Crazy Field trip

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I-I hope you guys like this dream that i had last night. I actually have 2 parts for this (which sometimes I normally have *laughing face*.) anyways.. enjoy ;)
First part;
I was home with my family and we lived at the old house we used to live in. We had great neighbors. We were outside and we saw our neighbors had a big yard that goes to the other street, which was weird but it's ok because it was cool. Once we were in the house and I was with mom talking and I felt something. I felt like the house was shaking because of a tornado or something, I got scared so I guess I cried in the dream *confused face* anyways my mom was like "really you're scared :|" I guess she sounded mad *a what face emoji*. Then I guess we went to my moms room then I don't know what happened after that...

                           Second part;
Ok so this is about school *awkward smiling face*. So we had a field trip the day in my dream. I was so excited. I got my food to eat at the place and my phone to take pictures I guess. So we were getting ready, we got in the bus, I sat next to one of my guy friends let's call him Jake. He was a good dude *wink face*. So I was quiet until I started to talk to Jake *laughing face*.. "are you ready?" I looked at him with a smile and he looks at me and says "yes I've been waiting for this day" he looks down and I said "me too man" and he just smiled.

Then I looked behind me and saw my other guy friend (let's call him Jasper) Jasper and I said "are you ready Jasper?" And he looks up at me and says "yes I'm ready" with a smile. Then we just talked while we arrived to the place. Me and Jake talked about the retreat at Antioch. He said that he enjoyed it and enjoyed being on my group and that he will never forget those days. I looked up at him with a smile and I said "I enjoyed it too, and it was my favorite one too and it's like my 2nd time being on the retreat but as a team leader" and he smiled. Then when I looked up where the bus is going, we turned left. We went to see alligators *shocked face* and I'm like "oh cool we arrive at the place" and I thought we were going far but it was kinda close like few miles from the school and like I kinda know the place  *confused face but happy face*.

So we got off the place walking. The director that will show us the place told us to go through the water to be to the other side and I stayed behind because there were alligators in the WATER,  I was like "uhh this is not happening" I was about to go in but I felt like I was going to step on one so I didn't go in. Then I realized that there was a place to walk in-in front of me and I'm like "really? You guys swam and there was a walkway?.. *confused face*. So it was a little high but I got on too and walked through and made it to the other side (thank goodness).

The director was showing everything, explaining everything about reptiles. Then we went inside a building and the director asked us to sit down so we did. He talked about (let's guess) snakes. It was really interesting. But then I woke up and don't remember much *sad face*

I hope you guys "enjoyed" this dream.
Like, I can't believe we had to swim ti the other side but there were alligators in the water🤷‍♀️

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