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This is going to be my friends dream... so enjoy....

So we were talking about dreams when we were eating and she said that we were at school...

So she said that the dog-bowl had like long grass and we were hanging out...then she said that we were going somewhere so we left.

We thought we had everyone with us so we just kept walking...

Ana noticed something....noticed that we were missing someone...she noticed that our friend Alexis was missing and thought that she got lost...so then she said that I said "well, let's go back to the dog-bowl and check."

we agreed.

We went back and we found her just sitting on the ground criss-cross...so we went up to her and Diamond was like "where have you been? We thought we lost you." Alexis looked up at her and looked at us and she said "you guys left me" and Ana was like "what! I thought you were behind us" and Alexis was like "yea but I was looking at the long grass and when I looked back you guys were gone so I stayed here so I don't get lost."

We then apologized and we all then went to the place that we wanted to go in the school. It was probably like a little shop across the school campus.

When she told me her dream I laughed so hard 💭
It's short story but it's ok.
I hope we never forget our friends when we go somewhere together

Man, dreaming is the best thing to do while sleeping 💭
See ya next time *wink wink*
- Vv

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