Zippers and Ties

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You groaned a little as you continued to dress in your best dress. It was always so tight and itchy. This was one of the many downsides of being royalty. You had to make yourself uncomfortable constantly to please others. 

You suddenly realized something as you finished. This dress you were wearing had a new trend on the back. Something the seamstresses called a zipper. You reached behind your back and tried to zip it up to no avail. 

You sighed and walked over to your bathroom door. "Varian?" you called after a soft knock. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah," Varian said from behind the door. 

You opened the door to see Varian all dressed up in some fancy suit and was struggling with something around his neck. You lightly giggled at the sight. It always felt so strange seeing Varian dressed up like that. You were much more used to seeing him in his normal clothes with his apron, gloves, and goggles. 

You also felt a little bad. Varian had to learn the hard way that being the boyfriend of a princess wasn't easy. Seeing how he did have to suffer through the same things you did. Both of you had to make public appearances, shadow the king and queen while they were in court, and attend every ball, gala, and party thrown.

You walked over to Varian, and he stopped struggling with the fabric around his neck. "I hate to embarrass you," you said as you tuned around. "But..." You moved your hair to show the unzipped zipper. "Could you help me out?"

Varian's cheeks slightly lit up as he reached for the zipper. "Uh, no problem," Varian said. He kept averting his eyes way from your bare back as he zipped up your dress.

"Thanks," you said turning back around only to see a slightly flustered Varian. "You okay?" you asked after a small chuckle.

"Yep," Varian quickly said directing his attention back at his reflection as he struggled with the fabric on his neck some more.

You took quick notice of his struggling. "Umm, do you need help?" you asked.

"No, no," Varian quickly said. "I've got it. I've got it." He sighed when he realized he just tied the fabric into a silly looking knot.

You chuckled as you stepped in front of Varian and started to undo the silly knot. "The genius who invented the Elemental Remogrifier can't tie a tie."

"Well, in my defense, it's nice when you do it, (n/n)," Varian said.

You rolled your eyes playfully at the silly nickname Varian gave you and finished tying his tie. "There," you said as you grabbed his hand. "We better get going. We don't want to be late for the duke and duchess' arrival." 

You both headed out of your room and towards the throne room with your hands intertwined.

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