the strangest dream 😱

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hiiii beautiful people...
i have another dream to share and this one is the strangest one in 2019!!

anyways... i hope, i guess, enjoy? yup...


My mom wanted to stay at her friends house for the night and spend time with her the day since they haven't seen each other for a while.

Her friend had four kids; one older daughter who is, let's say, 16, another daughter who is maybe 12, another daughter who is 11 and a son who is 11.

Her children were so nice and such cuties.

It was night time, which meant, we had to go to sleep. they only had two rooms. Her and her older daughter shared rooms while the other three shared rooms.

We all planned who to sleep siblings slept with the other kids and I had to sleep with the 16 year old, let's call her, Nelly.

Nelly, oh, she was a really nice friend. I don't even know why I had her in my dream, and she is from my school, well looks like her, at least. That night we slept.

In the morning, I woke up from Nelly's siblings. They asked if they can play with their toys or video games, I don't know. After they left to go to their room, I asked, Ale for a hug, and he did gave me a hug... which made me smile.

After Nelly woke up, I had the blankets off of me...out of nowhere I feel a hand go... you know, girls part(not inside tho, but like on top of my leggings that I was wearing). I looked at her and I pretend to fall to the ground. I, as well, went back on the bed and lay there again.

Again, she does it again. I, of course, felt so weird. "not here, my mom and your mom is there next to us" I said to her. She sits up and says, "let's go to the bathroom then" and gets up and walks there before I did.

I got up, and before leaving, I grabbed my phone so the moms don't think of nothing bad.

Before I headed to the bathroom, I went to the kids room to see what they were doing. I was watching them play their games and my bro's watching and playing with them.

I, then, decided to go to the bathroom.

As I was there, Nelly wasn't in there. So I stood next to the wall and waited...I guess.

Out of the nowhere, she walks in... looking at me and I looked back at her. She of course, was smiling. I stood there, confused, nervous and a little uncomfortable, I guess I can say.

She walks up to me close and pins me against the wall. Yeah I know, that's crazy crazy like really really crazy and weird. She then kisses me. I, of course didn't really kissed back cause that was my "first" kiss with a girl (in the dream not real life cause I haven't had my first kiss yet)

   But something was like eh, I don't know why but she had something in her mouth that got in my mouth... it felt yep rocks. I backed out and then I just looked at her.

  She comes close to me again and kisses me again. Again, she still had the things in her mouth so like, I stopped her.

   I spit out the things she had in her mouth that got in my mouth and spit in the trash. I think I said "Sorry, Nelly, but, I don't know if we should do that" she looks at me and she understood me.

  "Ok" she says with a smile. She then gives me a shirt that I could wear since I didn't bring extra clothes, I guess. "Thanks" I say to her as she walks out the bathroom.

  I close the doors and before I changed shirts, Instead of putting the blue shirt she gave me I put on the yellow one that she had... I sigh. I then looked at myself in the mirror clueless, I guess you can imagine. Like, I was confused over myself of what just happened.

I don't know why but I felt like Nelly opened the door to check on me but I didn't notice.

   Anyways, we had school that morning and  I don't really remember what happened in the beginning but I remember walking to this place I never seen, and we were walking to a lake...

I was excited.

    The teacher told us that we were going on a submarine, yea a submarine to see what was underwater.

   Honestly, the submarine was weird. The captain, I guess had to like get on top and lay there and be the control of the submarine.... you know those toys or things that has like poky stuff and you can put your hand in there and the sticks makes a hand? yea that.

   As we were under the water, it was like we entered a different world. It was beautiful. We were just looking at it and enjoy. We were also, of course, learning. At some point, the captain was having some trouble so we saw the water again.

    Few minutes later, he had it in control. "It's ok, students, we only have 30 minutes left of class" the teacher said. Wow that was nice. I was having a nice day.

    That class ended, we walked out the submarine and walked to different class. I walked into this class that had seats like the cafeteria. 

   I was late, I think. I walked in and tried to get a seat. People were seating everywhere... On the ground, on the seats, couches... wow that class was nice.

   Anyways, I tried to get a seat next to this girl but it was a little crowded... when I looked behind me, I noticed this guy, who I might know irl. He was sitting on the ground. I tried sitting down, once again but then I quit, so I decided to sit on the couch.

   When I was standing at first before sitting on the couch, the guy behind me who was sitting on the ground was asking me something, maybe like "are you ok?" I looked down at him and smiled a little, "yea, i'm just mad" he looked at me smiling and was like "ah gotcha" then I sat down.

   As I sat down, the guy was still talking to me. He almost touched my leg, well my knee, like a "whatsup whatsup" I guess? like when guys tap each other's shoulders, yea.

   We were talking having a nice time I guess... Out of nowhere, I think he was sitting next to me at this moment, he says "I can see you dating a..." I looked at him, "dating a?" I asked. "A Stranger." He says. I smiled shaking my head at him not knowing what to say.  "A stranger?" I asked myself in my head.

  Then that's all I remember from this dream.


Yea, that's a super, weird, strange and good (good at the end) dream like whaaaatsss how did i end up dreaming of that? yikes.

I hope you guys enjoyed, even tho it's a little.... ehhh in the beginning of it.

i only kind of liked the end of the dream.

ok ok ok since i had that dream last night, i couldn't stop thinking about it the whole day during school.... like i was like "oh my goodness why why why, why that dream?"  *laughing face*

anyways, hope i write more dreams.

see ya

~ Vv *wink wink* Ciao

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