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                     I had the best dream 💭
ugh waking up for school has to ruin it...

It was in random places, which I liked.

Ok so first my mom and I, dad and my sibs had to move to this house with a guy I actually really don't like like cause they let us stay for a while and we don't know what happened to our house. It was ok. It was a little crowded in there. But I guess my mom liked it, because she got to hang out with one of her friends more.

The next day I went to the store by myself to go shopping. The building looked like school. when I was walking towards the door, I saw one of my besties that moved to New York talking on the phone. When I was at other building I'm like "I ain't leaving without saying hi" so I went back to that building and looked for her and said hey. We hugged and we talked and hanged out.

We decided to hang out so we walked out the building and when we walked out the building, we were at school? Wow... we were walking in the hallways and out of nowhere this guy behind us with his girlfriend I guess? I don't know were laughing but I ignored it cause if they were laughing at me I didn't care....then the girl tapped my shoulder, I turn and she was laughing at me and I turned back around and walked away.

Me and my friend just jumped off from upstairs and landed that time, we were sitting in bleachers (we just appeared there like magic *laughs*) watching a soccer game and when I was sitting there the people next to me starting to throw me small balls that we use to play dodgeball  and every time it hit my Face I'd grab the ball and sort of pop it and throw it and I always made it in the trash can.

I was going to tell my friend something but she was doing something else and she had to go, so I guess I just stayed there by myself.

I looked to the left and saw one of my guy friends that I barely talk to, which is Juggie. But I just ignored him but mostly everyone.

Out of nowhere, I guess we were in a plane to do parachuting as a class but with a partner and the teacher like chose our partner and so I was partnered with Jug....we barely talked but we didn't argue about getting another partner...

I put his arms on top of mine just Incase we get out of balance cause our parachutes were like together but not like together together but together (eh Idk if you don't get it, haha) and then we jumped off. When we were falling about to pull the parachute thing, he looked up and noticed that his hands were on top of mine and he looked at me like in a serious way so i guess he just let go but our parachutes were still together and he was just on the bottom of me 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 then I guess he felt bad and was probably thinking to go back up again... so he did and I helped. Then we started talking. It was a good talk. Then he asked me why the people were laughing at me and I said, "i don't know, i guess they are just making fun of me because i usually talk to girls in school and not boys" and I guess he was like "aww" (I don't really know what we were talking about but I do remember some).

After all the parachuting stuff we walked home together and we talked a lot and that actually felt good to talk to someone....Then we were at these railings and he was in front of me and I was in front of him and we were talking a lot about our lives and out of nowhere I hear this voice behind me and I turn and see this girl in the window and all I was thinking was that Jug was talking to her and I'm like "I actually thought we were talking but I guess not" and I like walked away from him and he followed me and was like "no no, I am talking to you" and I looked at him and I'm like "really?" I stopped walking. "Yea, why did we walk all the way here and we were talking?" He said as we started walking again and he was next to me. I'm like "ok" so we continued walking.

When we were close to his house, his sister(he doesn't really have a sis irl) walked in front of us with her crutches that helped her walk cause she had a broken ankle and she had the crutches in different colors so Jug helped her change the colors and they had an extra pair of them. So after they change the colors, the extra ones were on the ground and Jug walked to me and told me to give them to him and as soon as I picked them up and give it to him I'm like "siiike" and he just laughed and I just smiled widely and gave them to him. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ then we talked more and said our goodbyes.

I went home and my mom  said that she was getting her license at the DMV and I was so happy for her so I went with her to get it cause she went in the morning in my dream and she waited for me to get back so I can see get her license, was pretty cool. I was so proud and she went with the mom of the guy that we stayed with.

They had another guy in and we helped cleaned up the house and I helped him pick what was important....then so yea that was a night.

The next day in the dream we were in video production class and the teacher assigned us a video that will  be due in 2 weeks (gosh wish this was real haha) and we were like "ok." So I had 2 guy friends in that class and one of them did 2 scenes of it and only have one word on both 😂 then Jug, the one that  I actually talked to had 4 scenes with words I guess....then I did mine and I randomly put 2 of my scenes at the end of their video with the air drop without accepting 😂 it was funny.

Then my alarm went off and I tried not to wake up and I touched my home button to turn it off and slept for 5 more minutes and I guess it didn't work so after 5 min I woke up and just tried not to forget my dream.... ahhhh fnfinfifjf my dream was GOOOOOD *jumps around excitedly*

I hope you guys enjoyed this's one of my favorite In April 2018... i dreamt this the night before the 25th of April...ndkdjdjhff i love this dream so much, it's soooo cuuute how me and Jug finally talked in my dream..ahhh

Anyways, I hoped you like it and hope I'll update soon whenever I remember dreams 💭
- ciao *wink wink* Vv

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