ᖇᗩᑎᗪOᗰ ᑭᒪᗩᑕEᔕ

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So I had a good weird dream last night and I hope I explain it right. I was in a lot of places like a lot. I hope you enjoy, if you read it. Hehe.
7/31/18 or 8/1/18


In the beginning of the dream, I was at this place that looked like my school but it wasn't a school.

At this part, I was upstairs. I was looking around so confused. Out of nowhere, I walked somewhere to the edge and I saw the most scariest thing ever... dead people hanging upside down and upside up.

I was scared at this moment, not knowing what to do. I wanted to get down but I couldn't find any stairs so I looked down and see if I see people there.

I saw 3 people walking past and I got there attention. This one guy told me to go to this thing where they slide boxes.

So I did. He turned it on and he said to be careful but I did it fast and when the thing was sliding it went to fast that he had to like grab me so I don't fall on the floor and get hurt.

I was upset cause I saw those Poor innocent people hanging. Ugh it was sad.

Then for some reason I was at this fun place that had a pool. There was a big slide and then a huge pool in the middle and then other things in front of the pool.

I sort of didn't want to go but my friends made me.

So I went.

I walked up and then sat on the side and then slid down. I went so fast that when I was going to the water it made me go all the way to the other side of the pool and hit the rope wall. It was fun tho.

It was also unexpected.

I got out of that thing and walked back, but when I walked back I found out that the pool was fake?? No water? Whats?

Good thing I went all the way to the other side and not get hurt in that fake pool.

Then I was at a different place again....it had snow ahhh.

So my mom was driving and we were talking. I looked forward and we were driving on train tracks and I told her and then I see another car on front and I thought it was a train so I said to mom that there is a train coming but she didn't drive fast because she noticed it was a truck. It went where we were going.

The place we were driving was so pretty!!

There was this tree that had a treehouse in it and it looked sooooo pretty like forreal. Nice stairs and doors...everything.

Then I saw people rolling down on a big hill? Hah, bet they had fun, even tho they could've got hurt because it's a big hill and hurt their necks since they rolled upwards with their heads.

Then we were at this place I forgot where but it was a house. Someone's house. -I feel like I had dreamt this part before but I know I didn't but I feel like I did- we got out the car and knocked.

They opened up the door and welcomed us. We walked in and mom talked to the owner about something.

Before we left they gave us something...like a watch and other few things they didn't want. We thanked them and we left.

Then we drove to this place that my dad wanted to go see... and when we got there. We were looking at a house. A house that a wall can slide up open and it had little room. There was a door where it gets you in and there is so much room. It was pretty cool.

I think we were thinking to get it but we didn't cause we already have a nice house.

Then we went to this other location where almost a lot of people from school go to.

We parked somewhere and we walked there.

The building was all glass but the roof. Before we went in my siblings and mom looked through the window to see and I didn't want to do that because people were eating there close and I didn't really want people from school to see me.

Then we walked in.

It was a nice place. Lots of people were there. I saw some of my friends. Some people I see around school.

I also saw this one guy that reminds me of Cameron Dellas.

Then my friend found me and we hung out. We went outside and talked. It was fun. Then we had to go back in. I sat with mom. Then there was a ceremony going on and I decided to walk to my friend. I sat next to her.

Then we sat on the ground which I didn't like because I had these pants that needed a belt. Ugh. I was uncomfortable and not happy.

I didn't want to embarrass myself since the guys from school were there and I had to like pull my pants a lot of times. Ugh. Haha yikes.

I think that's all I remember, yep. Yea, I know it's a little boring dream buuut oh well. At least I'm uploading a dream. Lol.

Hope y'all enjoyed. The beginning was so weird and scary. I don't even know why I dreamt that. Anyways, see ya next time.

- Ciao *wink wink* Vv

ᔕᒪEE OE, ᗪᖇEᗩᗰ OE 🖤💭

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