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Wow, I'm back....I haven't written/typed any dreams for a while cause I haven't remembered any since school started. Anyways, enjoy this.

Let's call this guy...Kevin.. alright? Cause he looks like Kevin from Home Alone. Hehehehe

Title: unexpected girlfriend

So I have this guy in one of my classes right? Well, we are in a group together and we all talk a lot.

Well, I'm trying not to fall for him since he is a little younger than me... I'm 18 and he is 3/4 years younger...so he's basically like 14... yea crazy, I know.

Anyways, in my dream, we were in class, but like in a different class and he sat in front of me.

Well, he was talking to this girl and I was all just quiet saying nothing.

But I was looking at them.

Out of nowhere, I see her and him getting close and I remember that she sat with him in his desk and he put his arm around her waist and he kisses her cheek.

I guess I was jelly? Or was like "what? He has a girlfriend?" And I thinking "yea I should just stop liking him or something" and I just shook my head to myself and just continued working on my work, I guess

But he was cute hehehe

Second dream: suspicious boys

Me and my friends went to this weird store near where we lived (not in real life tho) to buy something's that we going that we're pretty cool.

I drove to the place.

When we were finished, we were heading to my car and before we even got in it opened the door, there was this guy coming towards us...

I quickly locked my car and I see him looking over to the other side and was looking at his friends.

They were coming towards us...and they looked very suspicious...like they planned to do something bad to us.

Me and my friends backed up and we all ran away.

I guess those guys were following us.

One of them was following me... so I like ran so fast that I jumped (yes, I jumped) and ran as I was on the air (wtheck weird hahah) and got on  a tree. 

Then I don't remember what happened on the rest

Third dream: the treehouse

I was with my family and I was hanging out with everyone of them.

It was pretty fun.

So, I was walking around the backyard and when i was walking around I looked up and I noticed that there was a really nice treehouse on our tree.

My dad was like "oh I built it for you" and I was like "whaaaats" and I like walked up and walked around it and it was such a beautiful tree house.

Very beautiful.

I loved it.

Then they walked around in too.

It was nice seeing it very organized and clean.

I hung up on there and had fun.

I could even study and relax up there.


Well, that's my dreams from last night. It was nice and weird. I know it's only a little bit that I remember. But oh well.

I really hope I remember more dreams so I reach 100 parts/chapters by 2019 hehe

Anyways update of my life; it's going great. I'm enjoying my junior year. I went to my first football game last night and it was good and WE WON!! Yesssss. Homecoming week was GREAT! Ahhh. I even went to our Growl and watched the cheer team on Thursday night(girls and males team) and they were AMAZING!

I love my school, lol

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy your day, week 🤙🏻♥️

See y'all next time

- Vv *wink wink* ciao

Sleep more, dream more 🖤🌸💭

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