do you think?"
"You want me to paint for you and get paid?" "Yes." He talks to his Mom. " Mom, can I do the painting job when I am not watching Hope."
"It is alright with me but you have to ask your other Mom for permission."
"I hope she allows me."
"I will give you my information later. Now let me check on your baby sister."
"Dad, I might have a summer job."
"See lad, your art talent comes in handy. Let's give the lasses some space." They leave Hope's room.
"What happened Emma?"
"I was feeding her last night she was eating and pooping at the same time. This morning, I was changing her and all of the sudden poop came flying out and Killian and I were covered and it was all over the changing table. Then right before we called you, she was sleeping in her bed and she had poop covering her crib. That is when I knew something was wrong."
"I can examine her. I brought my doctor tools."
Emma brought Hope and Dr.Cameron to her room. "Thank you for coming by, we are still new at parents of a newborn and we are still learning as we go."
"It is no problem, Emma. I have been there a new mom and wanting to make sure my baby is healthy."
"I have been doing skin to skin with Hope most of the morning." Emma takes Hope's onesie off and lets her lie on the bed.
"Hi, Hope. Do you remember me?" Hope cooed. "Well, I am going to see if you sick or not. I will not hurt you, no shots. That is a promise." Killian and Henry watched from the bedroom door. Dr.Cameron takes Hope's temperature, "Her temperature is normal."She examines Hope's organs by pressing very lightly. "Her organs are normal." Dr.Cameron examined the dirty diaper. "Her poop is normal but a lot. Is it more than usual?"
"Yes which why I got concerned."
"Hope has diarrhea. She needs to take the medicines the water grip and Pedialyte."
"How long will diarrhea last?"
"A few days or 24 hours. It depends on how much she has it. Since Hope is breastfed she supposed to be pooping a lot but not in so many amounts at a time. She is not constipated which is a good thing because babies who drink formula get more constipation."
"Hope does not take the bottle at all."
"Emma, Hope is going to be fine within a couple of days. Do you have any questions while I am here?"
"Hope is still not sleeping through the night. How long would that take?"
"For newborns, they do not sleep straight 8 hours like us adults. They wake up every few hours."
"So not for a few years."
"Yes." They both laughed.
"Killian, can you please bring up Hope's medicine."
"I am on it, love."
Henry comes in. "Mom, can I hold Hope?"
"Yes, you can. Bring her back when your Dad comes with her medicine. "
"Hi, Hope. I am sorry you are not feeling very well little sis." Hope coos. "Yes, you had a rough morning, I know." Emma and Dr.Cameron giggle. Henry brings Hope to his room.
"You have two kids?'
"Yes, I do. One daughter name Elizabeth and son name Connor."
"How many years apart are they?"
They are three years apart. Elizabeth is 10 and Connor is 7."
"Wow, they are young."
"Do you always make house calls?'
"Yes and no. I do house calls now as a pediatrician. When I worked for a famous doctor named Dr.Greg House. I was on his team for about 5 years as an immunologist for special unsolved sicknesses. My team and I used to go to the houses of patients who case we have to figure out if the home environments are causing their sickness. Basically, we snooped in their houses, which was wrong and helpful."
"Wow, I had no idea doctors can do that. I mean I am sheriff now. When I was a teenager, I was in the foster system until I ran away at sixteen. I had to snoop in homes or motels which my ex-boyfriend."
"Henry's father?'
"Yes. I will explain more of that another time."
"I am sorry that I made you uncomfortable the last time."
"No..no. I had Henry when I was seventeen and I was homeless at the time only had a car. Adoption was the best option for Henry. He eventually found me as a 10-year-old and he brought me back to my family. If it weren't for Henry I would not have met my husband and Hope."
"Love, I have Hope's medicine." Henry brings Hope back inside.
"Dr.Cameron can you check Hope's temperature again sorry I am asking, she feels warm>"
"Sure. I can check." Dr.Cameron checks Hope's temperature again while Henry holding her.
"Hope temperature is normal Henry 98.6."
"I just wanted to make sure."
"You are a very good big brother."
"Thank you Dr.Cameron."
"Please, everyone can call me Allison out of the office. I spent years with a doctor calling me by my last name only for five years." They all laughed.
"Henry give my your sister." Henry gives Hope to their Mommy. Killian hands Emma the bib and Killian spoon feeds Hope her Pedialyte. "That is a good little lass." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope ate from Emma after her medicine.
"Allison, thank you for coming by."
"It is no problem, Emma. When I am off, want to get coffee?"
"I cannot have coffee but I can have tea."
"Sure. We can talk more."
"Sounds like fun. If Regina allows Henry to paint murals at your house, Hope and I can come over we can talk."
"That will be great. Hope is a happy baby. She is loved by you all. She is lucky to have you all."
"Thank you, Allison."
"How did my mom Regina hire you?"
"I was looking for another job. I moved several times because of the job and the environment. Let's just say your other Mom found me as a one of the immunologist and pediatrician."
"I see can that?" Allison and Emma both laughed.
"I have one more question."
"Yes, Emma."
"Since Hope has diarrhea, is she okay to go out tonight?"
"From the way how her stomach is. I think you should reschedule your plans."
"Yes!!" They all looked at Henry.
"Kid, you are really that happy?"
"Yes, you and Dad weren't there when I had to calm down Hope who was terrified of Rowand."
"I am so confused."
"I can explain. Henry babysat Hope for us so we can get extra sleep. He took her to park. His other's mom husband Robin, who has a child with Zelena who is Regina's sister and who was cloned as his ex-wife. They had a child name, Rowand. Somehow Hope detects that Rowand is the daughter of Zelena's daughter. She cries crazy and Henry calmed her down."
"Wait...you mean Regina's mothering her sister's child who she tricked to have a child with her husband."
"Yes, basically." They all nodded.
"Then how does Hope know Rowand's is Zelena's daughter?"
"Aye, I can answer that. While Emma was around four months pregnant, we were on our lunch break at the park and Zelena saw the baby bump. She got jealous and Emma and she got into a fight. I, of course, protected my two loves and threatened her to be put in a crazy house."
"Then, when Hope was born a few hours old. Hope wailing and I woke up Zelena being at my hospital room. I quickly get Hope who sensed danger. Nurses and security had to escort her out because we were in another fight."
"Aye, then Regina and I put her in the looney bin"
"Wow. I have a feeling that there is more history but I have a feeling you will tell me more Emma."
"Yes. it is a long story."
"I have to go back to see other patients."
"Allison, thank you for coming by."
"Your welcome. I am glad that I did. Now I have a friend."
"Me, too." They exchanged numbers.
"Henry, your other Mom has my information. Please let Regina call me to talk about the summer job."
"I will. Thank you, Allison."
"Allison, can you check Hope? One more time?"
"Sure." She takes Hope's temperature. "Hope has a fever. Her temperature is 100. Just give her Tylenol, water gripe and Pedialyte as instructed."
"Thank you, Allison."
You are welcome. I will come by to see Hope and we can talk."
"Sounds like a good plan." Emma talks to Hope. "Hope, say bye bye to Allison." She waves Hopes' hand. "Bye, Hope. I hope to see you when you are better." Hope smiles.
Killian walked Dr.Cameron out. "Mom, you did not make a mistake."
"I thought I was then I noticed something was off."
"Mom, you are a great mom to both of us. Right Hope?" Hope puts her hand on Emma. "Hope understands."
"Yes, she does. Hope I am sorry that you are sick baby. We will take care of you, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, now that you made a friend in town who can be your twin."
"I know, kid." Killian helps Emma feed Hope her Tylenol.
"Mom, can we order in pizza?'
"Yes, Henry. We can watch Netflix tonight too."
"Yes! Henry call your Mom to tell her to reschedule because Hope is sick."
"I will call her now."
"Love, I will order pizza."
"Sounds good. I am feeling better than before knowing Hope was sick the whole time."
"I know love. You did not do anything wrong."
"I know. I knew something was wrong with Hope." She talks to Hope. "Hope, you and I are going to have extra snuggles for the next few days baby. I am sorry that you are sick baby."SHe kisses Hope on the head.
"Little Hope, you are in the best care which is your Mommy's arms. I love you little Hope." He kisses her cheek. Hope grabs his face. "Daddy loves you, Hope."
"Killian, Hope loves her Daddy."
"Aye, she does."
"Hope, you want Daddy sweetie?" Emma hands over Hope to Killian. "Little love. Let's give Mommy a break. You can help me order pizza." Emma smiles at Killian and their Hope. Henry returns to Emma. "Mom." he hugs her. "You did great with Hope."
"Thanks, kid."
"Mom, I told you that you are the best mom."
"Thanks, Henry." He hugs her and they both fall asleep. Killian returned to their room with Hope. "Little Hope, this is called taking a picture for memories." He snaps a photo of Henry and Emma sleeping together. After an hour of their nap together, Emma and Henry go downstairs to the living room. Killian had Hope in his arms sound asleep and pizza on the coffee table and Netflix ready. "Ready for a relaxing night in?"
"Dad, can I choose the movie?'
"Sure, lad."
" I want to watch The Jungle Book."
"Sure." Emma sat in between her two boys, Killian holding sleeping, Hope. Emma and Henry ate pizza. Hope cries. "Hope, are you hungry baby?" Killian hands over their daughter to her. Emma feeds Hope and burps her.
"Mom, you do not have to be perfect. You are perfect in your own way." She kisses Henry on the head.
"Thanks, Henry." Hope makes a sound. "Thank you, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. When Hope needs a change, Killian changed her. He returns with Hope. "Our little lass is clean." Killian gives Hope to Emma.
"Did you give her the next dose of Pedialyte?"
"Yes, I did."
"Good, Hope you will feel better soon baby."
"Yes, you will little sis."
"Aye, little love you have us to take care of you." He kisses Hope on the head. Henry leaned on Emma's shoulder and Killian wrapped his arm around Emma and Hope and Henry. "I love you all."
"Mom, we love you, Mom."
"Aye, love you swan." They enjoyed their night in. Emma has never been so grateful for her family and support that she has to help with Hope. Emma so grateful for her loving family.

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