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some dreams posts may be out of order but the year will be the same


At first.. idk. All I could remember is that one family just adopted an 18 year old girl. She got good friends and stuff..

One day, in the dream, she went to church.. she sat next to these guys that she just met... when they were the peace thing, someone told the guy next to her to uhhh...shoot her?? the guy didn't want to but the girl was like "shoot me, you won't. do it" and so the guy did.

Then something happened to the guy that shot her, and they were told that he also died.. everyone was sad of what happened. His friends were really sad. they moved to another place and when they got there, they stopped being sad and knew he wasn't dead cause was immortal...so they looked for him and told him "it's all clear." pff... then idk but him and his friends decided to go back and apologize to the family and when they got there... the brother was angry that he grabbed a gun and started shooting at him but kept missing.

This dream is a mess cause idk if I explained it right

oh oh another part of the dream that I remember... I was driving so fast where I always drive after school and I didn't see a cop there and I thought i was going to get pulled over sooo I like did a 360? I then made the car fly to the other side of the road 🤣🤭 oop.. but I ended up not getting pulled over
Heh, weird how I dreamt that. Shooting an innocent girl and she actually made them do it since that guy was scared to do so but did it. OOOFFF

So yea, see ya!!
God loves you all and so do I🤍
~ Vv *wink wink* Ciao


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