𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎𝑦

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This one is eh, and I don't really remember this dream but I wrote it in my spam so I'm posting it :))

the highway

I felt like I was in a movie... I don't really remember all the details but I do remember that I was with people at a pool like the springs we have where I live.

There was good people,,,bad people. I remember seeing people fall and almost drowning and these people helped them.

On the last part of my dream I remember we got the thing that the bad people had and we had to take it somewhere where they can't find it and I went with the people... I got on a motorcycle with this guy.... this motorcycle was attached to another one cause we were all going the same way... as we went... the guy said something like "there is another high way we can take so the bad guys don't get closer" and I was like "let's do it... go to it" so he slowly removed his motorcycle from the other motorcycle and we went to the other high way... as we rode through there... ~saw an imagination where this dad was training his son those dances with ropes? not poles~

Ehh yea.. it was I guess interesting... then idk what happened next.... ooo I also remember that the pool spring was near houses and I walked around the houses to find friend houses but I couldn't remember which house... idk I don't make sense... but the houses were so nice.

So yea, I guess this dream was nice when I dreamt
it. I hope y'all enjoyed this one.

So yea, see ya!!
God loves you all and so do I🤍
~   Vv *wink wink* Ciao


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