Weird Vampire Life Dream

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Ok so I kinda liked this dream I had last night (Saturday night) 😂.. it was about me and my fam.. but then I kind woke up and had a vampire life but I was still a human. It was weird. Saw a kid from a school and we talked 😂..... But hope you guys enjoy 😂🙏🙈
Let's begin...

So in the beginning, I was at this hotel thing with my family cleaning and building stuff. So we had to put new floors and I was doing the buttom floor and my brother was doing the upstairs floor. Once I finished with mine, i wanted to do more but my brother was like "no i want to finish it on my own" so I'm like "ok I got you" so I got out the house upset 😂

i was at this place where I used to live before. So I decided to take a walk. When I was walking this guy Greyson came up so me and was talking to him and I tried to talk but then out of no where I started crying :/ so I whipped my tears and he did too and I tried to explain to him what happen but i don't know what happened ;/.. I guess I woke up but then I slept again.. so this next dream began where I lived before too..

So bella was my mom and Edward my dad 😂🤷‍♀️ so we wanted to go somewhere find someone but we had to drive. Bella wanted to drive so she did. She drove so fast until we had to stop at the stop sign before going in the road. When we were ready to go, she drove so fast that I'm like "oh my goooosh slooooowwww down please I don't want to die" and Edward was telling her that but she didn't stop until we got to our destination 🤷‍♀️.. so when we got out the car, it smelled a lot of cigarettes.. when I was walking I saw Greyson again, we high fived and he just walked away 😂 then there were a lot of cigars on the floor, fire everywhere(like on plants, floor, and people), people throwing fire at each other and when I walked, this girl out of nowhere popped out and she exploded I guess.. so I guess I died and let's make up the ending...

Bella and Edward got so mad and decided to kill everyone and suck their blood 🤷‍♀️😂🖤
So yea that's my dream😂💭
The Guy Greyson is a guy at my school which I don't talk to but we only talked when we did work in 3rd per in 8th grade 😂 hope it makes sense 🤷‍♀️🤓🌚

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