the dreamssss

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Hii guysss, yes i'm back again... I have some dreams to share that I had the couple of months... 3 dream... long ones oooo... They are good dreams actually and I did actually enjoyed them... I hope you guys do, too...


Dream #1: Prayer Answered & Rollercoasters
(march 13th 2020)

Ok ok so it was night time, and in this world there was idk evil things going on? yea... well, we were going somewhere by walking,,, my sibs were ahead of us and I was walking with mom. My neighbor went somewhere with a bus.. Then something was about to happen as we were walking.

My mom was telling us to go back home or to hide... so I made my sibs and my mom hide behind a big tree... the things that were passing by look like the dinosaurs, Brontosaurus. I walked around the tree to look at them. my mom didn't want me to but I did anyway,,,those "Brontosaurus" had like evil presence so & decided to pray for them.

Just to let you know, I think those Brontosaurus represent people idk why but it just does... so I prayed, "God, please, let them feel Your presence, let them know that You love and that You are there for them. take their sins away and let them be in peace. in the name of Jesus..Amen" my prayer sounded like that, but i did remember "take their sins away."

When I finished the prayer, I saw their darkness going up, God heard my prayer and everything was starting to feel better in the world. The sky didn't look too dark and we felt peace. When He heard my prayer and saw what He did, I was filled with joy and I cried. It felt good. I felt my mom hug me.
That dream is my favorite.

2nd dream... . uhmmm I think I had the perspective of a guy... like like I was a guy I guess idk.... I remember, I lived in a reallly cool place. I think idk my brother was left behind from his bus so I had to pick him up.

I drove fast and went around cool places... almost crashed a couple times... I remember I didn't use my blinker to go to another lanes 😲 anyways, after picking him up,,,we drove through a cooool place that had rollercoasters... I saw a rollercoaster that spins around  super fast,,,,like fast fast and i was like "never getting in that".....

We drove around and parked and we walked around the place until we found a fun ride... We got in the ride that looks like a slingshot but had lots of protection,,, it was built like a hamster ball thing? where hamsters go in... 2/3 people could get in.

It felt pretty cool even though I felt like I was falling asleep in it but I felt the motion.... then when everything was finished, I had to go to the bathroom so I went. As I found them, they were all soooo messy.

I keep seeing a girl.. she then started talking to me. She, then started to confess her feelings towards me,,,(since i'm a guy in the dream) and she said that she already loves me... I was shook that I didn't know what to say,,, but let's say I said that I loved her too.

also in the 1st dream,,, after all the evil went away, people were hanging out in a stadium that was where i lived in the dream... there were people from school,,, even the twins.. i didn't see his other twin but the twin that i saw, he was dating someone. but yup, it was fun, felt so happy after my prayer was answered.

dream #2: the school i never noticed...
(march 16th 2020)

Ok ok ok soo first offf... school. I remember me bing always late... this class time, teacher put desks in circles and some are in rows at the end of it.. idk why but in the dreams i'm always nervous about that class cause one of my brothers friends was in it🙂 oopsss..

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