𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑏𝑦𝑒𝑠

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The other night I had the best dream everrrrr!!! I really enjoyed it.
Favorite dream of the month WOOO.
hope y'all enjoy!
7-18-20 or 7-19-20
Ok so, I might make some things up cause I don't remember all of it, plus it's my fav dream hehe..

So I graduated again. but this time, it was different.

The ceremony was beautiful, like irl. We did what we had to do. Got my diploma, once again. Got pictures taking. Pretty nice.

The most interesting thing about it is that...my crush , Edward that I liked since 2013, was there.

I haven't dreamt of him for a long time ahahahaha, but I finally did last night. oop.

We graduating the same day. Same school. When his name was called, I clapped. I was happy for him. I was even smiling a lot. A very very proud girl that likes him.

Ao, after the ceremony, we met up with our parents. They congratulated us and were so happy for us. They were so happy. They even got us stuff to take since we were going to college after. Then it was time to say goodbye. I had happy tears man, I hugged my parents tight.


After meeting up with my parents, I was walking by myself , looking for my friend, J who was near the busses that were going to take us to the colleges we applied to. ~yea, college, right after graduating~.

I couldn't believe we were going to college after the ceremony. It was craZy how high school went by so FAST.

As I was walking, I heard my name called. I stopped
turned to my right and saw Edward.  "Vanessa" he says, again. I saw him handshake his friends as if he was talking about me.

My heart raced when he was waving at me to talk.

I thought to myself,  "should I just keep walking or go to him?" I decided to go to him.

as he walks up to me, I smiled widely. Couldn't believe he was going to talk to me, after not talking to each other for a long time.

Then when he was close, he immediately gave me a hug. I didn't expect him to reach out to me and give me a hug. ~wish I could hug him irl tho haha maybe someday if we ever talk again~ I hugged him back smiling with a giggle

He was goodbye to me cause he was going to a different college that wasn't close to where we live. I was sad tho cause I wasn't going to see him and we might've like lost chance with each other since were going to different colleges.

Plus, I even thing he confessed his feelings for me , which brought me to tears and I confessed mine, too ~but I don't remember that part but let's just say he did haha~ We both had tears.

When he let go, I pulled him into the hug again as we both had tears and hugged tightly , by the side tho...like we didn't want to let go. I had my arm around his neck , his on my waist.

I think I gave him a small kiss on his head.

Plus, I think people were shocked about us. Maybe they thought we both belonged together. I didn't notice cause my focus on that moment was on Edward.

We didn't let go until it was time to leave. "Bye V. I'm gonna miss you. Have a nice ride to college and have fun. Text me whenever" he says. I smiled, looking into his eyes. "I will. You too, ok? I'll miss you...more" I say softly.

Then we let go and said goodbye again.
I walked to my friend J we got into the busses to go to college.

I felt happy.

Second Part: Airpods

I was home, that looked different.
So I am missing one of my airpods, which is the right one.
In this dream, I kept finding airpods but they were always the left ones, not the right one.
It was a bit crazy haha

Then I don't remember all..
But I woke up smiling.
So yea, that's it.
Can't believe I had a dream of him.
It was great. It was nice. I liked it.
So yea, hope y'all like it like I did.
So yea, see ya!!
God loves you all🤍
~   Vv *wink wink* Ciao

ᔕᒪEE OE, ᗪᖇEᗩᗰ OE 💭🖤🌸

My Dreams 💭🖤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora