My seashell necklace

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I kinda like this dream. 😂 but it's going to be short soooo.... enjoy.
*Some parts are made up by the way*

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Ok I so went to the beach and collected seashells because I was planning to make a handmade necklace for me.

I found some good shells and found a cute big shell. I thought the big one should be the one in the middle and the other ones the rest. After finding seashells, I just went to the water and chill and had a good time.

An hour later, I decided to go home. I did what I had to do the salt from the ocean could get off of me.

I, then sat on my bed and decided to make the necklace with the shells I got from the beach. I put the big one first then the small ones on each sides.

For some reason, I wrote "I love him" on the big shell when I finished with the necklace. The "I love you" was for my "crush" because I liked him way too much. (In the dream of course).

I put it on and kept it on.

One day, I was walking and I was feeling my neck. I was shocked and kinda scared because I couldn't feel my necklace on my neck. I touched my neck again and it wasn't there.

I looked everywhere for it but I couldn't find it. I decided to stop looking for it because I knew I wouldn't never find it again, so I left.

Sometime around night, I was on instagram scrolling down my timeline. I was liking pictures like always.

Before I turned off my phone or just get off instagram for the day, I saw a new post that my "crush" posted. He was shirtless and was wearing a necklace. The picture caught my eyes because of the necklace. At first i was like "wow, that looks exactly like mine" then I zoomed in and looked at the big shell, it had a writing that said "i love him" and I knew it was mine.

I was shocked. My crush had it and he knows my handwriting...which meant that he knows I liked him. I talked to myself for a while because I was so shocked and embarrassed. "Wow, he me...back" I opened my eyes wide open, "oh my gosh...he does." But all I could feel in the moment was embarrassment.

I kept staring at the picture because of my necklace and of course, my crush is shirtless and looked handsome. 😂😂
-that's all I remember and I liked it 😂🙈 tbh, I never seen him shirtless in real life😂🙄

Hope you guys enjoyed.
Wow, dreaming about my Juggie couple of times this summer😱🤤😂
Oh well.
- let's say the shells were necklaces 😂 Vv
*wink wink* x

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